Hola #Destiny. For those of you who may not know, a while back I created [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/205009445/0/0]The Brumal Insurgence[/url], a Destiny Expansion/Sequel idea that was based on a Psion uprising on Europa (it isn't some fanfic, I went into missions, strikes, patrols, cut scenes, and even a raid with mechanics).
Despite some glaring differences between this and Rise of Iron, I got many predictions right. [spoiler]This may contain spoilers for RoI if you want to keep everything a secret and haven't seen Game Informer's Articles, steer clear.[/spoiler]
1. A blizzard in the Cosmodrome while fighting Fallen
2. An area outside of the Cosmodrome accessed through the Divide and the path is along the old abandoned highway.
3. This area is occupied by Fallen.
4. There are missile silos in this place. In Rise of Iron the strike has you going through missile silos.
5. An Iron Lord has quit the Iron Banner (Efrideet, in my case it was Skorri) and she goes to this area to fight Fallen.
[spoiler]Maybe they're just coincidences, but if I influenced Bungie in the slightest, it was worth the time.[/spoiler]
Can I use the Psion uprising in Guardians Rising?