"Yup she likes sleeping in sunny spots so she probably sleepy in window sill or something similar"says Keira
-Sketch does too, except he can't fit on a window sill. He sleeps like a giant cat. He curls up on top of the covers on his bed.-
"Nice i like sleeping in my Panther form"says Keira
-I actually haven't seen your Panther form yet.-
"Most people haven't" says Keira
*He tilts his head to the side curiously.* -Could you turn into it?-
"Sure i can"says Keira [i]she transforms in to a large black panther[/i]
-Oh wow. Your like a giant, more intimidating kitty cat!-
"Yeah but i can move with out a sound which makes me very deadly in this form especially if stalking a enemy"says Keira
-Oh, that seems like it would be very helpful. Sketch can too except he had to learn how to do he wouldn't be caught by villagers.-
"Oh they couldn't catch me i can hide pretty well too"says Keira
-Oh, that makes sense. You can sneak around in the shadows.-
"Yup sure can"says Keira
"Well im gonna go see what sister up too"says Keira
"Bye "says Keira [i]she jumps a lower roof with a thud then to the ground then goes to track down her sister[/i]
-Bye- *Malik flies to a perch in a tree and goes to sleep.*