I personally think the nerf was justifiable. Even though some of his flank routes were shut down, he still has very many routes that work almost equally as well. He was very hard to pin down, and now that his swift strike no longer surpasses traps and he can no longer jump after climbing a wall, it is not as easy to just run away and grab a medkit then come back every two minutes.
Tell me what you think!
He's fine as he is now. Still good in the right hands but hopefully he's in a place where if someone joins a team that needs support, they won't pick Genji. The problem with Genji is far too many people pick him. He's not hard to kill in most cases, he's barely an annoyance in others. Very rarely will I see a genuinely good Genji player. More often than not they are awful. Hopefully the nerf keeps the more awful of the bunch from picking him and leaving matches as 5 V's 6. I've said it before and I maintain that I love facing teams with a Genji, especially if i'm defending, it's free kills all around. Hop on Symmetra and laugh as they try to parry the beam like numpty's. I hate having Genji's on my team. Solo quick play is painful when you get people picking a second Genji and it feels like 4 V's 6. If I see 2 Genji's in the team during the pick before the match starts i'll just leave. Long rant short, the nerf is fine, he'll still be good in the right hands. Shit players will get less kills with him but perhaps that might do us all a favour and keep them from picking him in the first place and gimping teams.