How to fix the crucible
-Nerf fusion rifles. Impact and range is insane
-Nerf bubble Titans. Using bubble requires no skill
-Buff universal remote range so no one calls bs because it has so much range they'll know why they died
-Buff thorn tick damage so no one will complain about players having a sliver of health
-Buff aim assist on all handcannons to get rid of "ghost bullets
-Increase aim assist on all snipers by 200% to make average snipes as good as the KJovey bot
-Decrease time to get super so no one wonders how people get it so quickly. It will charge up so fast that you can expect when other players have their super
-Remove walls to prevent anyone from camping in the corner
To be continued when I feel like it...
You have your points of things that bother you and the play style that don't match your style. While 99.5 % of the community will find this a joke there is still that .5 % of your followers that will love your post. Keep focusing on your game and try to beat the odds that are causing you to retaliate this way