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9/7/2016 10:48:05 PM
I'm so glad to see a like minded individual. I wrote on this topic before when they decided to do maintenance and have server errors during an iron banner as well as the dreaded super download that forces you to redownload a 19gb file you already had (A persistent problem every time they do a patch or update! Yet still hasn't been properly addressed or fixed!) They keep spouting a 10 year plan yet won't try do the basics to be upfront and square with us customers. So I put down my Ghost and can't in good conscience pay another cent to a company that so clearly has little to no respect for our time, patience or intelligence. Gamers are your lifeblood but we have no obligation to buy or put up with your crap Bungie and if we all put down the controller and boycott you, what will you do with your 10 year plan then? We need to make a statement as gamers and stop being played by these sanctimonious callous money grubbers! Sad thing is Destiny could be the greatest game ever but Bungie is standing in its own damn way! Pathetic!!

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