Bramd - old
Eh, he could be anywhere, for all I know. Wait, why are we talking outside? Come in, come in -
"Oh! Okay." [b]She walks in, and then stands still.[/b] "Holy crap. This place is impressive."
Bramd - old
It's more impressive when you're smaller than everyone else; everything is already so big for everyone else! -
"Yeah. It is." [b]She looks around, amazed.[/b]
Bramd - old
So, Should we go look for JT? -
"Yeah. We should." [b]She turns her attention back to the cat.[/b]
Bramd - old
Alright then. I don't think that following me would be so good, I'd just wander around aimlessly -
"Okay. I'll just go over here, then." [b]She begins to walk off to the right.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mion follows you* Alright then -
"Where do you suppose that he could be?" [b]She continues walking.[/b]
Bramd - old
*He seems to shrug* Probably training -
"Is there a training room of some sort? That seems like a place he'd be."
Bramd - old
Yeah there is a training room. Of course I never go in it, or I'd be dead -
"Can you at least take me to it?"
Bramd - old
Yeah. *He begins to walk towards it* -
[b]She follows him.[/b]
Bramd - old
*After a while you reach the training room* -
[b]She slowly walks in, and looks around.[/b]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Wait for JT[/spoiler] -