I meant to do this last week (and even yesterday) but I slacked off and played the Battlefield 1 beta instead. While other things I would like to do such as Metroid Prime and Beyond Good & Evil, I simply can't as I haven't completed them yet. So in the meantime I'll be pulling from memory some semi-obscure old titles I enjoyed (or not).
This one is like a total cop-out to me, as I've mentioned Blinx 2 many a time on b.net, but it's a game that I did complete this year so the experience is still rememberable. For those who haven't seen me push this product yet, it's the second of the Blinx franchise and also the last. I also understand that like Star Fox Assault, fans of the first game aren't too keen on this one either. To each their own I say, because I adore this title. It's one of the few games I played on my two years of Xbox before getting a 360.
Anyway, the game is a split campaign featuring both the Timesweepers (The Cats) and the Tom Tom Gang (The Pigs) to which you can customize and create your own team of four Pig/Cat team. Both factions are rivals and the main adventure begins with a Tom Tom assault on the Timesweeper HQ, the Time Factory, but not everything is as it seems. The game is fairly lengthy but if you put your mind to it you could finish it in about two to three days grinding the singleplayer. The gameplay is pretty interesting with the Timesweepers focusing on controlling time and firing object you suck up via your sweeper and the Tom Toms using handheld weapons and focusing more on stealth. However, both involve a mix of combat and puzzle solving. While the puzzles may not be two hard to solve but I wouldn't jump to conclusions over it.
Unlike the predecessor, this game features actual dialogue instead of the Banjo Kazooie mumbling. The game also has a great soundtrack that I feel was a staple in 3D platformers at the turn of the millennium. Speaking of that, the game holds a special place in my heart because it invokes the kid within me, the same kid that lies in everyone when they find a way to relive their good childhood memories. Setting aside 10/10 Nostalgia, I'd give the game an 8/10. The game's story isn't too complex and the gameplay works well with the controls and setting. There's also a 4v4 multiplayer mode in which you can have either people or Ai to fill empty spots. It's a great Xbox exclusive that I'd recommend to anyone with a console/emulator to play it on.
Questions, comments? Discuss below.
[spoiler]Fun fact: Blinx the Cat was the original Xbox mascot prior to being replaced by our beloved green armored super soldier, Master Chief.[/spoiler]
The brief snippets I've seen of Blinx 1 looked pretty fun. If the story got into time stuffs even better. Haven't actually played either, though, but this sounds fun. :)
smg and br suc , bring back assualt rifle
Haha I loved the 1st one...didn't play this one tho...