originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]He lightly thunks Wilsons armor[/b]
"Seriously, this thing is more impressive then a year ago. What did you do to it?"
Different set. Enclave-made X-01 Mk. VI, modified it with Venom tech. Changed the armor pattern out and put in a new power system to amp the shielding. Changed out the M2 for a minigun, the old Ma Deuce wouldn't mount on the newer armor. Other than that, not much.
[b]He laughs[/b] "The one armor that my blades couldn't pierce, and my Buster Sword is made for crushing!" [b]He steps back, looking over the Couriers various guns[/b] "Man, your a walking armory."
I try to be. Makes life more fun, got plenty of variety. [i]he said with a laugh.[/i]
"Ay, that it does! So I take it you won't be staying long?"
Probably not. You know me, can't sit around forever.
"Some things never change huh? Be sure to stop by more though, lots of new guys. They might need some training."