Never? That's sad. I'm sorry Kiera
"I know it sounds sad but such is life of a slave a lot of families get broken up that way"says Keira
Yeah, never really been a fan of slavery, mostly because everyone was forced to do their own work, so they couldn't get slaves
"Yeah there nothing fun about that's for sure"says Keira
Well I'd imagine so... After all, it's basically unpaid labor
"Yeah there was other things too that were just awful. I always said though that male slaves had it easier and im pretty i dont have even say why"says Keira [i]she quiet for a second before speaking again[/i] "But really glad i never have to go back there "says Keira
Yeah, that's good. Though, if, hypothetically, if you weren't a slave there, if you were a visitor, would it be a nicer place in their eyes?
"Who knows but i hate anything slave related. Its fked my life though i sometimes sleep with one i open cause im afraid that might just wake back there"says Keira
Don't worry, you won't go back. They don't know you're here, you'll be fine under the Dojo's roof. Or... In this case on it's roof. *Mortar looks down, seeing how high they are* Wow. I know I've free fallen without any parachute, and survived just fine, but i can see why Leyla is afraid of heights
"I lived 19 years as a slave i have done some horrible thing just please my old master. Not mention things they forced me to do. Thats why i kinda like heights that the one place i always felt free even after coming here."says Keira "Oh i didn't know leyla was afraid of heights"says Keira
She is. What... What kind of stuff? *Mortar raises an eyebrow, a bit concerned*
Edited by NightBloomsFell: 9/10/2016 12:07:26 AM"Things that shouldn't be forced"says Keira
*He seems a little more concerned* You mean he... You know what I'm implying, right?
"Yeah..."says keira [i]her ears droop all the way down [/i]
I'm sorry Kiera. *He places a hand on your shoulder* Just know that won't happen here, you most likely won't have to worry about him anymore.
"Yeah but that bastard got what he deserved though i gutted him like a fish. "says Keira
*Mortar smiles* An eye for an eye. The reason why I left Earth.
"Yeah but the rest of his family didn't see that way though"says Keira
Eh, everyone has an opinion. *Mortar chuckles slightly, thinking about what the family would have been thinking*
"Yup they sure do"says kimi
Yeah, I wouldn't mind if my father was killed like that
"Oh?"says Keira
Yeah. He... He was awful to not only me but an entire kingdom
"What your telling your father a king??"says Keira
Yes. *Mortar sighs slightly, remembering the laws Garuud made that made the Underworld begin to collapse*