Your best was a 1.07 explains why you how your stats on here.
[quote]Your best was a 1.07 explains why you how your stats on here.[/quote] Lol...explains why you didn't go to college. 1. You're wrong. 2. Your sentence makes no sense. 3. Again, my best beats all of yours in both k/d AND combat rating. 4. My worst beats all of yours in combat rating.
I did go to college actually ;) 4 years to be exact on a full ride football scholarship. And your sober 1.07/ sober .55 900 something elo is definitely way higher then mine I'm sorry. I'll never drink alcohol and play this game or play hide and seek again. Oh wait I'm doing that now. Darn. Heck my trials k/d is 75% a drunken mess and is still double your over all trials k/d. And you already know I play with .14-.47 plebs on the regular so ya. Good try buddy :)
Edited by celeb2112: 9/2/2016 2:12:18 AMLol football Fricking HIGH-larious... "Football has been berry good to me. If it weren't for football. I wouldn't be playing football today" It all rings crystal clear....Instead of genetics research and microbiology, I should have chosen football, being a silhouette on a shooting range, and a 63 combat rating.... You're a dumbass, catcher roled punk and you're still wrong..
Weird I had an academic scholarship as well I didn't even have to use :) that .55 k/d though. You should definitely work on that ;) and gradumawaiting I'm guessing 7th grade :P
Lol a 63 combat rating and an overall 1.10 k/d...I'm guessing they didn't teach you to fire a rifle in the military... Post the links to your college, photo on the team, notices of scholarship or it didn't happen. You're just another internet superman making claims....
We'll I'd give you the info to my Facebook but I'm not retarded so ya. And funny how my combat rating keeps going down by 10 every time you say something. Weird how my average combat rating is 97+ accept on rift because I hate that mode and avoid it 100% unless I have to do bounties. It's so ungodly boring
Edited by celeb2112: 9/2/2016 2:38:26 AMYou're right, 69, not 63.... Your highest overall combat rating is 73.59, a far cry from 97... My lowest is 95...twenty points better than your best... My best is 110 All of those are overall... As much as you like to inaccurately compare stats, you must be attempting to compensate for other areas you don't measure up... Weird how you have a college education and don't know the difference between "accept" and "except".
My best is 500 and something soooooooooooooo ya lol the only thing that matters in this game is trials and your absolutely garbage at that
And all your overall combat ratings are 500 combat rating Your average scores per game are shit... You're just a lying bag of dog shit... Sooooooo ya....there's another punk don't play football... You may play catcher, but you don't play football. Men don't talk like that...
Well seeing that I checked my scores the lowest was 93 on up so maybe rift has a combat rating I can't see? Do I go for the rift no because I hate that game mode with a passion and think it's dumb. I usually get thrown into a team that's down by 9000 points when I play it for bounties. But you my friend can't say anything you've never even been to the lighthouse which is the only end game for PvP