[quote][b]UPDATE 9/12:[/b] Issues causing recent TAPIR errors appear to be completely resolved. Thank you for your patience.[/quote]
[quote][b]UPDATE 9/9:[/b] We are currently monitoring how TAPIR errors have been impacted by our 9/8 scheduled maintenance. If you had previously experienced these TAPIR errors, please provide an update of your current status in a Comment below.[/quote]
Hello all,
We are actively investigating player reports regarding recent TAPIR Errors received by players on all platforms. We have identified the cause of this issue and are working diligently to reach a resolution.
This thread will be updated with new information as it becomes available. If you have encountered this issue, please Comment in this thread with your PSN ID/ Xbox Gamertag, as well as exactly which console you have received this error on.
Thank you for your patience as we pursue a resolution to this issue.
[quote][b]9/6 [url=https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/773230440492601344]@BungieHelp[/url] Tweet:[/b]
Thank you for your patience as we continue to investigate the TAPIR errors reported by some players. Please see: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/212204541[/quote]
isldboi1989 ps4 and error is tapir
Ps4 greenwell13
isldboi1989 playstation 4 hope you guys fix it before rise of iron!
guys isnt it obvious, the people that bought a new console and want to import cant play due to the error tapir. if your so desperate to play just make a new account and it'll work flawlessly
I have experienced this on xbox one. I tried importing my account from the 360 but every time i accept the import, immediately after the error code tapir comes up and restricts me from signing in. Bungie pls fix this. My gamertag is DipolarTurnip39.
ps4 ID leongranados error tapir
DraughtSiren222 xbox one
PSN - SOMEBLACKGUYYY41 Platform: PS4 I moved from PS3 to PS4 this error keeps coming up
W1NDR1DER22 Xbox One S
Psn:Maracas1989 ps4 Tapir
PSN: haha_3001 Console ps4
xbox one gamertag is Chaos8Child5
Gamertag: jawsjr2728 Console: Xbox one I'm really hoping you guys can get this figured out soon. I just bought destiny for the Xbox one and whenever I hold a to accept update and transfer my 360 account it says error tapir.
PSN : Wolf3vil94 Platform : PS4 Today I'm upgrade PS3 to PS4. After download Update, open Destiny ans accept to import my account, I've the error code TAPIR
Im sick of getting dicked by destiny's tapirs so im going to play Paragon...which is FREE and IT WORKS! if you wanna join me ps4 message ORIONPAX009
Gamertag: GrandSquid89 Platform: Xbox One Trying to import from 360 and all I get is the Tapir error code. This has been happening since Friday, 9/2. I really hope Bungie fixes this soon....
PSN: Jenische Error code Tapir. Cmon bungie, I just upgraded and haven't been able to play the only game I bought for PS4
PSN ID: UltimaSkaterDC Playstation 4. Haven't been able to log in for days
play Destiny ps4 1 year ago! WTF is error tapir! my ID is leongranados!
PSN: OGMuphin Console: PS4 importing from ps3 to ps4, still getting the Tapir error...
Gamer Tag: Robkallday Console: PS4 (Just bought it 3 days ago so that I could keep playing my favorite game.) Tapir error persists.
Had a nice 3 day weekend cause of the holiday and i went and bought a ps4 and pre ordered rise of iron thinking hey this will be perfect and ill experience the better gameplay and i couldn't even play once and now I go back to work tomorrow and back to only having Sundays off.... really dissapointed in you guys for your lack of just fixing the issue now instead of making us wait for your weekly update. Guys I'll read hook up my ps3 and play on it still
Gamertag: pINk BloOms 063 Console: Xbox one
I am having the tapir error code on my Xbox one is this something to do with the collection of destiny