Im a year one vet and yes i am being afflicted with this error and i bought this game just this past friday and as for the lack of progress they have employees that deal with this kind of stuff every waking hour and yet nothing is getting done and for being disrespectful thats on bungie as they have yet to show ANY respect to those afflicted with this CURSE and for you to assume anything just makes you sound ignorant (i dont mean to offended you) but i have searched the entire interweb for any up to date news/info only to be answerd with out dated updates and posts about how "awsome" PAXWEST is going so therein lies the fact that if they know they are NOT showing any deep concern for it or getting it fixed in a timely fashion so say what you want but the facts speak for themselves #RISEOFTAPIR #EPICBUNGIEFAIL #BOYCOTTBUNGIE #NOCUSTOMERSUPPORT #FULLREFUND just to clarify this response was for @duffdis
Oh good when you did it in reply to me instead of him I thought you were talking to me and we are pretty much in agreement on this except i can see people who dont care as much as us getting irritated that every time they come on to see if bungie updated they see a bunch of rants but idk what they think i will keep ranting till this gets fixed #RISEOFTAPIR #EPICBUNGIEFAIL