So, i've been playing ALOT of World of Warships, and i got to wondering, after logging in today to get the destiny updates, how many members also play world of warships (or would be interested in playing)
and for the members who are playing, what ships are you using, what is your favorite ship class, any particuler line or ship is your favorite?
For me i've been playing the German BB line, and i must say, the bayern is just beastly, i mean it's gun accuracy sucks, but getting nice and close and dealing death and seeing shells just bounce off is truly sexy.
and for anyone who is INTERESTED in playing, as far as i know this is new, but wargaming now has a recruit a friend for new players and frankly recruitees make out like bandits with it, if you are recruited you get a free Diana premium ship( kinda meh) but more importantly if you play and get to a t6 ships (which is very reasonable and can be done in a couple of days) you automatically get a USS Texas, which is a really good t5 ship (of special note, the best games are at the t5-t6 range)
If anyone is interested in being recruited [url=]here is my RAF code [/url]
Not WoW player but I do play a lot of table top naval wargames and i'll have to say the Iowa class battleships are simply....beautiful.