Here's some concept pictures that show the development of the vex citadel. I think you'll like them.
Here is the first picture:
[url=]Vex citadel concept: 1[/url]
Very cool. Rather large too. Really curious to see what's at the heart of that.
Here's pic number 2:
[url=]Vex citadel concept: 2[/url]
Little closer to what we know and love, aside from that big lift on the left side.
And here's pic numbe- HOLY SHIT!
[url=]Vex citadel concept: The hell happened here?[/url]
Well that was......uh......what? I don't quite remember this citadel. Did I miss a strike ride-along with shaxx or what the hell happened? Wait, I see a dot of blue. Did Shaxx fckn fist of havoc the citadel?!
I...I gotta go sit down for a moment, I'll be right back.
Imagine that 3rd pic being a strike. The Vex, being the Vex, understand that since Rasputin is now awake, the threat of orbital strikes are now plausible. So they build a mind that emits a barrier around the citadel that a strike team has to go in and eliminate. But this is no ordinary strike, after defeating the boss, you now have to escape before Rasputin let's loose the fires of hell (he's a loose cannon still). *Cue epic escape as everything is obliterated around you.