[quote][b]UPDATE 9/12:[/b] Issues causing recent TAPIR errors appear to be completely resolved. Thank you for your patience.[/quote]
[quote][b]UPDATE 9/9:[/b] We are currently monitoring how TAPIR errors have been impacted by our 9/8 scheduled maintenance. If you had previously experienced these TAPIR errors, please provide an update of your current status in a Comment below.[/quote]
Hello all,
We are actively investigating player reports regarding recent TAPIR Errors received by players on all platforms. We have identified the cause of this issue and are working diligently to reach a resolution.
This thread will be updated with new information as it becomes available. If you have encountered this issue, please Comment in this thread with your PSN ID/ Xbox Gamertag, as well as exactly which console you have received this error on.
Thank you for your patience as we pursue a resolution to this issue.
[quote][b]9/6 [url=https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/773230440492601344]@BungieHelp[/url] Tweet:[/b]
Thank you for your patience as we continue to investigate the TAPIR errors reported by some players. Please see: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/212204541[/quote]
Time for another week of bungie not doing anything about problems in their game... whooooooo
well reiteration of the same but some response, estimated time would be better. lets give them some time people. it sucks to wait im itching to try my new xbox s but hope it gets fixed soon.
Xbox One GamerTag: Dyamaty I bought the destiny of the upgrade version available for those who already had the Taken King version and after installing the whole package I started getting this error " tapir " and can not access the game . The package included : > The game Destiny > The first expansion > The Second Expansion > The Taken King > Rise of iron > Level 40 character boost.
Xbox:SnowBoltLSB Xboxone Please FIX i would dearly like to play destiny
On PS4 since Saturday. Character transfer over from legacy ps3 to ps4. Tapir error code, please help. ID: WexPyke
KAPRICORN KING I just got my Xbox one and got destiny and pre ordered rise of iron but it pulls up a message telling me that I can transfer my characters and I accept it but then it says error code tapir
So they knew what was wrong now the got no -blam!-ing idea -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- shit ass -blam!-
got a xbox 360 now I am going to a xbox1 trying to transfer from one to the other and all I am getting is a tapir code when I try to transfer my stuff over whats up with this what is the problem
SkilledPlanet23 Xbox One S I purchased the "Destiny - The Collection Upgrade," and have been trying to transfer characters from legacy the Xbox 360. After multiple attempts, the results are the same "tapir" error code, and then I am sent back to the title screen. It will not even allow me to start a new character if it were my choice to do so. Considering how few players I noticed in the "Tower" over the past week on the 360 version, my assumption is that many players are trying to migrate over to the new platform and being adversely impacted by this error. I've been in sales roles across various industries over my career and found that frequent and timely communication of updates to my customers, good or bad, goes a long way in keeping them my customers.
Don't worry guys they finally are going to do something about error code tapir
Xbox Gamertag: TooSaltie error on Xbox one
I recently bought a ps4 to upgrade from my ps3 so I could play rise of iron and I am unable to import my characters from my ps3 all I get is tapir error code
Any where closer to solving it?
FIX THE -blam!-ING GAME ALREADY!!! do something about this god damned tapir error or give me back my money! i didn't spend $65 for a game i cant play
Your update is linking to this thread,. Really! /slow clap emote
Had destiny on my xbox 1 For over a year now. Tried to login on 9-3-2016 at 3:00 pm . Tapir error comes up . You Guys could at least give a update. I mean really
Some players it dont matter how about u fix it now. It like your saying some player dont matter WTF. acecloud666 ps4
Zz_nik98_zZ Help me now -blam!-ing error tapir
Gamertag: Fonsisco Playing on Xbox One. Stopped playing for more than a year ago but now wanted to return to the game. Bought all the expansions and installed the original game and all it said was "tapir". Hope you can fix it soon!
Interesting tidbit of info. I've got 4 xbox live accounts in my house (large family). Everyone's account works fine except for 1...all on the same xbox One. Yes it is the TAPIR error. I've nuked the profile / cache / hard reset but still 3 accounts can login and play great, but the same one gets the Tapir error....
Started a new topic: all I have to say for the community of destiny people
Latoso8 xbox 360 upgrading to the xbox one
Edited by Undef_: 9/6/2016 8:09:49 PMuhh... ignore this post
Otterhai here. Played on 360 since middle of year one. Decided to switch over to xbone to play iron, even though I'll have to buy 3 xboxs so my son's can play too. This doesn't seem like bungie is really ting to fix the issue.