I'm sad I'm not gonna be here for the drop of Rise of Iron. Though I am excited what the future holds for me. I ship out next Tuesday for boot camp and won't be back for 6-8 weeks. I having pre-ordered RoI, have something to look forward to when I get back. I am worried however that I won't receive my pre-order exclusives/perks or what ever you wish to call it. But all things considered, I'm just excited to play the next biggest thing in the Bungie community. I look forward to what you, Bungie, have in store for us as players.
- DGP Splittin' and peacin' out.
The military did you a favor on making you skip out on that money grab
I'd ask if y'all would please leave out hate towards Bungie's material, and hate in general. Instead place it towards Activition. My thing is, at least Bungie cares for the players. Some of you will say, "Oh Rise of Iron is just another money grabber", well its not. Its supposed to be the segway between Destiny and Destiny 2. If in the end it is another money grabber, who cares. If you don't like it, who cares. If you don't like it so much don't get it in the first place, or don't even play the game. If someone wants to spend [u]their[/u] money on it, why should you care. You not getting it would mean better and more loot for me.