As many will know I was one of the many that preached for a change in flinch.
Here's one of my more [url=]recent posts[/url]
My primary focus was that it should be randomized and not re-center. The previous implementation in no way promoted gun skill and definitely cheated people who were in a good and proper position to counter a sniper.
Despite the current change not being random it may still be effective.
I am glad they acknowledged that countering a sniper properly was an issue. It really was the main point for a lot of people and most of us didn't want to see an actual nerf to the weapon itself (with regard to countering).
Something we may not have known was the amount of flinch that was being used. Especially on the first hit. To learn that the initial hit was only producing 30% flinch was rather surprising.
Now that it's 50% and increases on subsequent hits will increase the risk factor to a better place.
One thing they didn't mention is Precision VS Body damage. What is the "Damage" they're taking about when they say "take damage"?
The change to mid-high impact damage is interesting but is not that significant to destroy it's usability. You just can't kill "high Armor" supers with it. Again another thing that reduced the risk of using a sniper. Taking down supers should be a team effort not a 1 man job (except for another super)
They didn't change double body tap which is good nor did they change Res-sniping. (Other than the Rift change: [i]Added an overshield on player spawn to cut down on spawn-camping[/i])
I feel they really took a good look at what the real issue were and made adjustments accordingly.
As for how the flinch will affect PVE we'll see. Although if you feel that you should take AI damage without flinching then I don't know what to say.
I feel like in this patch they did most things right. Dont agree with a thorn nerf though it was already garbage.
Who cares. Snipers are finally nerfed so that destiny can be fun again. Finally.
I'm fine with the flinch change as a sniper user. I'm fine (mostly) with the aim assist change (although it did give sniper users no reason to pick a longbow over a 1k or an LDR based off the stats of the guns). What I'm not fine is not getting rewarded for headshoting a roaming super. Also things to note: you can't kill a Titan with blessings or their melee shield.
Double tapping and res sniping should both have been removed. I'm not sure why you'd think otherwise.
Due to ghost bullets it will only be effective 1 in 3 shots anyway.
I'm insanely annoyed that it's once again had an impact on pve. No longer can a mid/high sniper kill a red bar Knight in the oryx fight.
Are these also " not the droids you are looking for"......because they're not, they are totally different droids
I'm still for descoping. And a primary buff. But a promary buff with more flinch is also ok. But... Where is my primary buff?
Better nerf thorn
Would love to play with you except your on PS4 :(
The reason they didn't is likely is that to make it veer randomly is likely they'd have likely actually need to redo how flinch itself works. While it shouldn't be overall to much work, but the level of repercussion could be quite severe on the gameplay. It could be a risk not worth venturing. From their point of view. Either way, they should implement something like what Blizzard has for overwatch. Have a playlist that has a beta of a patch to see how well it's received before it goes live, in case something needs more tweekimg.
Bump/ Also: These are not the droids you're looking for....
The only issue I have with the sniper nerf is that the damage nerf applied to PvE as well. There's no reason to lower sniper damage in PvE because of PvP. Snipers (especially high impact ones) are already (IMO) the only viable special weapon option in end game PvE, they really didn't need a damage nerf. Otherwise, the changes were good.
I think this is the first non complaint about snipers. Cheers man
Take my up vote! I'm pleased that this nerf wasn't just a knee jerk reaction to render the weapon useless but more acknowledged the fact that it was unfair when trying to counter a sniper. Finally someone understands that it should not be down to one sniper bullet to stop a super. Crucible is way more fun now and promotes what the game is supposed to be - that being team orientated.
Preach on brother
Couldn't have said it better
All seems fair. Step in the right direction finally.
The initial lack of flinch didn't surprise me I knew it would be some stupid low number. Love the change but I agree the damage nerf doesn't make much sense. I was expecting body damage.