Here's some concept pictures that show the development of the vex citadel. I think you'll like them.
Here is the first picture:
[url=]Vex citadel concept: 1[/url]
Very cool. Rather large too. Really curious to see what's at the heart of that.
Here's pic number 2:
[url=]Vex citadel concept: 2[/url]
Little closer to what we know and love, aside from that big lift on the left side.
And here's pic numbe- HOLY SHIT!
[url=]Vex citadel concept: The hell happened here?[/url]
Well that was......uh......what? I don't quite remember this citadel. Did I miss a strike ride-along with shaxx or what the hell happened? Wait, I see a dot of blue. Did Shaxx fckn fist of havoc the citadel?!
I...I gotta go sit down for a moment, I'll be right back.
This is why Shaxx runs the crucible, you let him out the tower and continents begin to collapse and skyscrapers start dropping like flies.