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8/31/2016 1:14:49 PM
Disagree. If you're that bad (K/D ==0.3) then SBMM isn't your problem, and CBMM isn't the answer. Because if the game went to a CBMM scheme, you would still spend the vast majority of your time playing against people who are significantly better than you. You'd still perform poorly, and you'd still (no disrespect intended) be a liability to any team that is trying hard to win. What SBSMM does---for a player like you---is LOWER the barriers to enterning the game....and acquiring the skill to play it. With SBMM you are matched against players who are of a similar skill level as yourself. SO THE GAME UNFOLDS MORE SLOWLY....and people are less likely to fight their way out of bad decisions based on raw twitch speed, or having lots of experience. So you have a chance to come to understand the game you're playing. See what are good decisions....because you get rewarded with kills. See what are bad decisions...because they get you killed. So you start to learn and you get better. Then the game gets you better opponents...and the process goes on. You get to experience some success and you get better incrementally. Without any SBMM, you'd likely get thrown in with me. I'm currently averaging about a 1.25 K/D in my matches these days....even allowing for SBMM....which makes me about a top 20% player in PVP. But even at that level of the game, I'm going to move too fast, and make decisions too fast for you to keep up with. I'm going to be able to anticipate what are actually good decisions on your part....because I've seen them hundreds or thousands of times before. So there's a good chance you'll end up dead, even though you've done the "right" thing. God forbid you get thrown in with the ELITE PvPers. Because at THAT level of the game you're going to be basically helpless. Those guys are so fast, shoot so precisely, and make decisions so quickly that you will have difficult time even understanding what's happening. You'll be like a Little League baseball player who's stepped into the batter's box with a Cy Young Award Winning Major League Pitcher. You will not get better in a situation like that. You will not have fun. That is a recipie for humiliation and frustration on a CONTINUAL basis....and a player like yourself being forced to eventually quit. Trust me. I went through something similar to that trying to learn how to play Battlefield 4 two years ago. ....and after two days of dying to people who seemed to literally spring up out of the ground around me, and not being able to figure out what I was doing wrong that kept getting me killed.... I finally said F-it, and quit. ...and those people you never get to hear complaining bout CBMM. You just get to hear the players who had "fun" running those people out, arguing in favor of letting them get their shit-stomping in.

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