Play with your friends bro, even if your having a hard time. Play the vanguard role hang just a bit back watch their movement, listen for call outs, and ask what they would like you to do. As your awareness goes up, map knowledge and gun skill goes up you'll start contributing more and more. Playing in a fireteam is the best way to improve especially if they are better players. That moment you snipe a streamer or outgun the top player on the opposing team will make it all worth it even if it's your only kill.
Good advice.
It is. My friends are very skilled. I learned to stay on their hip and hold back. let them lead and play support and back up. Not many kills but a lot of assists. You just have to learn to adapt to a new play style to be more successful.
Yes, this... I ain't great in PvP, but I find I do enjoy it in spite of that. I have friends who are good, and when we are all together I'm usually the lowest. :( But.... I have had those positive kd matches... And like you say - when you take down the opposing point leader who's shredding everybody - :)) you do get better. And i think finding the load out that you are comfortable with and can score with is very important. Also if you've got good people on your team, they should accept you and encourage you.... it is after all, just a game!