Works- Oh yeah!
Smaug- Good. Follow me. Autopilot engage.
[b]the suit starts following Smaug and Works has no control[/b]
Works- What's happening?
Smaug- It's got autopilot and listens to me in case you go rogue.
Works- Oh great. More listening to you.
[b]Smaug opens a door in the ship that leads to the outside[/b]
[b]the ship is up to the size of a skyscraper[/b]
[b]Smaug steps out of the way[/b]
Smaug- Suit, jump.
Works- No no no. Shouldn't we go get Mikey first guys?
[b]the suit starts running to the open door[/b]
Works- Stop. Suit sto-
[b]the suit jumps out[/b]
[b]Works starts screaming[/b]
Smaug- Guess I better go now.
[b]Smaug jumps out and flies to the ground[/b]
[b]Works lands beside Smaug almost hitting him, he lands on his feet though because the Autopilot [/b]
Smaug- Having fun?
Works- Let me out!
[b]the suit opens and he falls out and starts throwing up[/b]
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