[quote][b]UPDATE 9/12:[/b] Issues causing recent TAPIR errors appear to be completely resolved. Thank you for your patience.[/quote]
[quote][b]UPDATE 9/9:[/b] We are currently monitoring how TAPIR errors have been impacted by our 9/8 scheduled maintenance. If you had previously experienced these TAPIR errors, please provide an update of your current status in a Comment below.[/quote]
Hello all,
We are actively investigating player reports regarding recent TAPIR Errors received by players on all platforms. We have identified the cause of this issue and are working diligently to reach a resolution.
This thread will be updated with new information as it becomes available. If you have encountered this issue, please Comment in this thread with your PSN ID/ Xbox Gamertag, as well as exactly which console you have received this error on.
Thank you for your patience as we pursue a resolution to this issue.
[quote][b]9/6 [url=https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/773230440492601344]@BungieHelp[/url] Tweet:[/b]
Thank you for your patience as we continue to investigate the TAPIR errors reported by some players. Please see: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/212204541[/quote]
PSN - XzEoN_CyPhErX Ps3 Could Not Sign In To Destiny Servers Error Code: tapir
predetor741 on Xbox one I hope you guys fix this crap
LIQUIDLIGHT23. Trying to log in on PS4
I was reading it will be resolved tomorrow or wensday. Since bungie is at pax west for Labor Day.
i just bought xb1 went to switch my destiny account from 360 and keep getting tapir error code my gamer tag is stv40ozking
ThomasOnTheRock is waiting since last thursday... guess, when i bought my xboxone, on thursday. guess who is really fu about this. work harder
xsniper2Elite6k Xbox one tapir cant import characters.
Gamertag: boweevil22 Transferring from xbox 360 to xbox one
RealisticSWAT - Third day in a row and still not able to play Destiny on PS4 because of tapir error code when attempting to transfer old to new gen.. I will leave game soon if not resolved. I'm not starting over with new characters.
Tblackgreen72. I have a Xbox one can't transfer my account. Keep getting a. Error code of tapir. I was force to up grade and can't play
Same here...not able to log in at transfer page...RacingDark23 psn ps4
Edited by FalkaynYounger: 9/5/2016 9:54:41 PMGamertag: Falkaynyounger console: Xbox one slim
xsniper2Elite6k Xbox one tapir cant import characters.
post on facebook or twitter about ur problem with TAPIR, bungie doesnt care for the last 3 days so no reason to complaint here
Is anyone's game working yet
xsniper2Elite6k Xbox one tapir cant import characters.
inky pigg593 Trying to start Destiny Taken King on Xbox One for first time I get TAPIR. Previously played Destiny on 360.
GT: CTony15 Xbox one
ID: b109358 Upgrading from PS3
I'm a year one player trying to move my character from ps3 to ps4 but I can't get the import. I want to continue with out having to by the taken king again and restart progress. Error code TAPIR PSN: ACKChamp
Ouhou vos joueurs sont là. Il serait sympathique de communiquer et ne pas laisser ceux qui vous font vivre sans info
W1NDR1DER22 Xbox One S
Maracas1989 Tapir da ps3 a ps4
Gamertag: CardBarley34 Xbox One si preguntara el precio de la expansion Rise of iron me responderian en 2 segundos pero si no puedo jugar por un error de juego NADIE contesta
Spartan2692 Upgrading to xbox one Bought the collection edition cost me 50 quid and i cant even play it sort it soon plz
PSN ID: Jgarps Console: PS4