[quote][b]UPDATE 9/12:[/b] Issues causing recent TAPIR errors appear to be completely resolved. Thank you for your patience.[/quote]
[quote][b]UPDATE 9/9:[/b] We are currently monitoring how TAPIR errors have been impacted by our 9/8 scheduled maintenance. If you had previously experienced these TAPIR errors, please provide an update of your current status in a Comment below.[/quote]
Hello all,
We are actively investigating player reports regarding recent TAPIR Errors received by players on all platforms. We have identified the cause of this issue and are working diligently to reach a resolution.
This thread will be updated with new information as it becomes available. If you have encountered this issue, please Comment in this thread with your PSN ID/ Xbox Gamertag, as well as exactly which console you have received this error on.
Thank you for your patience as we pursue a resolution to this issue.
[quote][b]9/6 [url=https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/773230440492601344]@BungieHelp[/url] Tweet:[/b]
Thank you for your patience as we continue to investigate the TAPIR errors reported by some players. Please see: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/212204541[/quote]
CinnaMon4Life ps4
Blazeblaze01: xbox 360 to xbox one tapir error code plz fix
NominaleKiller xbox one
Edited by Snitram_OX: 9/7/2016 2:31:48 PMSnitram_OX - PS3 to PS4
Ncmoose105 PS3 transfer to PS4 Day 6
jamekuhn ps4 erro tapir
User name - SuperC-man system - ps4
Ps3 to ps4. Dekerus - psn
BUNGIE, DO SOMETHING!!! WE WANA PLAY THE DAMN GAME! GOT DAMN BUNGIE, I GETTING IMPATIENT!!! YOU BUNGIE IS GETTING WORSE THAN ACTIVISION AND EA, But... they fix their problems in the same day, different than Bungie, who don't gives a F***!!! Thanks to let your loyal players angry...
Day 3, still trying to import from ps3 to ps4, PSN; adios0Toreador, still code TAPIR I switched for a few reasons. One; My ps3, for some inexplicable reason, stopped letting me connect to Destiny's servers. I have no idea what was preventing me from even so much as signing in, but, nothing worked. No matter how many forums posts I made, I ended up getting nothing to work. Two; That future updates wont be available for ps3. That, I can understand, because the game looks so good on next gen. That being said; with the DLC also only being for next gen, I had to upgrade. I was excited. I saved my pennies, and now? Another obstacle. Finally; I had been told, countless times, that were far fewer issues on the ps4, than the ps3. I was relieved to hear that, that the random errors weren't going to bother me anymore. That I could play the game that I no-lifed for several months, since The Taken King's release. Granted, I know a lot of other players have been around since day one, but I was part of the few who heard of Destiny, paid it no mind, until I was told to sit down and play it. Now, I cherish this darn game. I've made a lot of friends through it. I understand you guys at bungie are working hard to fix it. I understand it can take a lot of time, since coding is definitely another form of masochism. But please. An update of any kind would be amazing for your customers, your fanbase, everyone. Even a hint at one of the coders, sitting there, working diligently at his desk. A picture, a message, anything from you guys. I don't want to give up on this, because I worked hard to get to the ps4, and to get back to this wonderful game. Please, don't let us down.
PS4 - MaxHero2000, error tapir in migrate for PS4
Tonnymrtz ps3 to ps4
How can this be possible bungie??? In my case 5 days. Already saw 8days. And you have no action, no answer, no nothing to these players. 8 days of players complaines and no action? Are kidding with those who give you money??? Bullshit.
Xbox one CorruptxDevil its been 5 days
Xbox one: lxBADGERxl
Blindcentipede PS4
NominaleKiller xbox one erreur tapir
Xbox one S: CaptainG0B is my gamer tag
I'm on day 6 with this error. I bought the PS4 because Rise of Iron will not be available on the PS3. That was $300. A second Taken King disk (because I have 2 PS4s), $45 and the Pre-Order for Rise of Iron $40. Guys, that's substantial commitment to Destiny and I can't get connect to your servers due to this Tapir error. Seems like there are multiple players that have made the same commitment. There are going to be a lot more players switching from PS3 to PS4 in order to get the new download. I hope you get this fixed A.S.A.P. because your release is what....a week away!!! Flames275 PS4
Loki311420 XBox One. Been 4 weeks now. I've dumpped $100's on this game from day one and can't even play it now. Some compensation would be much appreciated. After spending $120 to per-order everything for year one. Then having to buy The Taken King for another $40 because if I didn't I couldn't play half my game. All the while newbees could get everything for $60. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! Make this right show some sort of appreciation and compensation to the fans who have stuck it out with Destiny. Thank you.
Xbox GT is demonbeth65 has been 5 days now and still getting Tapir
Xbox one: CaptainG0B plz fix this bungie because while your having a nice vacation we are stuck with other games
Yappmall - Xbox One
Ariemoon ps4, extremely disappointed long time player.
this is WORLD 9 ALPHA, I've already stated that I have upgraded for one reason, to continue my journey with destiny........obviously I dropped a lot of money, and I've been stuck playing stupid halo. oh, I have also been continuing on 360 during the "wait".......which socks because xur sells pretty much nothing, can't see my stats on the app, blah blah blah..... I don't even like my new Xbox one, I like my 360 way better, the graphics on my one are way better, but the software leaves something to be desired........want to play rise of iron, plz work FASTER! Sincerely, WORLD 9 ALPHA
Im going on two weeks and still no improvement....i am so disappointed in bungie.please help!!my user name is gabbard76.