I love skill based matchmaking! Before you get pissed listen to this story. My cousin had a PS4 and he just bought vanilla destiny, (this is post taken king) if I had to guess he had a KD similar to OP. My KD on xbox has hovered around 1.21 for about 9 months now. I went into a salvage lobby as his Titan using a frontier AR (I think it's a green?) And a high impact shotty (probably was green as well) End of that game I had around 18 kills and 5 deaths. Stats aside, I had something happen that game that hasn't happened for many PvP players in a while, I actually had fun. Yeah their aim was all over the place and they may have had the reaction time of a newborn but it was enjoyable. (As for ps players, how the heck do you snipe with those weird sticks?)
TLDR: SBMM will only be fun for average players playing on below average accounts.
Kontrol Freeks
This story makes no sense in favor of SBMM... Unless you are encouraging people to only play on their friends accounts.