I don't get people that complain about this. if you are that bad, stop rushing solo, find your team and stick with them
equip mida and a shotgun or uni and a sniper. pick off people from far away, run if you have to, and protect yourself from rushers with that shotgun. strategically place your grenades
I mean if I had to and wanted to, I could probably die 5 or less times a match by playing cowardly
tldr: if you can't win with skill, learn to play strategically
i appreciate your input, but would say that i truly do that to the best of my ability. there are sometimes just instances where i cant move from spawn after a death and even if i stay in it somebody with better gun skills comes and gets me eventually. you are right, definitely, but i do want to say that i consciously and actively try to do exactly what you are saying. thank you.
here's another tip. play trials, lots of it, even if not to go flawless but pay attention to what your opponents are doing and where the choke points on the map are trials is the best way to learn map awareness, and once you know the maps you will see your skill increase by default
[quote]here's another tip. play trials, lots of it, even if not to go flawless but pay attention to what your opponents are doing and where the choke points on the map are trials is the best way to learn map awareness, and once you know the maps you will see your skill increase by default[/quote] Trials is one of the worst ways to learn how to play pvp. Elimination in general is way too passive, you wont learn how to make quick decisions. The best way to actually improve your pvp skills is to play skirmish and rumble. You'll learn everything how to rotate and read the map, to stay alive, how to react in situations where you are outnumbered and how to win your 1v1 engagements.
Yes, strategically is how I improved my kd right before ttk. Its not about how many kills you get, its how many times you don't get killed. That's what I play by now.
you are definitely correct. my friends are nice enough to put me in their backpack each weekend and take me for a tour of mercury, and the single most important thing i have learned is that me not dying is my number one priority to help them. if i dont live, the card is a constant 2v3 for them and no fun at all. thank you for your input!
Great advice!! I'm not that great, and what I found is that if while playing clash, or control, if I anchor the spawn, and let them come to me, I do better overall, and am less of a detriment to the team. I don't get a ton of kills but I generally won't run negative.
that is a great point. i must admit that your saying this makes me see a problem i have more clearly. i often obsess on an objective in, say, rift or control, and might not be as careful as i should if i feel there is a need to make it to a certain objective quickly. in clash, when its just killing, it is much easier to stay behind a safe wall of teammates, but now, i will put the same trust in that wall in objective modes as well. thank you very much.
No problem!!! Plus when you anchor the spawn, it won't spawn your teammates all over the map, many times right in the midst of the opposing team. Which does nothing but feed them kills
another great point, indeed. i was playing clash solo this morning and trying to notice where my teammates were and what it did, if anything, to peoples spawns, so its interesting to see this mentioned right now. thanks again. this makes me feel like i am starting to at least look at the right things.