I want to see if there is any reason I should return and possibly enjoy this game.
I [b] don't [/b] have home internet connection.
I had not played since October and just came back. It's nice to replay everything and finish off the year two check list. However, I played for maybe 4 days... You'll quickly be reminded of all reasons you stopped playing. Looking forward to the dlc, even if it entertains me for 6 weeks
You have anything better to do?
Step 1. Play Destiny Step 2. Actually play Destiny. Don't just log in and shoot some stuff and log out. Do the quests. Find a group to play with. Do the raids. Go to the lighthouse. Grind for those God roll weapons. Have ups and downs with friends in pvp and beyond. Stay up late and F off with 6 defenders in iron banner. Step 3. Ask yourself if you enjoyed yourself completing step 2. Step 4. Message me your results.
Nolan bot
Don't come back
Nah. Leave and never come back.
Just do it