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9/7/2016 5:50:43 AM

First time this has ever happened to me on a nightfall

Hey cozmo, I got some feedback for you. So this week's nightfall is Valus. Good. I actually like this strike. I like the challenges and often times try and do them solo till the end, then invite a few guardians to get a few rewards out of nightfalls. The issue right now is I did the normal routine, got to the end, relaxed it up for a few minutes and when the second player joined... I got error code pineapple. Ok. I get both guys to fortunately say they landed down and the back of my mind? They filled the slot and won't invite me naturally. So I wait one minute, then message both. One guy says he isn't leader and has seen the other guys buddy join in. Ok, I message him saying to boot his buddy, I got error coded, and to invite me. So he kicks the guy who I originally invited with him. Ok. I do what I normally do when people play those cards... I send him two messages telling him he needs to kick his friend who shouldn't be here and invite the guy I promised a slot to knowing I might very well get booted to orbit. I did the nightfall solo once, I'll just do it again. Perfectly fine primarily because I don't do CoE anymore and am waiting for RoI. So yes, that is one player who booted me to orbit and took the rewards from the nightfall. Again, perfectly fine. I'm doing it three times on every character too, but I also promised him when he responded, "I didn't have to invite you back." that I would use his likeness on You go ahead and tell the networking team this little situation. I'm not going to give rise to a kid like that and you bet your butt that if I spoke to his parents they would tell him he was wrong, but that's fine. That's what kids do. They make mistakes. This mistake though... shouldn't be around according to your updates which occurred as the last update before Oryx was in the game.

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