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9/1/2016 5:17:07 PM

Hey Bungie, don't even think about resetting and making us start new Guardians in Destiny 2

The writers at Forbes are idiots to suggest it. If you're going to make us start over then you need to drop the ranking up and progression completely and turn this into a Halo type experience. If we're going to grind, progress and build our guardians over multiple paid expansions then you need to let us continue with our Guardians we're investing all this time into. Honestly the fact that these writers at Forbes are suggesting a reset is complete crap. If you want a fresh start you can delete and make a new Guardian any time you want. Don't force that bs on others who are invested in their Guardians. Thank-you

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  • New classes and races would be cool

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  • We should keep our Guardians and trash gear to make room for better gear

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  • They will do what they want, you will give them money! Doesn't matter what you the customer want. It's all about what luke Smith wants.

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    1 Reply
    • That was a bs article. I would be shocked if they did that. All the talk has been about our Guadian's journey. I can see new sub classes or skills, but the character stays. Weapons on the other hand... It would be a new game so it wouldn't shock me if they went. I'd be sad though.

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    • I wonder if in Destiny 2 they'll make more elemental primaries >.> [spoiler]Wants to feel rewarded from raids again...[/spoiler]

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      11 Replies
      • The fact our Characters are basically uploaded in their database and we have to connect to their services to even see our characters, leads me to believe the characters would carry over. I imagine there will be yet another "character conversion" of sorts like what we all had to do with cutting off last gen consoles. Except, we'll be cutting off from D1 specifically and leaving that "instance" of our characters behind. I dunno, just my random thoughts of it.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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        3 Replies
        • They said we were carrying over our characters mind

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          5 Replies
          • Edited by TheShadow: 9/2/2016 10:46:43 PM
            Hell just to change your looks in Destiny you have to delete your character and start everything over again. That has to be one of the dumbest things Bungie has done. It's most likely everyone will start over because things will be made obsolete and you are starting a whole new story. Y1 is a prime example on what to expect to happen for Destiny 2. Yeah Bungie said will be able to carry our characters over but at what cost? We all know they will make a $40 boost pack that will actually make it pointless for new gamers to buy because you will be able to level up in less then a week. You know they are going to resell more y1 exotics that most likely will be as effective as Ttk exotics. A pointless grind knowing they wont work across the entire board. So in all you will be regrinding for things that you already have. So here comes the nerfed Gohorn before Destiny 2. Is it getting removed for a second time? Is Bungie going to screw the PvE gamers over again by capping everything from ROI? Is Bungie going to separate the balance from PvP and PvE or keep screwing over the PvE gamers? There are hundreds of questions that need to be answered other then just re-leveling a character in Destiny 2. I guess the question is, is Bungie going to lie to their fan base again...

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            3 Replies
            • Is it possible for anyone to link he article so i can read ? However i doubt Bungie is planning to reset character progression. It will be very stupid to reset characters as previous attempt caused an uproar within the community. Destiny is not an MMO however it follows MMO character progression. So i expect to continue with our existing characters. I am seeing many changes from Bungie therefor i believe they will not make this bad move.

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              1 Reply
              • You know what's funny about some of you saying " if we have to start over i won't buy it" Most of you will and Bungie will lie about what's actually going to happen just so you will buy it. So when you see that things aren't as "Bungie says they will be" don't come back on here complaning about knowing you knew what was going to happen.

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                7 Replies
                • Edited by Vampire Nox: 9/1/2016 8:20:19 PM
                  [quote]Posted by: RedWingGirl1999 While they couldn't commit to the 10 year plan, they did say they also felt it was important to respect the players long dedication in their characters, and that they agree this should be maintained.[/quote] Those very same people said the exact same thing about our Year 1 weapons and armors... ... Right before they told us that they wouldn't be coming forward into TTK/Y2, then did a blanket nerf on everything Y1 a week before TTK released. They killed Y1, right after saying how important gear in a Loot-based shooter is, and that they want our time and effort put into those Y1 weapons to matter. So, it's highly possible that Bungie will say "-blam!- YOU" to all of their players and require everyone to start from scratch. And [b]IF[/b] Bungie should make that horrible, horrible choice, I will blame Paul Tassi for being an ignorant -blam!-stick for ever suggesting it. But (there's always a "but"...); if Bungie thought the community rage over Y1 gear being left behind was bad. If they thought the vitriol was real with Luke Smith's "throw money at your screen" comment... those examples of community rage will be nothing compared to the sheer fury that will be unleashed if they drop the bomb that we'll all have to start from scratch with Destiny 2. We're [b]supposed to[/b] be able to ride our characters through this entire 10-year franchise. It's the obvious core of what this game is built around (besides the grind...). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bungie: We, as players, bought into a 10-year [b]Franchise[/b], [u]not[/u] a 10-year [b]Publishing[/b] contract. Gamers (by nature) have a hard time dropping an entire franchise for good, even when they're unhappy. But Gamers have no loyalty to Publishing Contracts.

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                  49 Replies
                  • I disagree with you I want new stuff new characters new abilities I'm tired to play the same characters over and over again

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                    2 Replies
                    • To put it simply, I would love the opportunity to start a brand new experience, but not at the cost of my current progress. Introducing new classes/subclasses/character slots would be nice, but not if it completely invalidates my current characters.

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                      2 Replies
                      • I'm torn. On the one hand, they've screwed with this game so much, there've been several times when I've ranted to my friend that Bungie just needs to scrap everything and start over. And, honestly, I still feel they should. But not just to force everyone to make fresh hunters, warlocks, and titans again. The only good reason to make us start fresh would be for a revamp of the class system. Start [i]completely[/i] fresh -- which is exactly what I want them to do. This would be just as hard for the devs as the players, though, so the higher ups might consider this too risky. On the other hand, that might lose inadvertently lose the identity of this game. Idk. I personally wouldn't care if characters got reset for Destiny 2 -- literally every other game I've played does that for sequels -- but I underatand other people's sentiments for their characters.

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                      • If they can rework the game and completely overhaul how destiny works with all the info they have gathered for up to 3 years. If they could make a great, not just good, game, I'd be willing to level up everything again.

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                        4 Replies
                        • You're going to preorder and buy the game no matter what so not sure what you're on about lol..

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                          2 Replies
                          • No thx. I wanna live through the same experience I had in the beginning of destiny being completely clueless. Fazed by awesome weapons and abilities. Not the same stuff I've been using for 2 years. UNLESS THEY ADD 3 NEW SUBCLASSES FOR EACH CHARACTER THAT IS UNIQUE THEN I'LL BE OKAY WITH IT. Sorry for all caps had to get my point across.

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                            1 Reply
                            • They already reset us in TTK, don't do it again

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                              3 Replies
                              • Bump. Hell yes

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                              • Good post.

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                              • Still no reply?

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                              • I agree. A better idea would be to add 2 additional character spots so players can start fresh if they want, but keep their original characters.

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                                1 Reply
                                • Is there any concern that because Cozmo hasn't responded to this thread yet that this is [b]EXACTLY[/b] what Bungie is considering?

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                                • Ms5000Watts said something similar in a Planet Destiny podcast, that she was tired of the meta and wanted everything to be reset in Destiny 2. I really hope this is not the case. The backlash would be insane. I'm invested in my characters and want to play with them for the duration of the entire game franchise.

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                                  1 Reply
                                  • I disagree on this one, I played destiny way more in the beginning than I do now, simply because there was a lot more accomplishment. Why even make destiny 2 if you don't start over? Just keep it destiny one, get max level in a week and stop playing in a month like everybody does until the next expansion. They need to start it over, however they can let you carry some things over to help or give you a reward for being a loyal guardian. It will suck and not be a true sequel in we can just continue.

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                                  • I 100% agree. If we are made to start all over again for destiny 2 I won't be getting it, I will be drawing the line and saying bye to destiny if that becomes the case

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