originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[spoiler]You forgot all about the Seven Deadly Sins ;-;[/spoiler]
[b]Winston, Maso, Blind and the rest of the crew were outside during the speech, not wanting to intrude due to their mourning.
Avery, or what was left of him was in a badly made coffin, as were the three Musketeers, each getting their own.[/b]
"We lost good men out here today. We've seen worse. I know that for a fact. These deaths though. These deaths will not be easy."
[b]Royal sighed, kneeling down by one of the coffins[/b]
*Mortar walks up to Royal* I'm sorry Royal. We've all lost good men
"Yeah we have."
Yeah... I lost one of the Nekoluga family, Asiluga. Nekoluga... He's mourning.
what? I didn't kill him.
But I did... When they were fired at, I forgot to mention that it died
"I'm sorry. I know Nora helped you with them."
Yeah... Luckily Geoff... Or Arachnis... helped us almost last minute
"How so?"
He's very good with Firepower
"I don't doubt that."
"It's alright. They died honorable deaths."
They did.
[b]He sighs, standing [/b]
You okay bud? *Eh places a hand on your shoulder*
"Yeah I'm fine."
"No big deal."
Really? Doesn't sound like it... Talk to me man
"I gave them their orders. They died for the cause. They died for a cause that wasn't theirs
They died nobly, they sacrificed themselves for the better of the dojo, and probably the world.
[b]He sighs [/b] "I know"
Warriors do everything they can to defend what's right until they die. I respect that, but I would not want my children practicing to fight. War is hell, it really is
[b]He sighs [/b]
It'll be okay Royal.