The writers at Forbes are idiots to suggest it.
If you're going to make us start over then you need to drop the ranking up and progression completely and turn this into a Halo type experience.
If we're going to grind, progress and build our guardians over multiple paid expansions then you need to let us continue with our Guardians we're investing all this time into.
Honestly the fact that these writers at Forbes are suggesting a reset is complete crap. If you want a fresh start you can delete and make a new Guardian any time you want. Don't force that bs on others who are invested in their Guardians.
They've already done it with practically every single DLC/expansion except HoW when they supposedly learned some valuable lessons about respecting our time...
I know my girls need hair cut...... Let them go to the barber and I will be a happy player.
yeah bro i agree, we should get a charecter change over for sure! i have put alot of my gaming time for the last 2 years into my Guardians.
I mean, its just a video game. So Destiny 2 comes out and you make new characters and play through multiple expansions like we just did. Really? Life is over? Get out of moms basement.
I wouldn't mind it too much, or maybe just let us carry our inventory with us. That'd be fun I think.
Edited by Sadisticways: 9/2/2016 1:10:42 AM[quote]you need to let us[/quote] They don't need to let us do anything it's their game their call on what happens they have no obligation to not resting or making us create new guardians. Either way Forbes is rubbish when it comes to reporting on this game.
Edited by Aces21Soul: 9/2/2016 1:03:01 AMThe writers are Forbes are morons and fanboys who know squat. Its Clickbait. And F* Forbes with their Malware Ads!! After this long never ending beta they had people pay for they would F* over Vets for Noobs. Bungie has f*d player over before they'll do it again. Best to not bother investing funds into it at all or at least until you know.
I'm pretty sure that most of us understand that we are probably going to have to start from the bottom with new gear and everything since there will most likely be different gear in Destiny 2. For me though, I don't really mind a partially reset to our guardians. My one thing that I don't want to do again is go through and level up my sub-classes I already have every sub-class on my titan maxed out and am almost done with all three on my alternate characters as well. So I don't mind starting over again at level 1 as long as I don't have to spend weeks unlocking all of my sub-classes or stressing to finish my titan before the first raid gets released so I can fill whatever role I need to.
They already basically reset everything for TTK, whats the difference? I wouldn't be surprised if they did this, though Forbes could also just be clickbaiting as someone else said.
This is a big issue because of what we where told about the future of Destiny and our characters.
I think your right, Bungie should let us carry the characters we guardians all have put time and effort into everything we have done plus all the armor and weapons we players have collected over the course of 2 years and rise of iron, so getting the new weapons and armor in rise of iron would be pointless to get if players can't carry are characters into destiny 2
If this is the case and there is reset most guardians (including myself) may leave. Resetting progression like this is ridiculous. I stayed after TTK to give Bungie a chance with a new system and so far it has worked. But doing it a second time for no reason would be stupid.
If all cosmetic items like ships shader emblem were brought forward and out character items were gone but our characters were still there
I would not mind a fresh start actually. Make new archaetypes and weapon types aswell.
Their not, they already said we can bring over our guardians and weapons to destiny 2
Edited by : ^ ): 9/1/2016 11:59:15 PMJust out curiosity, why wouldn't we "start over." I'm sure it's going to be different and completely new. I'd assume we'd have new things to relevel and more "story." It's not a DLC, but a new game. ( That's what I'm assuming they want to do. ) We will still keep our old things, but I'm sure we will have to relevel and experience a new game. Also, don't pay attention to some of these journalists. I highly doubt they know anything more than we do. ( Especially Forbes lol )
I know Bungie has been difficult, but they won't do this, they have already said that they want Destiny to be an experience on a single guardian, they won't reset us
screw forbes. too many ads and are full of crap. It would be very idiotic to reset our characters. The long process of leveling up a subclass to max is an long task. Having to do 3!?! Hell no. I hope and pray they do not.
Hell no! Considering how all of us grinded our asses in the first game lol!
Bungie has been saying all along that our Guardians will make the whole trip with us. Everything about this game is set up to foster and reward a long-term relationship with a character. Bugnie wouldn't do that at this point...and anyone saying they will is talking out of their ass..... ....or deliberately resorting to click-bait.
I would be fine with starting at level 0, as long as we keep our subclass knowledge. They already dumped anything I would like to continue using for the duration of the game. After 3 years of the same weapons and armor, I will be expecting [b]all new shit[/b]. I think I'd throw up if D2 has quests to unlock oldies like bad juju and gally. [b]IF[/b] any of the current loot makes its way to D2, it should be waiting for us in a kiosk.
Bunige: *doesn't carry player progression* OP: *complains* *buys the game anyway*[spoiler]I know there'd a whole bunch of people who'd do exactly that.[/spoiler]
Bump. Haven't read the Forbes articles yet, but hopefully Bungie has more sense than to make a decision that would piss-off 99% of it's Destiny players. Oh [i]shit[/i].
Edited by Lich: 9/1/2016 10:56:43 PMI agree
Edited by Sage 13: 9/1/2016 10:04:55 PMSupposedly, the Deej had already confirmed progression will carry over to D2 with IGN back in 2014.
Edited by DeusFever: 9/1/2016 11:13:26 PMThere is an easy answer for Bungie. Destiny 2 cannot succeed with only the player base that exists now. We are less than 80% of the original player base and there aren't enough of us to make the original DLC plan worthwhile. Bungie wants to bring back the 80% of players who quit the game in frustration in the early months of Year 1. They also want to bring in new players. The game can't expand if we old Guardians are allowed to run around with all of our exotic weapons, Tier 12 gear, and stacks of Strange Coins. Search your feelings. You know it to be true. You'll start Destiny 2 with a hefty Grimorie score, some rare emblems, and a Guardian with a terrible haircut. All your old gear will be found in OG Destiny until Bungie turns off the severs. [spoiler]You may ask why Bungie is releasing Rise of Iron if the player base can't support DLC releases? Because losing all of the player base would hurt sales of Destiny 2 and cost more than the DLC. It's going to be a loooong year.[/spoiler]