Do you guys having problems with switching over have more then one character? I do and it won't let me. My wife has one character and it let her thru critical update. Just curious if that could be the problem. I'll delete two of them if that's the case! Just don't wanna do it until I know for sure
I think it has more to do with the amount of data it has to import
Yea somthin. Just tried the one character didn't work. Kinda sucks that I deleted them for no reason.
When did you wife do the update
I just did it like 20 min ago. Same process as I'm trying but keeps failing. But it let her thru.
Did she do it today
Oh that's weird did she have a legacy console
She was only level 2 but still it worked
That's strange, you may be onto something with the one character thing
I'm gonna delete two of my characters and see what it does
Let me know if it works
Nope. Darn it ugh
What if this is just secretly bungie trying to get all of the players who played on 360 and ps3 to start over and replay the game? Or have us just delete or stuff so we can be replaced by new players?
That would be shitty lol