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originally posted in:The New Dojo
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/25/2018 4:22:10 AM


[i] The Dojo. Located on the diverse planet of Tatakai, the Dojo consists of the largest gathering of fighters the universe has ever seen. Men and women from all different cultures, races and worlds come to train, compete and fight together. Many battles have been raged on its soil, but it remains standing. Here, one can write, fight and talk with other writers who seek to create stories with one another. All you have to do is start typing.[/i] [b][i]The New Dojo(JOIN HERE!)[/i][/b] [spoiler]Join our group! Free of charge! I swear! USE THIS LINK IF THAT OTHER ONE DOES NOT WORK. Once you pass your test and have joined the group sign here: NOTE: You do not have to be tested to join the dojo. Only to PvP. [/spoiler] [b][i]Who we are[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is an ENTRY LEVEL AND ONE OF THE ONLY PUBLIC RP THREADS. RP is A way of interactive creative writing. Where you can go on adventures, have fights and generally have fun. Think of dungeons and dragons, but its horribly imbalanced since there is not an experience system or dice. Its great! The Dojo loves different opinions, ideas and writing no matter if you are new to RP(roleplay) or extremely experienced. If you have an opinion to share about how to make the dojo better, contact one of the Sensei's that run the place (We would prefer this rather then excessive and unintelligent shit talking). Every work of writing is appreciated and accepted (shitposts…maybe not so much). [/spoiler] [b][i]How we work(list of Admins included)[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is run by a group of Sensei’s. These Sensei’s will make up most of the game changing decisions to benefit The Dojo. BUT Everyone's opinion matters a great deal. So the Sensei’s will make poll’s within the group for the members to vote and decide on big issues/ideas. Even then, the sensei’s will inform the group of changes and decisions made. The list of sensei’s are as follows: Inflatablepants/Pants(GONE ON HIATUS) The God-Eater/Cob Royalblade/Royal Fresh Cazberry/Vio nullCth/Cth And the leader of the dojo union: Tubbs [/spoiler] [b][i]OUR GOAL[/i][/b] [spoiler] At the dojo, we want to provide an amazing place for you to improve on your writing in a fun way. We love new faces, and will accept you as soon as you walk up to the door. We also love other RP threads that have really awesome stuff, and we want to invite them all here so we can have a hub world of sorts. Whether this is through an interdimensional portal, space ships or whatever. We want everyone we can to be a part of this and interact with everyone! This way, you can meet people you never would have met before. If you are a leader of an RP group and are interested in this, please contact me so we can discuss further! I like discussing stuff! [/spoiler] [b][i]RULES[/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i]How to PvP[/i][/b] [spoiler] Player VS Player Is what the dojo is known for. Basically, you can fight each others characters with your own, to see who’s the best or to simply make some kick ass action. Please follow all the rules while you fight, so you can make it as badass as possible. In order to PvP you must be tested by a sensei, or a designated tester of the dojo. You can find out who is a tester by seeing "How we Work." Also, When you fight another player make sure that you always react to their move. The best way to do this is like this. >Have a stanza dedicated to your reaction from you opponents last reply. >Have a stanza dedicated to your attack. If you completely block another opponents attack, its courteous to not attack them within the same reply. This way, you’ll never go wrong. [/spoiler] [b][I]World Creation(Getting started at the Dojo starts here)[/i][/b] [spoiler] This is the most important section for you RP experience. This is where you make your characters, their stories, where they could live. Also, this is where you can create a Faction to participate in the thread, as well as having access to writing for the group(The stories you write do not have to relate to the dojo at all) Bio's(RECCOMENDED) Backstory for Characters Property Creator Writers Hub Faction Creator [/spoiler] [b][i]The Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] Physical Appearance NOTE: The dojo only uses Mac Cannons for any kind of defense. If you are lookin to invade with your discount armies, you will be fighting the characters of the thread and possibly their factions. [/spoiler] [b][i]The World of Tatakai[/i][/b] [spoiler] Map of Tatakai: Landscapes of Tatakai Lore  (WORK IN PROGRESS) Landmarks of Tatakai Cities of Tatakai [/spoiler] [b][i]The Digital Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] The Digital dojo was what we had used before this new Dojo. Here is a link to the old thread, as well as the old group. Please read our past works! Digital Dojo Thread: Digital Dojo Group: [/spoiler] [b]The OP(Inflatablepants) is on hiatus. If you have any questions please refer to the following people:[/b] [spoiler]Cobalt Pheonix: CobaltPHNX Royal: JustAStranger Caz: PoisonousBerry Tubbs:Bler (Tubbs is not actually an admin, but he has been here long enough and is like an ever existing presence. Kinda weird.)[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 2/24/2017 6:37:08 AM
    [b][i][u]Secondary Teams[/u][/i][/b] [b]A ship broke the out of Slip Space in the system, and quickly broke the planet's atmosphere, going for a landing near the dojo. It landed hovered in front of the dojo gates, and four figures dropped out of the ship. [/b] [b]The first was a Mandalorian in black and red armour, with a white cape and other assorted white blotches along the armour.[/b] [b]The second was obviously female, having a more graceful landing than the first had. A Turian woman at that. [/b] [b]The third, was a green alien with blue pads of armour and a second layer of black armour beneath the first. Along with that, he had a blue hood up. [/b] [b]The fourth and final figure was a man clad in Grey Spartan armor. The ship moved away, landing in a nearby clearing as the four approached the gates. The last figure, the Spartan, approached the gates and knocked on them several times, waiting for an answer. [/b] [spoiler]Open![/spoiler]

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    111 Replies
    • Edited by Sardonyx: 2/25/2017 5:37:59 AM
      "Operation Freedom's Sentinel...?" [b]Out Atmosphere. Broadcast on all outlets. ==========================[/b] [b]The screens, radios, and other forms of news outlets fizzled, turning to a white static and buzzing for a second, then flipped to a new image. A finely dressed man appeared, older, possibly roughly in his sixties by the way his bald head and grayish white beard looked. He was in uniform, an odd navy blue color with steel trimmings and metal decorations. A symbol was seen on his zip up tunic, possibly his rank. Then, he cleared his throat, and spoke, sounding all too serious, yet oddly helpful, charismatic, and open.[/b] "People of the, eh, Dojo-?" [b]He sounded unsure, saying the name uneasily.[/b] "I am Admiral James Cutter, of the Intergalactic Fleet, IF, of the eastern region of the galaxy. The Dread menace that has attacked you, has also raided several other planets. One of them being a colony world under the jurisdiction of the government and military I work for. After said raid, we sought the menace, and have in turn helped each world ransacked by them rebuild. So, as per our promise, here we are. The IF fleet will be within your atmosphere within the hour, a few carriers to start with. We do not wish to impede on your nation or your beliefs, only wishing to help you rebuild and possibly go farther than where you where before the Dread attacked. The way we plan to do this, is by working with your current leaders to devise a work force consisting of your peoples, paying them in kind, and putting them to work using the raw materials, devises, and schematics we provide. This will in turn stop your society from collapsing, and as well aid in rebuilding what once was your world. Any issues or problems that turn up will hopefully be solved diplomatically, and if not, we will in turn leave your planet be, withdraw, and leave you to your own means of rebuilding." [b]At the last not, he looks slightly down, his head tilting but his eyes remaining looking at the recording device. Then, he looked back up [/b] "Now then, if any issues arise, simply send a message by bouncing our signal back at us. For now though. Admiral Cutter, signing off." [b]At that, he looked down at the desk he sat at, hitting a button as the view screen shut off, then flicked to an image of an odd bird like creature holding rifles in its talons, and several planets under it. The words IF and DSI on each side of it. After a minute, the image cleared, and everything went back to normal. Hours later, a frigate appeared in orbit, remaining there as dropships where sent to what was presumed as the main government building of the Dojo. News stations got feed going of the main frigate, and any ships departing or boarding it. Some going as far as to call the whole situation "Operation Freedom's Sentinel."[/b] [spoiler]Open to character reactions only Dojo leaders if possible[/spoiler]

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      31 Replies
      • I am writing stories for my Skyrim characters, a family tree practically. Can I join and all?

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        10 Replies
        • [b][u]February/January patch notes:[/u][/b] >Character creation has been changed to "world building," and now includes "faction creator" and "Writers Hub" >"Your properties" has been changed to "Property Creator" and has been moved to "world building" >"The Reforms" has been removed from the thread. But the thread itself is still in the dojo forums >The Ninja comment has been removed >Made a clearer definition of "Who we are" so people don't assume we are master writers who drink the finest wines in France >Sensei Roster Updated >Defense thread has been removed and replaced with a comment that can be found in "The Dojo" section of the thread

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          • [b][u]A Message Dojoville streets 1:00 pm[/u][/b] [i]The streets of dojoville became more and more populated as the days got warmer, slowly but surely warmer. People went out to shops and restaurants, and kids went out playing with their friends. This was a common sight for people to go out and meet others, yet others wished for the opposite. One house in particular stood out because of this. On one of the suburban streets, many people knew each other, but one house always stayed locked up. Someone lived there, but they were never seen during the day. Whoever lived in it, was trying to stay as hidden as possible. Most people would disregard it as nothing, but certain people preyed on the hidden. The one who did the most was Matthew Sandello. He did nothing but give protection to them, and in return, he made money. This particular inhabitant of the quiet house was quite the high payer, but soon that flow of cash came to a stop. Like an unpaid loan or debt, Sandello would not simply let this go. After numerous warnings, he was over it. On this warm day, 4 men dressed in suits walked down the block, body armor noticeable under their clothes. They walked together and approached the house, knocking somewhat aggressively. The door cracked open only leaving part of the man's face visible inside.[/i] "I thought I told people to stop bothering m-" "Mr. Edward, you have failed on many occasions to pay our organization, this will not go unpunished." [i]While the man in the middle spoke, two went around the house, and for a good reason. The man slammed the door shut and darted for the back. He ran outside, wearing a baggy shirt and shorts. He sprinted across his yard and into the street, not stopping. The gangsters followed him in a dash and each pulled out M3 grease guns, lighting him up as he ran. His body flinched at each hit and then hit the ground. Blood poured out into the street and people ran in terror. The men stood over it for a minute, then began to walk away, the leader of them said,[/i] "Let this be a message to those who don't pay." [spoiler]Open for interaction, fighting, or feedback. Or all three.[/spoiler]

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            13 Replies
            • Edited by Zinc: 2/25/2017 1:57:04 AM
              I say this every year I come back to but i'm still surprised this is going on. Nevermind, it's dismantled

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              2 Replies
              • I like pizza.

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                4 Replies
                • [i]The End[/i] "SHIT! THEY FOUND US! RU-" The knight was slashed in half by a Dread soldier as Ian and the gang sprinted through the streets of Dojoville. They were tired, and couldn't keep it up much longer. Ian: "Stop! Stop..." The group stopped and turned to Ian, nearly doubled over. Ian: "We aren't going to last much longer clumped together. We need to split up." Garin: "Are you crazy? That's the only thing that's kept us alive!" Ian: "It won't for much longer. Garin, with me. Dmitri, with Harlock." Garin shook his head as they each split up, Garin and Ian going into a partially demolished skyscraper. Five minutes pass. Garin: "This place was beautiful once... I think... It could be like that again." Ian: "You are blind, Garin. The Dojo will never be the same. Not as long as you are here." Garin's eyes widened as he realized what his brother was about to do, and as he turned to block his strike, a silver blade emerged from his chest. Ian: "I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry..." Garin simply stared out across Dojoville as blood started to drop from his mouth. Garin: "You... *cough* You are a fool... Because I..." Garin smiled. Garin: "I am immortal... And... I will... Return..." And with that, his body went slack, and he died. [spoiler]Ian will die later. For now? A sub-plot.[/spoiler]

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                  2 Replies
                  • [u][b]Recon[/b][/u] [i]Ruins of Dojo, 15:57[/i] Sarah looked through the ruins, startled by the state of the once thriving city. [i]It's called the Last City a reason. Many because it is the last city even in a different timeline,[/i] the thought. She searched the wreckage, looking for survivors. [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                    89 Replies
                    • [b]S8 When Bad Starts to Get Worse[/b] [i]Rafael rushes out of his trapdoor to his pocket dimension as purple fire erupts from the trap door. Entering the streets. he notices everything is on fire, ruined. He a few dead in the street. He saw some of the guardians of the dojo that were corrupted in the distance. Worse, he had no idea were Centrax, Derix, or even Quiet were. [/i] "-blam!-.. -blam!-.. Shit! Gah.. This can't be happening now." [i]He frustratingly kicks a random chunk of building that had fell into the street. His skin started to turn white, as it slowly peeled. His hair grew long, and each of his fingers started changing into giant talons[/i] "No... No! I can't let myself.. Change.." [i]The process stops, but seems to attempt to start again frequently.[/i] [spoiler]Open to all[/spoiler]

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                      12 Replies
                      • Edited by The WORLD1897: 2/22/2017 8:00:12 PM
                        [u]In a valley, not too distant from the Dojo.[/u] Pablo sat on the balcony of his castle-like mansion, overseeing his workers as they ripped coca leaves from the ground. His expression was a stoic one, he knew one of his underlings had been stealing from him. After everything he'd done, no less. 5 minutes pass. A struggle is heard leading to the balcony, and Pablo craned his neck to get a vision of it. [i]Aha.[/i] It was one of his underlings being handcuffed by a Sicario. 'Don Pablo, I found this one marking the shipments..' [i]"PABLO, I WOULD NEVER! PABLO, PLEASE NO, I HAVE A FAMILY!"[/i] The man begged, Pablo staring him down with an intensity rivaled by the devil. "So do I." He said, turning away. The man shook his head, his body vibrating with fear. He clicked on a song as the underling was forced to their knees. [i]"NO, NO NO, PABLO! NO NO NO!"[/i] He closed his eyes, turning up the radio, drowning out the man's pleas. The guard drew his baton, and smashed it into the man's temple. He raised it above his head, a torrent of blood blasting from the man's nose, and smashed it deep into his right eye, blood pouring all over his face. He raised it above his head, baton now entirely red. He slammed it down into his face continuously, raising up the baton and then slamming it back down, the man's face turning into a pancake slowly. And Pablo didn't even hear it, as he smoked, music blasting away. He smiled as the music drowned out the grim carnage, chuckling even. [spoiler]Open, you gits.[/spoiler]

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                        12 Replies
                        • Edited by The WORLD1897: 2/23/2017 12:26:38 AM
                          [i]The First Exchange.[/i] [i][u]The Dojo, Entrance.[/u][/i] [u]Midnight, Present Day.[/u] A large cargo truck rolled up to the Dojo, the engine almost deafening. The driver, removed the keys from the ignition, the car settling down and going silent. The driver hopped out, and went to the back of his truck, opening up the storage compartment. He was met with a silenced nine millimeter round through his forehead in return. Several pairs of hands picked up the body and dragged it into the truck before several of Pablo's sicarios hopped out, carrying kilo upon kilo of cheesecaine and even a few kilos of the real deal. The carried them to the entrance and placed them down, stacking them neatly. A few hooded figures met the sicarios, and handed over sufficient cash. The sicarios nodded, placing it into a briefcase that was passed to a new truck driver. The sicarios hopped back into the cargo hold, as the hooded figures carried the kilos within the Dojo. The truck revved up, the annoying motor back at it again. The truck backed out, and then began the long drive back to [i]La Catedral.[/i] The figures closed the entrance doors and walked off in the darkness, their work done. [spoiler]Open, you cheeky -blam!-ers.[/spoiler]

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                          25 Replies
                          • [b][u][u]A Test....[/u][/u][/b] [b]The gates of the dojo creaked open, and Royal exited the large gates, which were etched with the scars of war. The gates closed as he sat upon the ground, cross legged and looked down the path towards Dojoville From that path, came a singular figure. [/b] "So it begins." [spoiler]Open for Darklord! [/spoiler]

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                            70 Replies
                            • Edited by Inflatablepants: 2/23/2017 2:05:01 AM
                              [b][u]Rebuilding[/u][/b] Hundreds of construction crews immediately came in to start repairing the dojo village. But most of it, due to destruction, simply had to be removed and replaced. The complex needed work as well, since four of its walls had been blown out and burnt. It would take some time, but the place would be up to snuff soon enough. [spoiler]Dojo will be completely rebuilt within the next two weeks. In the meantime, feel free to build homes and shops within the village. Just see the property thread in "The Dojo" section of the thread![/spoiler]

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                            • [b][u]Infinity Corps Quest: Owning the Market[/u][/b] A Clone, An alliance soldier a robot and a man with an overcompensating sword found themselves in the heat of the Shi canyon. Even though it was still winter, it was well above 30 degrees Celsius. They all sat in a large jeep which made its way across the dry and barren landscape... [spoiler]Dio[/spoiler]

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                              141 Replies
                              • [b][u]Infinity Corp Quest: Black Gold[/u][/b] "Alright. So my info is pointing to a space in the Gellidius, that A) is freaking hot and B) super ghetto. As in, we could get killed if we look someone the wrong way ghetto." Alex was explaining to Lyn where they were going. The objective was to find a source of diamonds which he could mine and sell into the market to fund his company. However as is all mineral mining, it was a gamble. And his info was less then reliable. "So, we go there and we drive around. Try to find something. If we are lucky, we can find the source of the diamonds or scan for em and hire a company to take care of it." [spoiler]for Cthulu![/spoiler]

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                                120 Replies
                                • Edited by Inflatablepants: 2/12/2017 12:19:35 AM
                                  [b][u]Infinity Corps Quest: Totally not Indiana Jones[/u][/b] Deity drove with Tubbs into the Gellidius desert. "No! This is not just like uncharted for fu[i]c[/i]ks sake!" He yelled at his passenger. [spoiler]Nice and short for tubbs[/spoiler]

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                                  147 Replies
                                  • Edited by Inflatablepants: 2/12/2017 12:28:53 AM
                                    [b][u]Infinity Corps Quest: Village under siege[/u][/b] "Okay so-OH SHIT!" Alex yelled as he was cut off by gunfire. Him and the mandaloran had traveled across sea on a large ship, but as they got to the west side of the world pirates from the coast rode out on speedboats and began to open fire on the cargo freighter. Alex and Cannon were pinned down and the crew was shot from where they stood by the boarding pirates. "Nothing can be easy these days hey?!" He yelled at Cannon as he blindfired over the rails and towards the speedboats. [spoiler]cannon[/spoiler]

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                                    125 Replies
                                    • [i]"Welcome to the Alliance" (Near "The Dojo" Relay, Peruvian Wasteland) [/i] "You know what, I'm just going to bloody call this one the Dojo Relay; suits me better." Merrick mumbled to himself as the ship began to enter orbit of the relay. He watched as Cryark was downing himself on the equivalent of dextro-amino. "Damn humans...and Shanxi." The turian drunkly stated, before falling into unconsciousness. ----------------------------------------------------- [i](Arcturus Relay, Arcturus Stream)[/i] "Commander, the [i]Deimos[/i] and a few Geth cruisers are about to make it through the relay." An officer said to Hackett, as he looked at the various fleets. "Do not engage. The Dojo representatives are aboard." Hackett replied. Jumping through the relay, Merrick yelled at everyone to get to the cockpit, as massive Alliance cruisers were everywhere , floating around. They consisted of the Alliance's 2nd-5th Fleets, and were heavily armed. "Permission to dock?" Merrick asked, only to get a VI to respond with. "Affirimitve. Head to Deck 27-L and open the gates." "Bloody VIs these days." Merrick once again mumbled, as Silsia walked to where Jack and the Militia troops were. "Hey Jack; might wanna go to the cockpit. We're nearing Arcturus Station." The Asari replied. [spoiler]Open for Roy...and anyone else with a spaceship.[/spoiler]

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                                      94 Replies
                                      • [b]Just hanging around[/b] [i]Lola was hanging out with Sylvie for the day. She was pretty interesting person to hang around with cause she was always doing something new a different. She just had a natural calm about her and never really got mad. Lola was helping her replant several different types of plants in a barren area she could speed up their growth to where it was new forest. After a while their were both taking a short naps in the branches of a huge trees. Both dozed peacefully not expecting a thing.[/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                        77 Replies
                                        • Edited by Royal Blade: 2/22/2017 3:24:32 AM
                                          [b][i][u]The Days of Old, Forgotten[/u][/i][/b] [b]The Militia cruiser broke through a time rift, as the returned from a time long ago. Aboard the ship was Jack Cooper, who had picked up a new person that he would hopefully teach the ways of new.... [/b] [spoiler]Open For Haylee! [/spoiler]

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                                          40 Replies
                                          • Edited by Nova Embah: 2/22/2017 4:21:11 AM
                                            [b]Ember seemingly walks around, his eyes squinted as they dart around.[/b]

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                                            92 Replies
                                            • Just a question, is there PVE as well?

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                                              2 Replies
                                              • I shit my pants last night. I did. Went out and had a great meal. Just had a great -blam!-ing meal. I had to go the bathroom so bad in the car. I’m going ‘bro hurry up man I going to shit! I -blam!-ing shit in my pants. I wasn’t just – I’m good twice a year for that. When was the last time you shit your pants? Yeah. Been awhile? I was in Vegas a couple of years ago. This is an honest to God true story. I’m staying at the Bellagio. I went over to Mirage for dinner and met some friends of mine over there. Went to Cocomo’s and great little steakhouse. Guy brings out some fresh Crab legs. These just came in. I have to give them to you guys. Brings them out. I am eating them. Then we go play gamble a little bit. I had a tea time early in the morning. So I said look I got to get going. I’m walking back to the hotel. I get 3/4s the way out of the lobby and all of the sudden I go ‘Oh -blam!-!’ And I’m standing here like this. I got my butt pinched so -blam!-ing. I’m -blam!-ed I can’t move. All of sudden, you know – I felt all right, I went just like this (explosion sound) water. I had food poisoning from the crabs. Take off my leather jacket, tie it around my waist and I’m just standing there and it is just running down my leg. I got jeans on black bucks no socks, and I just start -blam!-ing walking. Every time I’m walking something’s coming out, it’s water! Straight, -blam!-ing, water. Then to tell you how sick I was, tell you how sick I was. Then I am standing outside and I got to get my cell phone. I call the guy, I say, Larry, you won’t believe this. I’m standing outside the -blam!-ing Bellagio. I can’t move. I got shit everywhere. I shit all over myself. And Larry is about a 48 waist. So he brings me over a pair of pants and some towels and some towels. And so he then he comes over, he meets me tell him where I am standing I tell him where I’m standing. He finds the closest bathroom. When you go up the escalator, you go in to the -blam!-ing – I can’t get in the elevator. So he goes in. He finds the closest bathroom, in the lobby of the hotel. And then I get in the escalator, and he kind of pretends like he drops something so no one gets in behind me. He tells me where it is, I go in there. He goes and gets the towel all wet for me, throws it over the -blam!-ing stall. I take off all my -blam!-ing clothes. Just wipe off. Leave my shoes, left my shoes, my pants, everything right there. The towels right there in the stall, and I am walking barefoot with my shirt and his pants, that are 48 waist through the lobby like this at midnight. I got up in the morning took the most perfect double tapered shirt I’ve ever had in my life. True story. Who’s the pitchers in this game?

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                                                • A women and her quest to be the first women president.

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                                                • What is this? I'm confused.

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