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Edited by Inflatablepants: 9/12/2016 12:48:36 PM

Dojo Bio Page

This is the dojo official bio page! Feel free to copy your stuff from the old group and post it here if you need to. If you are new, make your bio here! What is a bio?: You Bio describes who your character is and what they can do. Upon joining, please make a bio for your character. Before making your character, know that olden day characters(such as medieval characters) will likely be trumped by superior technology as well as future tech. The dojo is based in the present day. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE EACH CHARACTER TESTED. ONLY ONE. [spoiler]If you are bugged by the dojo posts. You have a mute button. Use it. It's much faster than you making a post showing a lack of intelligence to use a mute button![/spoiler]
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  • [b]Name:[/b] Aryll [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual [b]Abilities (Yes, magic is a thing.):[/b] None [b]Equipment:[/b] A long sword, as depicted above. A sub machine gun. Extremely effect towards Armor and Shields, usually decimating them [b]Half-Breed?:[/b] No she's human through and through [b]Backstory:[/b] [spoiler]Aryll was born in a small village along the coast line. Her family was poor, but happy, they had all that they needed and Aryll's childhood was beautiful to say the least. One a day a renegade group of vampires raided her village and slaughtered her family, while Aryll was able to hide away in the barn under a large pile of hay. The next morning, when she left the barn she saw her entire village burned to the ground. For Two long days Aryll tried to survive in the village alone. On the third day, she was found by a group of clerics who brought her to their monastary and thought her in the ways of the light. When she was twenty she left the monastary with only one goal: to kill and destroy all undeads and abominations. On her travels, she began chasing a prey far greater then any before. She was going after Royal. She found him and attacked, though she quickly lost the fight. He offered her a chance to live and go somewhere where she could actually hunt monsters. She was intrigued, so she agreed [/spoiler] [b]Additional:[/b] [spoiler]Very open of her past. She doesn't like secrets. She's very honest and kind to people because of that kindness the clerics showed her and taught her [/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 12/11/2016 6:21:14 AM
    [b][i][u]Engineer. Medic.[/u][/i][/b] "[i]Anticipate the Future! "[/i] Name:  Dr. Drak'Nir Hiraku-Daisuke Alias- Scavenger Gender:  Male Homeland:  Aboard vessel  Bodaina Chishiki, Kailassa Education:  Ph.D. Physics (focus on dimensional anomalies); B.S. Chemistry; received training as a botanical assistant (no formal degree) Assigned duty: Engineer aboard the "Inagra" Details: Armor- *CLASSIFIED* Equipment- Weapons are limited, generally has a shotgun nearby or hand gun. Shotgun- WIP Medical - Physical Evaluation: Drak'nir Hiraku-Daisuke is of thin stature. No diseases or allergies.  Subject is slightly underweight, recommend dietary regemine with increased caloric intake. Medical - Psychological Evaluation: Subject shows extreme mental acuity towards abstract philosophies and natural anomalies.  Subject shows moderate passive-aggressive tendancies, especially when asked to take part in "mindless" combat.   Personality: Friendly, always willing to lend a helping hand to all races.  Believes that all races can live in harmony since all came from the same life force.  Tends to stray off mission guidelines due to his inquisitive nature.  Fighting would not be his first choice in any situation but he would stand up for his friends and himself if provoked. Social:  He prefers not to be called 'Doctor' despite his credentials. Inquisitive and friendly, engaging in discussion ranging from dimensional distortion to what food was served on Jove's Fury. Skillset: Having great interest in dimensional and spatial anomolies, Mr. Hiraku-Daisuke specializes in short and long distance instantaneous space/time travel and environmental protection.  Said interest also influences his growing capability in combat evasion and, if provoked, stealth combat tactics.  Though Sha'ha'dem vessels contain greater offensive capability, subject desires to remove shield leeching emitters to further increase evasive abilities. Using Inagra as a testing stage, the ship never has an identical set up. Career: Generally follows the path of the Sha'ha'dem, peace and knowledge through exploration. Even though his crew aren't the biggest followers. Desiring to further the Sha'ha'dem and the Jenquai, he conducts research on dimensional anomalies and quantum particle manipulation.   Corporation/Affiliation: His growing capability as an engineer is being observed with anticipation.  Though Merjan Kathrada and the Jenquarum have expressed uneasiness for his openess to other philosophies, they see his transdimensional research as valuable toward understanding the ancient gates and the beings that would travel through them. Loyalty: Although loyal to the Sha'ha'dem, he keeps and an open mind to the views of others within the Jenquai race.  He is reserved when around terrans and progens but is typically willing to hear them out, believing that all have something to contribute toward the growing knowledge of the universe. Extremely loyal to Madfall and the Inagra crew. Secret Details: [Encrypted information...KJBiubiyuGBVIovbiuyvbil...iljBLhb9988ublhb99g...xxxxxxxxxxxxx...Access Granted]  We cannot lose this one to those political hippies.  Though he does not agree with our methods, he is a valuable asset to us...  He is loyal to us now, however his over inquisitive nature coupled with his open mind toward the other races does not bode well for us.  If he would walk from the Sha'ha'dem we will have to get the oth **HHhvbhiIbhhihbYIVvi87gu798G876fvg** [Invalid data decryption sequence, remaining data destroyed]   ***Registration Received. Connection Terminated.***

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    • Edited by Royal Blade: 12/11/2016 6:22:19 AM
      [b][i][u]Muscle.[/u][/i][/b] [i]"Liar? No. Con man? No. Talented bullshiter? Definitely" [/i] Name: ''Eidos" (birthname not submitted on hire, investigation pending) Employee Number: TT1298-4576 Position: Presumably trader. Gender: Male Homeland: *CLASSIFIED* Education: Standard (no meritus, advance placement, acheivements) Current work sector: Merchant Q-ship, location variable Details: Armor_____#:(2'@'@92'. *VALSSMSK* Equipment- "Auto" Quick fire shotgun, modified heavily to contain a dozen and a half bullets. Minimizes reload. "Matic?" Automatic rifle, modified with an extended magazine. Medical. Eidos was revived from a cryostasis coma of extended and estimated duration. Though restored to full health, psych eval has yet to reveal any mental damage. Small, unidentified puncture wound found on upper extremity and intruding to the humerus marrow. Details unknown (see file PA-44, encrypted). Scans cleared him of quarantine and fit for standard employee status. Personality. Spikes of survival, resourcefulness, and a blatant disregard for authority and chain of command. Despite this, he is extremely in line when Allister is there. Most likely a respect. (Evolution pending) Label: Loose cannon. Recommend observation and passive career guidance. Independent and self-sufficient traits. Due to Medical (see above), employee is not recommended for promotion at this time. Presents a corporate security risk and flagged for such. Career. Pre-Gate War employee given standard education and pilot's license. Experienced in pathfinding new trade routes, ship maneuvers, and support skill use. Re-activated for Q-ship duties alongside trade running. Attention: Retirement pension is excessive given the employee's length of cryostasis. Interest accrued may exceed typical employee ranges. (See taxation forms W-2 or 1099 for further details.) Skillset. Though given plenty of opportunity to develop a craft, the Eidos has shown only an interest in Engines and excessive speed, as well as an excessive interest in weapons. His resumé includes supports skills that may aid in his new vessel's Q-ship transport design. Recommended for observation in groups for support efficiency (Inagra is test stage) Corporation. Under observation by executive order. Permitted 'freelance' license enforced by his lawyer and contractual bylaws. Corp loyalty. Given his late revival from cryostasis, Eidos' loyalty to race and employer is drastically reduced but may rebound with time. Until then, COO DeWynter has designated employee as "a loose cannon." Loyal to Madfall and Allister. Note: (Encrypted cypher Nidus^4.....decode DeWynter: rat.....Accessing: "I want this rat watched closely. If he even twitches a whisker wrong, the [REDACTED] has permission to terminate the employee." -DeWynter)   

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      • Edited by Royal Blade: 12/11/2016 6:24:03 AM
        [b][i][u]Captain. Muscle.[/u][/i][/b] "[i]The three most important things in life, cheating, stealing and drinking. May you cheat death. May you steal a woman's heart. May you drink with me!"[/i] Name: Nyther LaFord Alias: Captain Allister Employment Status: Active, on assignment Position: Captain of "Inagra." Supposed Trade vessel. Gender: Male Age: 37 Homeland: Zweihander Planet, Alpha Centauri Education: General Education, no completed degree but took classes on psychology, xeno-psychology, business and marketing. Received high marks on navigation and maneuvering for pilot's license. Armor: *CLASSIFIED* Assigned duty: Varies due to assignment; current port of call Somerled Station, New Edinburg, Tau Ceti. Equipment: "Flaw" [b]>Design:[/b] [spoiler]A CQC Submachine gun that features a gas operated, revolving breech design. It also accentuates a magazine capacity of 60 rounds in a disposable plastic box magazine (bullpup) with a holographic ammo counter behind the back rail. Features an ergonomic snub foregrip, a reflex optic, and a collapsible stock. Easily fired one-handedly, as the compact plasteel frame weighs 1.45kg loaded, and ergonomic grips make the recoil easily controllable. [/spoiler] [b]>Round Caliber[/b] [spoiler]6.19mm Advanced. High-velocity, hyper-dense round that packs the punch of a rifle into as small a package as possible. [/spoiler] "Righty and Lefty" "Mustard and Ketchup" Two automatic rifles on his back, carrying a minimum of seven Mags each. "Danger, near" A handgun, strapped to his right leg. Two hidden blades, each in a gauntlet. Medical: Though of sound health, he has a complete personality change upon being asked to chart new areas of space without an escort. Reason for this is unknown. Psychological evaluation pending. Personality: Generally easy-going and laid back, with a strong manipulative streak. While helpful and outgoing, he seems to be very focused on the mission. Expect him to be charming and friendly.  Social: Adapted quickly to the "culture" of being a mercenary. Will usually be helpful and polite to others, but all the while will try to swing a deal more in his favor. Has been reported more than once for attempting to cheat Jenquai in trade deals. Almost always requests Centuriata escorts into hostile space. Skillset: Excellent business and negotiation skills. Has shown marked interest in the building of devices, components, and shields. Has solid grasp of hull repair and maintaining shields under pressure, with signs of continuing improvement. Has excellent marksmanship and is in peak physical condition. Also excels in hand to hand combat, as well as knife to knife. Career: Showed great ability to make a profit soon after being hired. Has been assigned to seek out possible new trade routes and areas where [REDACTED] could set up a new foothold. It was the right choice to take a risk on him, despite his lack of education. Corporation/Affiliation: Agent of [REDACTED]. In the short term, has proved to be a valuable asset to the company. If he continues in this manner, DeWinter herself remarked he would be an executive by the time he was 35. He is also highly loyal to Madfall. Corporation Loyalty: Strong. It is apparent that while he seeks his own profit first, he realizes the best profit is to be made carrying out corporation directives. Will be considered for higher risk missions in the future. It seems if he is properly incentivized, there is very little he can't accomplish. Misc. Notes: ***CLEARANCE LEVEL IV*** Under no circumstances whatsoever is he to be deployed in a high risk situation without considerable protection. He is the last of his line, and the information he has may surface at some point. ANY change in personality habits must be immediately reported to HR with code TB-779B21.

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        • Edited by Royal Blade: 12/11/2016 6:24:36 AM
          [b][i][u]Pilot. Muscle(Potentially)[/u][/i][/b] "[i]Dance across the skies of planets. Dance across the lands of the planets. Dance across the dead you left behind. Ignore those that chase. [/i] Name: Zyrith Skye Alias- Nova Inception Date: (Encrypted: classified Sabura Project, under article SP-Vind) Iteration Tree: (Encrypted: First Generation Hybrid Sabine-Sabura Genome classified Sabura Project, article SP-Vind) Gender: Female (Encrypted: Beta Caste classified Sabura Project, article SP-Vind) Homeland: Porvenir Mons, Endriago Planet Assigned Duty: Freelance. Sentinel has taking an interest in exploring the galaxy after being placed under Probation (See Tribunal Case File #47-2365) in Endriago sector. Details: Equipment: "Stayed" Sniper rifle, as shown above. Extremely well modified to fit long range, multiple target fights. Armor: *CLASSIFIED* Medical: First stable iteration of genome after period of growth into adulthood (about 20 years equivalent). Subject appears to be in prime physical condition despite only reaching 5'0" in stature. Extremely lithe and athletic with heightened perception and quick reaction time. Mental evaluation shows extreme mood swings possibly due to the Empathy enhancements in the Frontal Cortex: tends to get nervous or frustrated in crowded places. Label: Manic-Depressive. Cybernetic enhancements include: eyes (adjustable low-light, telescopic, and microscopic vision), muscle enhancements (strength, endurance, fine motor control), skeletal enhancements (bone reinforcement). Personality: Extremely curious. Has an innate ability to read people and determine their motives. Seems to mesh well in mixed groups with similar mindsets. Uses her looks and charm to sway others. Label: Social Butterfly. Extremely intelligent and aloof. Has an extreme fear of death (Encrypted: Vinda's note: Perhaps too extreme for final Sabura genome). Mood swings show there could be a flaw in genetic matrix (See Medical), currently under observation. Skill-set. Shows a high aptitude in survival, combat, and piloting skills. Extreme curiosity makes the Sentinel an excellent candidate for exploration. Despite having the genetic ability, the Sentinel has very little desire in crafting. Has an excellent eye, perfect for sniper engagements Career. Assigned to Reclamation duty after three counts of assault in the first degree. Her erratic behavior and wild mood swings make her unreliable in any official capacity. If the Sentinel could be controlled somehow she could make an excellent covert agent. Affiliation. Despite lacking a desire of trading and crafting she recently associates herself among a freelance Guild of Traders: Builders Inc.. She seems to enjoy the social banter from those behind the trade channels. Loyalty Degree: Loyal to the Sabine Order, Progen Republic, and most importantly Madfall. Is proud to be a Sabine but dislikes authority. Questions all orders. Does not harm innocents. -For Vinda's Eyes Only- -Encrypted with Hex^64 cypher- -Decode Vinda-16 Alpha- Accessing: First iteration of Sabine-Sabura Hybrid Alpha code named ''Nova" a success after multiple inception and incubation failures. A physically perfect specimen despite her small frame (Note: Unsuitable for Centuriata insertion/infiltration). Re-designated iteration as Sabine and inserted into Arx Spartoi for Sentinel training despite warrior gene programming. The odd mix of genes seem to be conflicting as shown by her manic-depressive state, require further observation of Sentinel to see how she progresses and if it can be treated. Vinda's Note: "I am disappointed that the Sabine-Sabura Hybrid genome turned out to be so mentally unstable. Trying to keep her under observation is difficult as I believe she's beginning to suspect being watched. During her Probation she has escaped Endriago sector multiple times thwarting guards and her observers through subversion and persuasion. If only I can find a way to keeping her under control she can be of some use to me." -End Encryption-

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          • [quote][b][i][u]DIGHT LEGION MEMBER[/u][/i][/b] Name- Winston Age- Unknown Gender- Male Background [spoiler]Winston is a hybrid of a human being and a Dwarf, making him short and big. However, he is also extremely powerful and talented at forging. When he was young, his father trained him in ways of forging and how to fight. Winston lived his life as a peaceful man until he reached his current age, and his current state. As a pissed off old man, he told people off multiple times. One day, he told the wrong guy to piss off and that man attempted to murder Winston. Luckily Roy stepped in and saw Winston's potential. So he recruited and saved him [/spoiler] Abilities [spoiler]Has fire abilities. Excellent forger[/spoiler] Equipment [spoiler]An Axe. A greatsword each absolutely massive. A shotgun, bigger then most of the people in the dojo and will send you flying [/spoiler] Weaknesses [spoiler]Long Range attacks [/spoiler] Quirks/personality [spoiler]He's always watching out for his Allies [/spoiler][/quote]

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          • Name: Vanar Age: 47 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Race: Human Kingdom: None. Varan is a mercenary Physical appearance: Most notable battle- Devil's Advocate The battle was one of the bloodiest any warrior had ever seen. There was nothing but death all around, senseless killing and slaughter. Nearly all the races where driven to extinction until one man stepped up. Varan He was a shining light, bringing the races back from the brink and stopping the battle in its tracks Rank: Battalion Commander Weapons (3 weapons and a melee): Axe shown in picture Camouflage- A sniper rifle that can adapt to any environment given to it Mage or no?: Nah Additional info: He's older and much more experienced

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          • [quote]Name- Teriar Age- Unknown Gender- Male Background [spoiler]Teriar was a normal Knight until his best friend Was sent to the Elder Prison. In an attempt to rescue him, Teriar broke into the prison. Little did he know, he was only allowed to enter because the warden had plans for him As he entered the Labyrinth, he became lost and soon died His soul was forced to wander the maze forever That is until a group of people saved him from his curse and took him in as their own [/spoiler] Abilities [spoiler]Creates doubles of himself [/spoiler] Equipment [spoiler]Dual swords. Automatic rifle. Shadow Price. Carries 28 bullets in a mag, and is an extremely viable weapon [/spoiler] Weaknesses [spoiler]Weak to brute force [/spoiler] Quirks/personality [spoiler]New to everything, trying to understand, generally steps up taking a leadership role [/spoiler][/quote]

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          • Edited by Thot Slayer Emps: 12/29/2016 9:02:48 PM
            [b]Ghiaccio, formerly of La Squadra di Esecuzione[/b] [b]Race: Vampire (Rejected his humanity lel)[/b] [b]Appearance: Light blue hair combed back with multiple hair spikes jutting out of the back, he has black irides due to a birth defect, he is rather muscular almost bodybuilder levels and no he did not skip leg day. He stands at 189cm. [/b] [b]Personality: Cunning, Rude and full of hubris his ascension to becoming a Vampire lead to him believing he is better than everyone, he however seeks perfection and has somewhat of a soft spot for others. Like Irina. He also despises cats....and Quincy.[/b] [spoiler][b]Powers: Ghiaccio possesses Superhuman Strength, capable of punching through a brick wall and also capable of lifting a motherfuсking steamroller and jump in the air with it. He also has Superhuman Agility, capable of jumping up several meters in the air (4.22 meters at least.), capable of clinging onto ceilings with ease and leaping great distances. Enhanced Senses: He is able to hear a persons heartbeat just a a few meters away, not to mention vision rivaling that of a hawk. Blood Sucking: Vampires consume the blood of living creatures to sustain themselves. Unlike traditional Vampires, they suck their victim's blood with their hands, digging the fingers directly inside the target to suck their blood. Blood consumption will strengthen a Vampire and heal him if he was weakened before. In a weakened state, a Vampire will instinctively crave blood and may attack any victim to regenerate. Fusion: By fusing different species, the vampires can create half-man half-beast hybrid zombies. They can even fuse themselves with another living being to take control of them. It should be noted that it can only work with said Vampire is decapitated, not to mention its a long and painful process. Vaporization Freezing: A freezing ability enabling vampires to freeze their own body parts and transfer the loss of energy by touch. Basically he can freeze shit by touch. Space Ripper Stingy Eyes (I wish I was making this shit up): Creates two pressurized fluid jets from the eyes. Strong enough to cut cleanly through a stone column. Regeneration: Before you flip shit, let me explain. A minor cut = 1 reply A stab/gunshot wound= 3 replies A chopped off limb/vital area shot = 7 replies. [/b][/spoiler] [spoiler]The Judgement:A pet ferret Ghiaccio owns, it has a Stand of its own named The Judgement In appearance, it is as a sphere, plated, with a superficial, removable knob on its top; standing on the treads of a tank at its sides; embedded in front by a ferret-skull with the addition of a downward dagger on the forehead, an articulate jaw, and a short spike as a nose. If attached to someone, it will leave visible tread marks on them. This bomb detaches from The Ferret thus any damage or stand abilities forced upon it is reflected onto the user. It is completely autonomous, with an unlimited range, thus the user can safely engage Judgement and walk away a great distance while it carries out its duties. It seeks out whatever the warmest thing in the vicinity is, even changing targets the second a warmer object appears. Upon reaching its target, it automatically induces an explosion with power and blast range equivalent to the the heat of the target. If Judgements explosion was set off due to a non-human source, it will continue to seek out targets until it explodes from a human Ghiaccio's Stand, Palesnake: Stats. Destructive Ability:A Speed: A Range:A (Over 100 meters) Durability: A (It can take a good beating, though something like a 90mm Cannon can probably fuсk it up.) Precision: A (Able to pinpoint and catch miniscule insects.) Developmental Potential: ? Pale Snake is a humanoid Stand of a height and build similar to Ghiaccio's. It is sparsely clothed in black, with a mask covering its face to the bottom of where its nose would be, in a piece that rises above its head by half its height in a row of peaks, like a crown. Its light skin is marked by horizontal stripes of roughly an inch's height, with "GΔCT" (after the four nucleobases of DNA) repeatedly written on every other stripe. Palesnake is sentient, with a cold, scornful, and hating personality. Abilities Disc Creation: Palesnake's primary ability is to transform a portion or the entirety of a person's psyche or their Stand (spirit) into humanly tangible Discs. To do so, Palesnake must touch its victim and physically "extract" the disc from them. These Discs may be inserted into other people, allowing them to either read memories or use Stands stored within. The Discs are perennial, existing even long after Palesnake ceases to exist; the only way of destroying them is to insert them into a dying person in which case the Disc disappears. Memory discs contain a person's memory. Whenever they are inserted into someone, the person can freely consult the memories inside. Anyone can push a memory disc into their head. Stand Discs contain a person's Stand. When inserted into someone, the host is able to use the Stand much like the original user. A Stand Disc may reject hosts. Palesnake also demonstrates the ability to insert and extract Discs of miscellaneous use. Discs can contain instructions the host will instinctively obey without question, and enables them to do seemingly impossible feats like exploding; showcasing the power of suggestion over a physical body. Palesnake is also able to extract senses. Mind Control: Palesnake is able to control people's minds directly by inserting its hand into the victim's head. The victim then willingly obeys Ghiaccio's orders. However since it is basically nigh-useless, theres no need for it. Digestive Mist: Palesnake can produce a mist that slowly digests objects like stomach acid. While dissolving, targets of this attack are distracted in a delusional dream-state. Palesnake may also create sophisticated illusions with this mist, such as impersonating others, for a limited time. A person trapped in the dream may wake up from it by noticing discrepancies between the dream and established reality. [/spoiler] [spoiler]Weaknesses: Unlike usual vampires, Garlic, Holy Objects and Running water won't harm him. He is still susceptible to Sunlight, UV Lights, Fire and getting his head blown up. So you can just shoot him in the head.[/spoiler]

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            • [quote][b][i][u]DIGHT LEGION MEMBER[/u][/i][/b] Name- Robosamotur. Goes by Robo Age- Unknown Gender- Male most likely Background [spoiler]Robo was created as a last ditch effort in the Samurai wars. He was programmed in that ways of a Samurai and when they were wiped out, he went on a killing spree. He took down anyone involved and ended up going after Royal. Roy revealed that he had nothing to do with it and was actually an ally of the Samurais Roy gave the robot an opportunity to continue the samurai legacy through the Dight, which Robo accepted [/spoiler] Abilities [spoiler]Calculates moves to make it easier to block them. Moves fast. Tough, his metal is his armor[/spoiler] Equipment [spoiler] Like Oni, his frame is made of vibranium Four swords. All identical Two Submachine guns, similar to Arclas and Bailey they carry 60 bullets and are powerful [/spoiler] Weaknesses [spoiler]His calculations can be outsmarted [/spoiler] Quirks/personality [spoiler]For a robot he can express kindness extremely well. And other emotions [/spoiler][/quote]

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            • [quote][b][i][u]DIGHT LEGION MEMBER [/u][/i][/b] Name- Merlin Gender- Female Age- Unknown Background [spoiler]Merlin was Mage that showed Arthur the way of being a good, honest king She was there through thick and thin. After the Civil War, Merlin found herself joining the Rag Tag Legion, known only as the Dight Legion There she became Allies with comrades in arms and fought alongside them through the Holy Wars After the Legion scattered, she attempted to keep contact with some members but failed Now she has been called upon by Fentis, In the name of Royal [/spoiler] Abilities [spoiler]Extremely powerful magic. Elemental, Defensive, offensive, the works [/spoiler] Equipment [spoiler]A staff, which channels her magical powers [/spoiler] Weaknesses [spoiler]Not terrific at hand to hand [/spoiler] Quirks/personality [spoiler]Deductive. Analytical. Strategist She Is always asking questions, trying to figure things out [/spoiler][/quote]

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            • [quote]Name- Oni Age- Unknown Gender- Male Race- Artificial intelligence Background [spoiler]Oni has been protecting the never ending hallway for centuries, waiting for a challenger. However, none ever came and when the group arrived to break Royal out, he became fast friends with some of the group members [/spoiler] Abilities [spoiler]Calculates opponents moves, making it easier to block (Usable every two turns) Can create anything in his hands that is usually in combat Grenades, guns, swords [/spoiler] Equipment [spoiler]Anything he can think of. Literally. Using Nanotechnology, he can create any weapon he chooses whenever he chooses His skin his armor, his frame is created of a vibranium, making him extremely durable against bullets [/spoiler] Weaknesses [spoiler]He's not used to the outside world [/spoiler] Quirks/personality [spoiler]Doesn't understand the world perfectly [/spoiler][/quote]

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            • [quote]Name- Magrim Age- Unknown Background [spoiler]Magrim served under Roy during the second and third holy wars. He quickly became Royal's most trusted ally and was given the honor of second in command. When Legion broke up, Magrim tried keeping the soldiers together to no avail. But that all changes now that Roy is being hunted[/spoiler] Abilities [spoiler]Lighting Abilities, controlling storms. Ice powers, being able to freeze things, shoot ice picks and more.[/spoiler] Equipment [spoiler]powerful armor, like the others. A sword, with a curved blade that glows the same unidentifiable color as Royal's. A WW2 esque automatic rifle (The Bar) except it's been heavily advanced, making it extremely useful [/spoiler] Weaknesses [spoiler]Panicy[/spoiler] Quirks/personality [spoiler]Serious. Not really a comedian [/spoiler][/quote]

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            • Edited by Royal Blade: 12/23/2016 12:26:36 AM
     [quote][b][i][u]DIGHT LEGION MEMBER[/u][/i][/b] Name- Joker Age- Unknown Gender- Male Background [spoiler]Joker has always fit his name. He is a complete mad Man, always coming up with something to say He joined up with the Legion at a surprisingly young age, Younger then most others. He specialized in Illusions at first but soon expanded his grasp across other magics as well He wasn't the brightest, nor the best student however he was always working hard. This hard work gave him the push he didn't to become an apprentice of Merlin herself [/spoiler] Abilities [spoiler]Strong Illusions. Weak Elemental abilities. Resilient to physical damage, mostly hurt by magic damage [/spoiler] Equipment [spoiler]A short sword for close range attacks. Two P228 Saugers, Nick named Righty and Lefty. Each packs a rather powerful punch, and using his abilities he causes them to explode. Mainly used his abilities [/spoiler] Weaknesses [spoiler]Weak against Magic Weak with Melee [/spoiler] Quirks/personality [spoiler]Smart-ass. Witty. Rarely reveals true feelings [/spoiler][/quote]

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            • Edited by Royal Blade: 12/23/2016 12:25:29 AM
     [quote][b][i][u]DIGHT LEGION MEMBER [/u][/i][/b] Name- Jeremiah Age- Unknown Gender- Male Background [spoiler]Jeremiah was born into a family of Knights, dating back to his Great, Great Grandfather who served under King Arthur. He had big shoes to fill, to say the least. However, he failed at his task and failed many of his classes. One day, while swinging his sword around madly, Royal approached him and taught him how to use it properly. With Royal's help, Jeremiah began to excel in his classes and became one of the best Knights in the Academy. Once he graduated, and was knighted, Royal took him in and Jeremiah became part of the Dight [/spoiler] Abilities [spoiler]Highly resilient to physical damage.[/spoiler] Equipment [spoiler]A huge sword as portrayed in the picture. A powerful shotgun that shreds through flesh and greatly impacts armor [/spoiler] Weaknesses [spoiler] Weak against ranged attacks.[/spoiler][u][/u] Quirks/personality [spoiler]Tries to be comedic [/spoiler][/quote]

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            • Edited by Royal Blade: 12/23/2016 12:24:31 AM
     [quote][b][i][u]DIGHT LEGION MEMBER[/u][/i][/b] Name- Hamilton Gender- Male Age- Unknown Background [spoiler]Hamilton was never the greatest warrior, or the greatest friend. He was a sellout, always betraying those close to him. During one of his Betrayals, he was beaten senseless by the one he had betrayed. That's when Hamilton decided to become a warrior. So he began training day in and and day out until he was strong enough to fight back. Nearly twenty years later, everyone feared Hamilton as the giant of a man he had become Around the same time, the Dight Legion passed through his home and recruited him. At first, he was reluctant but quickly grew to consider those around him as a family [/spoiler] Abilities [spoiler]Ground Smash- Create a Shockwave along the ground to stun enemies from a distance. [/spoiler] Equipment [spoiler]A massive hammer (think Reinhardt) for close range attacks. Two powerful buck shotguns, one in each hand. These shotguns extend from his back or his gauntlets using nanotechnology. Two. 358 revolvers, each hidden somewhere in his armor [/spoiler] Weaknesses [spoiler]Weak against Magic[/spoiler] Quirks/personality [spoiler]Relaxed. Careful. Kind [/spoiler][/quote]

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            • Edited by Royal Blade: 12/23/2016 12:23:00 AM
     [quote][b][i][u]DIGHT LEGION MEMBER[/u][/i][/b] Name- "Blind Bandit" Age- Unknown Gender- Male Background [spoiler]Blind has been, well, Blind since birth. However he always had the unique ability to see, with his blindness. He used the energy around him as his senses increased greatly He became the top warrior in his village and destroyed all those that reckoned with him. He discovered his earth powers during a duel, mostly by accident. The details have all been lost in time. Royal found his way to Blind's village and challenged him. After Royal defeated Blind, he offered him a position with the Dight, which Blind Humbly accepted. [/spoiler] Abilities [spoiler]Can see using energy around him. Enhanced smell, hearing and taste. Gives the opponent an overwhelming sense of fear, which may hinder their combat His skin is stronger then most metals therefore it is armor Strong Earth bond, giving him earth powers [/spoiler] Equipment [spoiler] Curved blade, cuts through metals like a knife through butter. [/spoiler] Weaknesses [spoiler]He's Blind.[/spoiler] Quirks/personality [spoiler]Quiet, waits his opponent out [/spoiler][/quote]

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            • Edited by Royal Blade: 12/23/2016 12:22:16 AM
     [quote][b][i][u]DIGHT LEGION MEMBERS[/u][/i][/b] Names- Arclas and Bailey Arclas- Bailey- Ages- Unknown for both Genders- Female for Both Background [spoiler]Arclas and Bailey have been together since they were extremely young. When they became teens, they ended up falling in love with one another and ran away together. When they ran, they had to become huntresses, meaning they had to toughen up. They learned how to hunt using bows and arrows, and became excellent shots. While in the wild, they Created a home which Roy stumbled upon. Roy recruited the two into the Dight, promising them they could be together forever. [/spoiler] Abilities [spoiler]Neither one has any abilities [/spoiler] Equipment [spoiler]Armor is powerful, able to stop bullets and take quite a bit of damage Two snipers, one is a bolt action slower firing one. The other is fully automatic . Armor piercing rounds, shield blasting as well. Each one also has a PP-90 submachine gun. Armor piercing rounds holding up to sixty bullets in each magazine [/spoiler] Weaknesses [spoiler] Weak against short range attacks [/spoiler] Quirks/personality [spoiler]Arclas is funny and kind. Very open Bailey is more closed off, and colder [/spoiler][/quote]

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            • Well here we go

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            • Edited by Quincy_Frost: 12/22/2016 11:54:05 PM
              Name: Quincy Arktis Frost / Snow Arktis Frost Age: 14? sounds fourteen, smells fourteen (dont ask), looks fourteen. Race: Arctic Folf [mix of a fox and a wolf] (anthropomorphic) Gender: Currently male. Pic is outdated. Weapons: Modified MK-14 EBR, silenced Magnum (from ODST), various small knives, his fists, his teeth, his feet, etc., Tac-45 with FMJ, Kap-40, Has used household objects as weapons. Knows how to operate and repair an M1 Abrams tank. Abilities: can manipulate snow to his desire (takes up a lot of his energy to do big stuff). can also shift shape as long as the DNA of what he shifts into has been inserted into him somehow (methods include injection, consumption, etc.) Is also an exceptional cook, capable of making anything as long as he's briefed on how to make it. Also has telepathy, but its limited to where he can only talk to people mentally and read emotions (and thoughts if they think loud enough) May or may not have a "cycle", so to speak. Personality: Sometimes energetic, usually in a good/positive mood, enjoys company and a good conversation. wants nothing more than to help others (as long as they deserve help). Can get quite emotional if emotions are stirred. Quirks: Can yell very loud... if needed, drinks lots of coffee from the local Starbucks, secretly boxes (the punching sport). Rumor has it he once punched a hole in tree. Where to find: anywhere, shout his name a few times and he'll show up eventually. Appearance: four feet tall and fluffy. has a pink nose, pink inner ears, pink paw pads and silver eyes. May have a slightly rounded belly (doughnuts are good, OK?), is relatively small at 4'6". Also weighs around 95-105 pounds. Picture is only for reference. (had to re-make this so i can make edits when i need to.)

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            • Edited by Inflatablepants: 12/26/2016 2:16:16 PM
              "A bio? What the shit? Why do I need a-" [b][i]THE FIERCE DEITY[/i][/b] [b][u]Armour[/u][/b] [spoiler]The Deity only wears one piece of protected clothing- [i]Except during sex! ZING![/i] OH MY GOD. BE QUIET. Anyways, he has one piece of armour. Which is his dragon skin chest plate. It covers his entire chest and back with a incredibly light chest plate that is impenetrable. [i]Oh! Shit! Sounds like Po is getting salty already![/i] DO NOT INSULT THE OTHER MEMBERS! Such a dick! Anyways! The armour is impenetrable! But it acts as a second skin. And without the deities old power to shrug off attacks, the armour is now much different. When the deity is hit, he takes not physical damage. But he feels a slightly nullified version of the attack mentally. Meaning you can still cripple him by firing at his chest. The armour is a fit steel. And goes over his chest to cover his torso. Painted a matte black, it goes with the black jeans he wears down to his combat boots, but is at odds with the white leather trench coat he wears on his body. [/spoiler] Physical appearance: [spoiler]Blue eyes, pale skin and a smug look somehow plastered on his face. [i]The deity is easily more attractive than any other of you nerdy shits.[/i] DEITY I SWEAR- [i]I'm taking it from here dickwad! Now! The deities got some big ass arms! Enough to lift a truck! And his legs? Well let's just say when a woman isn't on em, they are whole lot more fit then yours! Also, I am literally a carbon copy of Link from the legend of Zelda. Good work on originality dickwad. Also, just use the Damn picture for reference! I don't wanna write this![/i][/spoiler] Age: [i]Not sharing that.[/i] Weight: [i]Ha! No.[/i] Gender: Female. [i]Wait what? No![/i] Sexuality: Homosexual. [i]YOU LIAR![/i] Weakness: Attractive men. [i]OKAY IM SORRY. JUST LIST THE ACTUAL SHIT PLEASE.[/i] Heh. Alright. [b][u]Weakness:[/u][/b] [spoiler]The Deity is not used to not having his powers, so he still risks many situations without questioning is new mortality. He will always underestimate his opponent, and often gets sidetracked during fights. Fire is seemingly more effective against him. Also, he's a pretty shitty shot.[/spoiler] [b][u]Strengths: [/u][/b] [spoiler]While the deity no longer has his powers, he is still a strong son of a bitch. He was able to lift two people up with one arm while he was hanging off a tower, and took many hits in combat with no choice but to tank it. He has a natural resistance to cold as he was born in the Ko-Rudo mountains. He is also one of the most deadly swordsmen in the universe. So ya, he's pretty badass.[/spoiler] Weapon: "The Infinite Blade" [spoiler][/spoiler] Other weapons: [spoiler]Silenced blaster shotgun: a silenced shotgun the deity found in his ventures aiding a bunch of clones, the silenced shot gun fires controlled beams that are as strong as a slug from a shot gun. The gun itself is small, has no stock and has to be reloaded every three shots. Desert Eagle: Its a deagle. Nothing more nothing less. PP-19 bizon: A 9mm Sub machine gun. [/spoiler]

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              • Edited by The WORLD1897: 12/21/2016 10:14:13 PM
                [b][i]Name: Delphine La Laurie[/i][/b] [b][i]Gender: Female[/i][/b] [b][i]Personality: Seductive, Sadistic, Merciless.[/i][/b] [b][i]Equipment: •A phantom of the opera mask. •A sultry maid outfit. •A hidden blade under each wrist. •A Derringer Revolver in a concealed thigh holster.[/i][/b] [b][i]Theme: Psychotic Girl by the Black Keys.[/i][/b] [b][i]Abilities: •Charm: She can will the weak minded to do her bidding by using her voice.[/i][/b]

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                • Edited by ALIAS-F4LS: 12/25/2016 8:55:00 PM
                  Name: Jackie (also goes by Jacko) Nicknames: Jacko, Jacko the wacko, oh my God I hit her with a semi truck, why is she still standing!? Species: Angel (corrupted) Gear: An unusual mask, Ball and chain strapped to her ankle. Often carries a few hot peppers. An old motorcycle that's clearly been in constant repair. Weapon: Bare fists, Ball and chain, corrupted light magic. Abilities: Extreme durability(Jackie's body is capable of taking massive amounts of damage without giving out combine with proving very difficult to injure) Intense physical prowess(pretty sure this says it all. She swings one hell of a nasty punch and can run extraordinarily fast) Berserker empowerment(pain seems to have a reverse effect on Jackie's fighting ability as she seems to actually become stronger as the pain she feels intensifies) The Mask(wearing the mask seems to cause Jackie's power to skyrocket allowing her to match gods blow for blow) ((she will use it in PvP but for fairness sake if you don't want to fight her at god tier she won't use it if she knows you couldn't handle it. Just leave a spoiler saying don't have her wear the mask.)) Corrupted light(while she seems to use light powers her powers have become warped causing them to react in a much more violent manner than what is expected of an angel) Bio: It is unknown how or even why Jackie was allowed to become an angel in the first place but what is known is at some point in time her powers had warped in a way that many have deemed corrupted. Even her attitude seems very different from the average Angel as she seems much more carefree and reckless than others of her type. Apart from its power the mask she carries seems to carry importance to her though it's unsure as of why. Extra: being an angel she doesn't nessisarily die but simmilar to my Ash character she is capable of being defeated. She has a tendency to be mischievous at times occasionally getting into trouble. While she is extraordinarily powerful she is still relatively light with a stature of 5'4 and only weighing 100 lbs meaning with enough force she could be knocked around.

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                  • Edited by AlexanderSolomon: 12/21/2016 3:56:20 AM
                    Name; alexan der ilthari yoweth hewa inid deevdru usv dormir vur milla re'lar apetropes isthasy di asmira wer dnilok (Goes by Alexan) Age; 300,000 Male Ilthari [spoiler]Ilthari are extremely long lived sentient humanoid plants from the planet of ilthar, they have dark green skin, four large leaf like wings, and survive off photosynthesis. Water acts as a stimulant and they breathe carbon dioxide.[/spoiler] Description: [spoiler]Typically clothed in heavy black clothing over armor, as his own planet was significantly warmer. Wears a four eyed mask over his face, which acts as a rebreather. Has four leaflike wings typically concealed under his coat, and long black hair and dark green skin. His eyes are also green, and glow slightly.[/spoiler] Equipment: Dual dark matter scimitars, nearly indestructible, 20 pounds each, and sharp as a scalpel Abilities: Main abilities are entropy and dimension manipulation, and are expressed in the following manners: 1. Shunting an area and everything in it out of the dimension. This is an incredibly close range attack, about the reach of his blades, and only effects a single section. The rend then closes, drawing space around it together. This ability is similar to that is the stand, The Hand. 2. Teleportation: By stepping out of a dimension and then back in, he can move instantaneously. This does require significant time to ready though. 3. Entropy field: A one centimeter thick one meter in radius circle of pure entropy negates energy that enters it. Powerfully concentrated energy forces him to thicken and contract the shield. 4. Mass entropy chain reaction: His ultimate ability. He can vastly accelerate a small amount of matter's internal clock, causing it to degrade into energy, and the energy is in turn converted into heat, effectively allowing him to turn a small amount of matter into heat. Other abilities include genius level intellect, mastery of swordsmanship, peak physical fitness with a max lifting ability of one thousand pounds, and an expert understanding of magic, alchemy, and ki despite his inability to use them.

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                  • Edited by Viper: 12/21/2016 4:46:23 AM
                    •Name Tyto •Age 9001 •Gender Male •Weapons "The Ring in Return" A very special sword. The Ring cannot be shattered or bent. The blade was enchanted with an old spell that basically keeps it's condition frozen in time. The metal is also an Amorphous solid, meaning in also has extreme return of kinetic energy. "Ludicrous Speed" A small full-auto pistol that has such a high fire rate it overheats in 2.56 seconds. The bullets are half the size of a 22. Caliber bullet, but it has much more penetration. •Personality Unforgiving and constantly restless. Many would call him insane for his actions. However, Tyto is kind and forgiving to a select few, mostly people he truly loves. •Backstory [spoiler]When he was born, he was born basically a god. His family was not worshipped, at least by most people, his family was only known for their long lives. Unfortunately many wanted to know the secrets hidden behind his family and their seeming immortality. One night, at the age of 9, a group of 5 men broke into their house armed with extremely deadly weapons. The men killed his parents and his 6 brothers and sisters, with Tyto being the only survivor. His parents defended him from the attackers but died of fatal wounds in front of him, along with the intruders. From there, Tyto took what weapons he could from the men, "The Ring in Return" and "Ludicrous Speed", and set off in desperate need of help. No one was willing to help him, not his neighbors or the friends he thought he had. Tyto had to raise himself, and so he did. After what seemed like an eternity Tyto, at 8992 years old, became one of the deadliest men in the world. No one quite understands him completely...only really to keep your distance.[/spoiler] •Theme Song

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                  • Name: Lupus Venator Appearance: He's just a big wolf Weapons: He doesn't really use weapons because he's a wolf, but he's got sharp teeth and claws Abilities: He has all the superpowers of a regular wolf. It is worth noting, however, that he is really smart Bio: Venator is a wolf whose pack lives in the Ko Rudo Mountains. He recently became the alpha male. His pack is called Montem

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