The writers at Forbes are idiots to suggest it.
If you're going to make us start over then you need to drop the ranking up and progression completely and turn this into a Halo type experience.
If we're going to grind, progress and build our guardians over multiple paid expansions then you need to let us continue with our Guardians we're investing all this time into.
Honestly the fact that these writers at Forbes are suggesting a reset is complete crap. If you want a fresh start you can delete and make a new Guardian any time you want. Don't force that bs on others who are invested in their Guardians.
I'd deal with with effectively being reset so long as their is some tangible homage to past achievements and the reset is so that an improved progression system could be implemented. I'm not saying that it is my preference by any means but I don't think it would be a bad thing for the game as a whole.
To late, that bus left the station when TTK dropped. Guardians should have learned then, play this game for fun and thats ALL!!!...investment never again.. i keep a Lv34 warlock pre TTK on my old 360 as a reminder, with a broken ice breaker and gally to show for my Y1 investment
Edited by SN00PY 85: 9/2/2016 3:28:26 AMI left Destiny 3 months ago because of this kind of idiocy in the Bungie camp. Looks like nothing's changed.
All of you that continue to throw money at bungie...deserve a reset and everything coming to you in d2. LOL
I have the opinion of not caring whichever way it goes. I am going to play regardless.
The writers at forbes are bipolar sols. They can never make their minds up.
Edited by Trill_0012: 9/2/2016 4:17:11 AMThe guy who wrote that article needs to delete his guardians and start over. He sound -blam!-ing stupid. [quote]If you're going to make us start over then you need to drop the ranking up and progression completely and turn this into a Halo type experience.[/quote] Ik -blam!-ing r
I'd be okay with a hybrid system, kinda like the writer mentioned. New players can start at level 1 and work their way through the new story missions and strikes to max level, buying vendor gear to beef up for the raid(s). Veteran players would start at current difficulty levels and work up to gear for the raid(s), albeit a little slower perhaps... This would allow all players to experience all the content without either having to start over or dealing with power boosts to get you up to par. And allow for varying difficulty levels like Y1 had...
Maybe Destiny 2 will be based on the strangers story and how he/she came to be.
I read the Forbes forum on destiny 2. Bungie reports that it will not refresh but add 3 new classes. They are letting us keep our guardian. That's what I read.
I'd like to keep our D1 gear and their perks, but it's now all common value and all the decals are reset and replaced with battle damage.
I'm ok with a reset.
Edited by Snake: 9/2/2016 3:22:56 AMsomething tells me it will start with you playing as your current character just to see them die or something, then you have to create a new character where you have none of the year 1-3 weapons and armor. which in a way would be better for rookie players to come into the game again as it would give them a good starting point and a fairly even playing field to go agaist veteran players. it would also give them a chance to come up with new class' and sub-class' so we are not using the same stale class', such as adding in a healer class a support based class an attacker class and defender class, just think of a tank type defender based guardian it would be slow with loads of health and defence so could soak up damage from enemies, a balance based attacker could have a goood range of mobility and high attack but very little special abilities, and a speed based healer class could sacrifice lower health and defence for a stronger abilities and faster speed, so you could set the character up for style of play that you prefer. i would like to see a class that if you have maxed out each subclass you can choose to mix and match subclass' and thier abilities so suit your playstyle to a class like if you liked the warlocks stormcaller you could have that along with the hunters nightstalker sub-class and the titan sunbreaker sub-class, then add in the abilitie that make it a granadier class or a speed based class or a tank based class, things like that woutld give it SO much more customization than it currently has. add to that the possibility to make a universal armor that looks unique to the master class giving a mixture or looks from all three current classes you could have so many more looks available to the characters aswell.
As it stands right now. I won't be joining you guys in Destiny 2. I haven't heard a peep about dedicated servers and scrapping this horrid P2P junk. I'm concerned with the design choices, the [b][u]rumors[/u][/b] of the game being "Rebooted". I didn't appreciate the paywalls in the current iteration of Destiny. You know.... The ol' Here's our new expansion, people that didn't buy it can still play, but no longer have access to 2/3 of the stuff you used to have. Their handling of last gen was out of line (it's my opinion and i stand by it) The handling of patches that are important to players (such as bugged drops, that are neglected in a patch while something that people spend silver on is patched overnight) Still no match making? Really! pssshhhh.... BS "It'll ruin the experience", they say. Total crap, not buying it. Raids in Final Fantasy XIV are much more complicated and team oriented, and they offer it. I've picked up many randoms with a partially preformed team and back packed them through. I have also been carried through activities. "What if they don't have MICs?" oh no!!! plz help! FFXIV doesn't even have a voice chat option "What about AFKers?" #vote2kick #rekt "People will troll a vote to kick system" Doesn't happen that often in FFXIV. People usually need those randoms, and are usually willing to teach the content and not kick them. I've also been asked to leave a Raid in FFXIV, I did so without argument, It was clearly beyond my skill level and stats at the time. I've invested heavily in Destiny so far, but more has to be done. Bungie needs to figure out how to push out more content faster. They also need to figure out how to balance a game with more than a nerf sledgehammer. I don't want to outright vilify them, SO... I'll highlight a few positive changes. 1. 1:1 infusion 2. More paths for max light 3. Direct sources defined for max level gear 4. the upcoming faction package choices. These things really quelled most of my #humanedesign issues. [b]I'm open to opposing views and civilized discussion. So let me know what you guys think.[/b]
I'm 80% sure we will be able to carry over or character and emblem. That's it we will start over. Destiny is a beta for Destiny 2.
Hey Bungie! Do it for the lulz.
But if we can play as the Fallen, then I'm not gonna lie: I will definitely delete one of my character and start over with the Fallen!!
Wait. What kind of reset? I want my guardian in destiny two to be the same one I play now. But starting at level 350 doesn't make sense for a new game.
In this thread: People who don't play Metroid.
youll still play it
While I usually like Paul Tassi's articles, if have to say my thoughts while reading his thoughts regarding this were "WTF? STFU man!" If D2 will require a from scratch rebuild, I think that will be it for me, for real this time. I'm already having a hard time getting into putting in some prep time for ROI. I know once it hits I'll be all about the new content though. But, to play Devil's advocate here... A cut off and fresh start would be the "easiest" way to make D2 seem like a new experience. That doesn't really hold much sway for me though. I want to keep moving forward with my Titan and finish the fight that The Darkness started. I just wish we could move forward more frequently and more meaningfully. I mean seriously. Man the -blam!- up Bungie.
I'm fine with a reset if it is implied that our Guardian dies a pretty cool death Halo: Reach noble 6 style.
Nothing wrong with a reset, All I can ask for is an Epic Reset tied with the story, like give a reason lore wise why we have to lose everything. I am eager to know how they pull it off, but if there is no reset this will be a boring to be honest, sometimes a hard reset is what is needed for the compulsive hoarder amongst us. Hopefully the ghost can store memory fragments of old stock in a nostalgia way but hell we need new things to keep us occupied.
Bump. If we have to start over, people will either not play destiny 2 in order to keep the character they spent so much time on, or never play destiny 1 again because they're too busy working on their new characters in Destiny 2. This is supposed to be a 10-year game, not a series of 2- or 3-year games. Personally, I would drop destiny 1 since there would never be any new anything, and not buy destiny 2 at all because of how ridiculously insulting it would be to force that kind of crap on the players. And I bet I'm not alone.
Even Bungie aren't that stupid. What an unnecessary post.
They've already done it with practically every single DLC/expansion except HoW when they supposedly learned some valuable lessons about respecting our time...