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9/1/2016 5:17:07 PM

Hey Bungie, don't even think about resetting and making us start new Guardians in Destiny 2

The writers at Forbes are idiots to suggest it. If you're going to make us start over then you need to drop the ranking up and progression completely and turn this into a Halo type experience. If we're going to grind, progress and build our guardians over multiple paid expansions then you need to let us continue with our Guardians we're investing all this time into. Honestly the fact that these writers at Forbes are suggesting a reset is complete crap. If you want a fresh start you can delete and make a new Guardian any time you want. Don't force that bs on others who are invested in their Guardians. Thank-you

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  • Edited by H_TOWN_BALLA_80: 9/2/2016 6:50:59 PM
    Here the problem: The people who want to say this game is just an FPS, tell me what FPS makes weapons/gear irrelevant during a current installment? Meaning, if we are in Destiny 1, and if this were just an FPS, then ALL - EVERY SINGLE piece of weapons/armor - should be relevant. Your Fatbringer should be at current max level, etc. During the life cycle of say, CoD game X in the series, there will be DLC and add on stuff. But during the full life cycle until the next installment of that CoD line comes out, ALL of your gear is relevant. So going by that logic, why do I not have my full arsenal at full current max? We're still in Destiny 1, where's the rest of my Destiny 1 gear? "Year 2" doesn't mean shit, we're still in Destiny 1. *crickets* This game is more than just a flat FPS, however it is not a true MMO. Go play a true MMO then come back if you are unsure of how Destiny is not analogous to a full blown MMO (no, a bunch of people merely online at once is not an MMO, sorry, that's just called multiplayer online). What this game is, is 95% FPS with about 4% RPG and 1% MMO. Juuuuuuuuust enough RPG and MMO to make it to where it's not so cut and dry like a regular FPS would be. This isn't Halo, Mass Effect or CoD. If players want to keep their gear for 10 years, so what? Seriously, who are you to decide what I equip and why? (Using generic form of "you" from here on out) You're no one, that's who. You're an anonymous voice on the internet with no weight that I should take into consideration on how I want to play my characters in Destiny. These control freaks that want to tell people "I don't want to see Fatebringer ever again" can fuq right off. Worry about what you play with, don't worry about what I play with. Also, can we knock it off with the self serving, fake as hell bullshit where some people are throwing out the ol' self righteous arguments about "it's good for the game". That's becoming as laughable as everyone throwing the word "balance" around to justify their ridiculous nerf requests. "Oh you don't think shotguns should undergo a 10th nerf? You must not want BALANCE!" as though that is supposed to shame me into submission. The people who want a clean slate "just because" or for some reason other than trying to dictate what people play with, then that is your opinion and that is fine. My beef is directly with the "You shouldn't be allowed to use X waaahhhh" and "I don't want to see those weapons anymore" crowd.

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