The most talented players [b]should[/b] be playing the most talented players. The not so talented should not be playing top tier players 5 matches in a row.
Mixing everyone in with those [b]slightly[/b] better than them would benefit those trying to learn PvP.
Streamers cried because they had to play each other so Trials is more card based than SBMM. Bungie caters to 10% and craps on 90%. Streamers have an audience to complain to and Bungie fears them.
Tell me again how catering to top tier players benefits [i]anyone[/i] other than top tier players. SBMM is a joke. Crucible is a joke. Streamers are a joke.
Crucible and streamers will kill Destiny. If I hadn't already pre-ordered RoI, I wouldn't. Will I buy Destiny 2 if they can't get a grip on Crucible and fix the lag/latency - not a chance in hell. I won't buy anything Bungie makes.
Two years in and the current state of the Crucible is the best they can manage? I'd be ashamed to say I worked at Bungie.
Yet here you are still supporting them by playing their game and pre-ordering content. You don't like the Crucible? Don't play it. It's as simple as that.
Don't like my post... don't reply.
Streamers are a disease that has crippled Bungie/Activision.
Couldn't agree more BUNGIE should be ashamed of the current state of crucible. My biggest disappointment with Rise of Iron is that I haven't heard anything about them implementing servers everywhere. You've made at least a billion off this game BUNGIE/Activision do us some respect and put servers everywhere it's gone on long enough without it.