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originally posted in:The New Dojo
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/25/2018 4:22:10 AM


[i] The Dojo. Located on the diverse planet of Tatakai, the Dojo consists of the largest gathering of fighters the universe has ever seen. Men and women from all different cultures, races and worlds come to train, compete and fight together. Many battles have been raged on its soil, but it remains standing. Here, one can write, fight and talk with other writers who seek to create stories with one another. All you have to do is start typing.[/i] [b][i]The New Dojo(JOIN HERE!)[/i][/b] [spoiler]Join our group! Free of charge! I swear! USE THIS LINK IF THAT OTHER ONE DOES NOT WORK. Once you pass your test and have joined the group sign here: NOTE: You do not have to be tested to join the dojo. Only to PvP. [/spoiler] [b][i]Who we are[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is an ENTRY LEVEL AND ONE OF THE ONLY PUBLIC RP THREADS. RP is A way of interactive creative writing. Where you can go on adventures, have fights and generally have fun. Think of dungeons and dragons, but its horribly imbalanced since there is not an experience system or dice. Its great! The Dojo loves different opinions, ideas and writing no matter if you are new to RP(roleplay) or extremely experienced. If you have an opinion to share about how to make the dojo better, contact one of the Sensei's that run the place (We would prefer this rather then excessive and unintelligent shit talking). Every work of writing is appreciated and accepted (shitposts…maybe not so much). [/spoiler] [b][i]How we work(list of Admins included)[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is run by a group of Sensei’s. These Sensei’s will make up most of the game changing decisions to benefit The Dojo. BUT Everyone's opinion matters a great deal. So the Sensei’s will make poll’s within the group for the members to vote and decide on big issues/ideas. Even then, the sensei’s will inform the group of changes and decisions made. The list of sensei’s are as follows: Inflatablepants/Pants(GONE ON HIATUS) The God-Eater/Cob Royalblade/Royal Fresh Cazberry/Vio nullCth/Cth And the leader of the dojo union: Tubbs [/spoiler] [b][i]OUR GOAL[/i][/b] [spoiler] At the dojo, we want to provide an amazing place for you to improve on your writing in a fun way. We love new faces, and will accept you as soon as you walk up to the door. We also love other RP threads that have really awesome stuff, and we want to invite them all here so we can have a hub world of sorts. Whether this is through an interdimensional portal, space ships or whatever. We want everyone we can to be a part of this and interact with everyone! This way, you can meet people you never would have met before. If you are a leader of an RP group and are interested in this, please contact me so we can discuss further! I like discussing stuff! [/spoiler] [b][i]RULES[/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i]How to PvP[/i][/b] [spoiler] Player VS Player Is what the dojo is known for. Basically, you can fight each others characters with your own, to see who’s the best or to simply make some kick ass action. Please follow all the rules while you fight, so you can make it as badass as possible. In order to PvP you must be tested by a sensei, or a designated tester of the dojo. You can find out who is a tester by seeing "How we Work." Also, When you fight another player make sure that you always react to their move. The best way to do this is like this. >Have a stanza dedicated to your reaction from you opponents last reply. >Have a stanza dedicated to your attack. If you completely block another opponents attack, its courteous to not attack them within the same reply. This way, you’ll never go wrong. [/spoiler] [b][I]World Creation(Getting started at the Dojo starts here)[/i][/b] [spoiler] This is the most important section for you RP experience. This is where you make your characters, their stories, where they could live. Also, this is where you can create a Faction to participate in the thread, as well as having access to writing for the group(The stories you write do not have to relate to the dojo at all) Bio's(RECCOMENDED) Backstory for Characters Property Creator Writers Hub Faction Creator [/spoiler] [b][i]The Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] Physical Appearance NOTE: The dojo only uses Mac Cannons for any kind of defense. If you are lookin to invade with your discount armies, you will be fighting the characters of the thread and possibly their factions. [/spoiler] [b][i]The World of Tatakai[/i][/b] [spoiler] Map of Tatakai: Landscapes of Tatakai Lore  (WORK IN PROGRESS) Landmarks of Tatakai Cities of Tatakai [/spoiler] [b][i]The Digital Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] The Digital dojo was what we had used before this new Dojo. Here is a link to the old thread, as well as the old group. Please read our past works! Digital Dojo Thread: Digital Dojo Group: [/spoiler] [b]The OP(Inflatablepants) is on hiatus. If you have any questions please refer to the following people:[/b] [spoiler]Cobalt Pheonix: CobaltPHNX Royal: JustAStranger Caz: PoisonousBerry Tubbs:Bler (Tubbs is not actually an admin, but he has been here long enough and is like an ever existing presence. Kinda weird.)[/spoiler]

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  • "This will be an extremely interesting fight because I'm going to rig the shit out of it to insure his powers don't work!" [b]Royal stands on the right side of the arena, Ceaser on the left. The arena creates a maze of mirrors in between us, and we can see each other through the mirrors.[/b] [b]At the same time, darkness falls over the arena making it harder to find the real version of one another. [/b] "This'll be fun. CEASER VS ROYAL!!!!" [spoiler]Mortar [/spoiler]

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    9 Replies
    • "Alright, Alright, Alright! -blam!- the fourth wall an everything it stands for! Writers get your fingers ready!" [b]Royal stood inside the best seats in the house, overlooking the entire arena. [/b] "This First match was completely Random! Probably.... We have Mulligan going up against the love of my life, Ash! Whoo! Gloomy fight this will be!" [b]Mulligan stood on the right side of the arena from where Roy was looking and Ash stood on the left. The entire arena shakes slightly, the ground splitting apart into multiple little islands above a lave river. At the same time, Snow begins falling, mixing with the lava into a deadly black substance and creating either inches of snow on the islands, or slippery islands that lead to certain death [/b] "May the best edge win!" [spoiler]You know who you are....[/spoiler]

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      29 Replies
      • [b][i][u]Beginning[/u][/i][/b] "Alright! We have a potential list of people that may participate In this new tourney idea. So far we have, Mulligan, Fortis, Audax, Destanius, Mortar and myself of course! If you wish to join, this is your last chance to join up. So join if you want to." [b]Royal spoke in the main courtyard, speaking loud enough for most that passed to hear. [/b] [spoiler]Open! Last post for you to join [/spoiler]

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        19 Replies
        • I'm donald trump, emperor of the world and destroyer of mexicans. Fight me [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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          • [b]Fortis and his ships had finally returned after their victory over the Tenebraeans. With them, they brought back a few huge new ships. Destanius also seemed like he wasn't insane anymore.[/b] [spoiler]Open for anything.[/spoiler]

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            25 Replies
            • Edited by Thot Slayer Emps: 12/11/2016 4:13:32 PM
              [b]Aaron, New-Age Soldier.[/b] [i]The mechanized being approached the quaint place known as Dojoville, multiple service drones hovering close by, carrying cases of varying sizes. Aaron was armed to the teeth as well, his HA Mk. VII "Peacemaker" Anti-Material coilgun which was slung on his back and two rather different weapons rested at his sides, one of which was his H&K MP155 10mm PDW and his SIG Sauer P229 .357 not to mention his Kukri knife on his arm. His helmet turned and scanned his surroundings, he identified this area as 'Dojoville'. It came off as a strange name but he nonetheless continued on.[/i] [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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              22 Replies
              • Edited by Royal Blade: 12/14/2016 4:53:40 PM
                [b][i][u]Pre Tourney[/u][/i][/b] First up, Fortis! The robot man thing that nobody pays attention to! Sorry dude! [spoiler]"I have a rifle that fires both energy and physical rounds. I also have two pistols that I rarely use unless the going gets tough. My shield can withstand a ship as large as my own running in to it at maximum speed, and my sword can cut through most known materials. My wings, besides allowing flight, are very sharp. I also have an array of experimental weapons that I don't really use on a regular basis, because they have a high chance of just exploding in my face. My armor is made from Illuminite, if that means anything to you."[/spoiler] Next up is Destanius! The dude that gets his ass handed to him by Fortis on a daily fúcking basis! Wow! [spoiler]"I have a rifle that fires energy rounds, two pistols that fire large bullets, and a sword that can change shape into other swords. My armor is made of living metal."[/spoiler] The last of this nerd's Characters is Audax! Woah he really wants to win with how many characters he's dropped! [spoiler] "My rifle fires a few thousand rounds per second, I have two turrets on my shoulder that excel at taking down both ground troops and aircraft, and my chain gun fires through fifty barrels at once. Each barrel fires around five thousand rounds per second. In addition, my chain gun also fires a large rail gun blast from its center."[/spoiler] After that dude, we got Ceaser the wannabe Roman emperor! They have the same name and all that shiz! [spoiler] "Okay. Armor, valhite mixed with Adamantium. VERY powerful. Weapons: This" *He pulls out a golden blade, with a platinum dragon head at the base* "I call her Dovahkiin, or Dragonborn. You'd understand. Abilities: I can make afterimages, but that's it"[/spoiler] Next up, Mulligan! One of the dude's that's actually edgier then I am! This'll be interesting... [spoiler] "Mulligan, all out, and I can summon various crude amalgams with three levels, lesser, greater and advanced creations-I also specialize in requip magic, which is summoning weapons of almost every variety, though most are basic and non-specialized, though I have a couple signatures of my own"[/spoiler] Then we got Rook, the deserter of some army on some Planet. I don't Frickin know. [spoiler] "The name's Rook. Now, the only power I have is that I'm able to go partially invisible and create a hologram. Now, that is because of my armor set, it uses a single battery, so it is destructible. Now, for weaponry I use a pump-action shotgun firing twelve gauge. I use a pistol as a secondary and a make-shift sword for backup. Now, my helmet has a combat HUD, but I need it to see because my normal eyesight is the same as Helen Keller blindfolded and put in a closet at midnight. Also I have an AI to help plan shit." [i]Hi, my name is Ion, Rook's AI program. Nice to meet you.[/i] "And to answer your last question, just all out combat."[/spoiler] Then, the youngest competitor Alpha! He already wants to prove himself as capable but.... No comments! [spoiler] "Keyblade, Plasma rifle, Hidden plasma blades, and hidden guns....pyrokinesis and....uhhh...hell, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve other than that too"[/spoiler] A woman of death, of edgy and in some cases my dream girl. Ash! To bad I don't like her that way! [spoiler] "Well I have my scythe, I can freeze objects on contact or force one to suffer the burning of a sinner, and my armor is a layer of porcelain that is extremely resistant to slashing weaponry. Oh yes, I am capable of entering mirrors" [/spoiler] Say hello to Fenrir! The male version of Nora and in definite need of a fireman! [spoiler] "[b]Hrrmph.[/b]" [i]he grunts, before holding out his hand. A small orb of blue flame coalesces a little off of his palm, then elongates, forming first the hilt, then the cross guard, and finally the blade of a massive, ancient great sword. Runes run the length of the blade, and it still has flames running along its edges.[/i] "[b]With this sword, Ragnarok, I am able to wield the Yodünfire. It is the Flame of God, and it allows me to use extreme Pyrokenisis. Also, it heals me and repairs any damage to my armor. It is collected from the foes I slay, and their own attacks, drawing the heat of impact, friction, and such to create more flame. It is able to transition between Holy Fire, regular fire, and Solar Flames. As for the armor.[/b]" [i]The flames surround him for a moment, engulfing his entire body. When they dissipate, the Eternal Crusader is left standing in a suit of armor, stylized with wolves everywhere.[/i] If you play Destiny, think Gjallarhorn styled armor. "[b]The flames bolster both the armor and myself with high levels of durability. However, I do manage the flames, so if you wish me to reduce them or their affects on myself and my gear, tell me and I shall do so.[/b]" [i]The flames and armor burn away, leaving him once more in his combat boots, jeans, bright blue shirt, and open leather jacket.[/i] "[b]A final thing to add. During battle, I can become quite heated. Should someone goad me enough, I'll lose all temper and self-control. If, at any point, you see my flames beginning to turn purple, pause the fight and warn me. If they turn red, stop the fight and subdue me, because I will not hold back anything, and may destroy everything.[/b]"[/spoiler] Finally, last not but not least... Yours truly! Royal the destructor! The obvious winner because it will be rigged as shit!!! [spoiler] "I am the edge of edgy. Extremely strong shadow, and light manipulation accompanied by powerful pyrokinesis. Vines that shoot out of my hand, and of course there is phase two...." "I can summon any weapon I own into my hands and my armor is strong enough to stop most bullets and absorb muther fuking splosions!"[/spoiler] Study your opponents, the official lists will be made. If you wish to fight someone in particular just say so!! [spoiler]Open if you want to choose someone[/spoiler]

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                12 Replies
                • *Strange creature wandered into the Dojo. It had wiggled it's way through a decently sized hole in the back of the massive structure and was currently padding through the courtyards, looking around curiously. It looked like a combination of a fox and a hyena, with tan fur and black stripes as well as large ears and a black snout. It was an aardwolf, but what was an aardwolf doing on Tatakai?* [spoiler]Open, random character intro.[/spoiler]

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                  310 Replies
                  • I have a disease help

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                    13 Replies
                    • I am festive now ^

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                      1 Reply
                      • Twas a cold night at the Dojo. The moon was covered by clouds and not much was visible in the dark. An especially cold breeze blew through the main courtyard. Just then, a sliver of moonlight shone across the courtyard, revealing a white dragon slightly bigger than a horse. It was lying down in a patch of snow, smoke billowing from his nostrils as he kept himself warm. From the brief glance, it looked sad. Its smoother than normal face tilted on the ground as it sighed, staring blankly at a tree. The moonlight was then blocked by clouds, enveloping the area in darkness again. ((open))

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                        16 Replies
                        • [b]Keri sat in a chair in the Dojo courtyards, midday. She wore her normal outfit, a brown duster, buttoned only at the middle, brown pants, a white shirt, brown boots, and her cowboy hat. She just sat there, smiling up at the sky.[/b] [spoiler]Open. Short post cause I'm bored.[/spoiler]

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                          56 Replies
                          • Edited by ALIAS-F4LS: 12/15/2016 1:10:05 AM
                            [u]A romantic exorcism[/u] As snow fell across the ground a man with long blond hair, a black suit, and eyes brilliant blue walked the street, in front of him a young woman in ragged, filthy clothing sitting in tears. The man kneels down to the woman meeting her eyes. "Now why would something so beautiful be left alone? Would you care to walk me though the park?" The woman aprehnsively nods taking his hand as they walked to the park. Standing on the bridge the man pulls her in close. A soft snarling coming from the woman soon for a breif moment an inhuman growl. The man quickly quiets her disguising the situation as two lovers making out. His long hair hiding the woman's now pitch black eyes. After some time the woman goes limp and exhausted and the man stands holding her from falling. He gently places her on a bench whispering in her ear. "Don't worry my dear, you no longer have to fear that monster again." [spoiler]open. Intro the Anthony[/spoiler]

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                            15 Replies
                            • Edited by FlimsyRoastBeef: 12/14/2016 10:36:19 PM
                              [b]Dmitri crept silently through the Dojo, trying to find Irina.[/b] Damn it. Where is she? [spoiler]OOOORRRRRNNNNN[/spoiler] [spoiler]open for everyone, but specifically orn.[/spoiler] [spoiler]also, let's try not to fight[/spoiler]

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                            • [b][i][u]ARRIVAL[/u][/i][/b] [u]In orbit above Tatakai[/u] Odd signals are detected by the fleet, something is coming. Something big. Suddenly out from hyperspace a fleet emerges, headed by a massive dreadnaught. The ship hails the planet across multiple comms channels. A single message playing. "We are the Mando'ade, we wish to speak to whomever is in charge." [spoiler]Open. Preferably to people who can work diplomacy. Try to avert a war?[/spoiler]

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                              369 Replies
                              • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 12/11/2016 3:25:56 AM
                                [b]fa la la la look out[/b] [i]serenity is walking through deep snow thats waist deep. She looks around cause she hears giggling coming from a really big pile snow that was stack really high. She knew that her kids were outside like she was but they were busy playing in the snow somewhere but she didn't quite know where but she could occasionally hear giggling and laughter. But now she heard a very loud rolling noise heading towards her through the trees it sounded like whatever the hell it was gaining speed quickly. She then hears someone calling out to her. "LOOK OUT RUNAWAY SNOWBALL!!" The voice belonged to her youngest adopted daughter syrilth. she doesn't see her but she sees a massive snowball barreling towards her a breakneck speed. Serenity just in the nick of time jumps out of the way just as it continues rolling down the hill towards the dojo after in runs over several small trees as still picked up speed not slowing down. Serenity had looked at syrilth was trudging through the deep snow she looked like she wanted to cry cause she thought was in trouble. She just looks towards the dojo as sees someone directly in the path of it. Serenity and syrilth start shouting while trying to hurry back down the hill through the deep snow but its going way too fast.[/i] "LOOK OUT RUNAWAY SNOWBALL"shouts serenity [spoiler]you are that person thats in the way[/spoiler] [spoiler]open cause need something to do....[/spoiler]

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                                112 Replies
                                • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 12/13/2016 1:22:59 AM
                                  [u]Some things should stay forgotten.[/u] [i]Sylvie was standing in the kitchen just talking to mia when it happened. Sylvie had suffered from a complete mind wipe in the past which caused her to not know where she came from or even what she was. But after all this time her memories came flooding back to her it was like pulling a plug out on a full sink. Sylvie had dropped the mug she was holding and it shattered against the ground making mia jump terribly. All of it was a jumble mess but she couldn't make sense of it and it just made tears well in her eyes cause the sudden rush of it all. Mia just looked at her confused unsure of what was happening as she watched her friend just break down and cry. Which caused her to worry for her greatly.[/i] "Sylvie what's wrong?"says mia "I..I"says Sylvie "Please say something your scaring me"says mia [i]mia looks at Sylvie and she is still crying. She has no idea what is happening to her nor does she know whats wrong. But there is conflict and turmoil in Sylvie's eyes. Mia can see that she shaking for some reason. But she has no idea how to help Sylvie.[/i] "Sylvie...please...say..something"says mia [i]and that when Sylvie looks at her with tears streaming down her face. She found it hard to put how she truly felt right now into words. But Sylvie managed to choke out one sentence before starting to cry uncontrollably covering her face in her hands.[/i] "I...i...remember...everything..."says Sylvie [i]this was a great shock to mia cause she knew she suffered from really bad memory loss. Just like she that English wasn't Sylvie native tongue when she spoke sometime you could her a thick accent in her very soft voice. But she wondered why she wept so.[/i] [spoiler]open [/spoiler]

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                                  65 Replies
                                  • I farted

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                                    6 Replies
                                    • "Training Session" Two men, one medium-to-light armored, designed for the stealth type, and the other one, heavily armored from head to toe, designed for a brute or dominant type. The one medium armor, Venator, instructs as he looks up at a building and points at it. "Rope dart, now!" The one in the heavy armor, Cerberus looks at him, looking at the L-22 Dart Gun looks at him and makes a gesture of confusion at it. "You think this'll lift me up?" "I'm certain, now look at that building, aim at the roof with the gun and fire!" Cerberus does as instructed and shoots at the roof with the dart gun and it lifts him to the roof. Cerberus mantles up the ledge and lunges to the roof. "I DID IT!" Cerberus hollers Venator with arms crossed and shakes his head, while chuckling a bit. [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                                      15 Replies
                                      • [b]mulligan sits on the lowest ring of the dojo arena, awaiting a challenger[/b] [spoiler]open to all, mill is summoner so get ready for chaos[/spoiler]

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                                        19 Replies
                                        • Edited by Cannon011: 12/13/2016 10:13:32 PM
                                          [b][i][u]MEMORIES[/u][/i][/b] Cannon took a deep breath, enjoying cold, unfiltered air on his face as he walked speedily towards his meeting with Charlie. He had no idea what to expect from this, besides that they were going to help Iso. [spoiler]open to Cthulu.[/spoiler]

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                                          148 Replies
                                          • We can dance if we want to

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                                            5 Replies
                                            • Edited by ALIAS-F4LS: 12/14/2016 12:13:03 AM

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                                              5 Replies
                                              • [b][i][u]Gladius Maximus Glutinous[/u][/i][/b] [b]Royal's voice was heard through the entire dojo over the intercom. [/b] "Hello, ladies and gentlemen. This is ROYAL. Welcome to the non cannon adventure that is gladiator fighting! Everyone that wishes to participate in our first one ever, please report to the arena!" [spoiler]Open!!!!![/spoiler]

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                                                43 Replies
                                                • [spoiler][spoiler]All three are open. Also, I'm back.[/spoiler] [i]One Machine[/i] (A Random Village, 12:01 am) [spoiler][/spoiler] *Examining the village, the sentient machine started to look at multiple objects in the village. This synthetic, known as a Geth Shock Trooper, was setting up some sort of device near the center of the village. Armed with an assault rifle, it seemed like it can be attacked by surprise or stealth, and seemed to not worry about anybody there.* [i]Arrival[/i] [i](Dojo Gates, Around the Same Time)[/i] [spoiler][/spoiler] *After months of trudging through snow, ice, and ground, the Tenno had finally arrived upon the gates of the Dojo. She looked up at its surroundings, taking in all the new buildings, and of the gates itself. She seemed armed to the tooth and nail...or whatever you may call the corresponding Tenno's parts at. Armed with a Latron, Akzanis, and her trusty Skana, she was looking for someone to open the gates. Perhaps she may new allies...or new enemies to fight...* (Nearby) The silent pyromaniac known as Sun-Rei was testing her flamethrowers's canisters out, hoping that it wouldn't explode.

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                                                  27 Replies
                                                  • 1
                                                    [i]Something was coming.[/i] [i]Marcia Rosegold, worshipper of the being known as Raidriar and one of the current magic users at the Dojo had sensed it, the presence being miles away from the Dojo itself - but it was coming. Busting out of her apartment, the blind girl immediately began drifting towards the general direction of the magical anomaly, her brunette hair and singular twirl of hair flying in the intense winds that brewed into the Dojo that day, lightning and rain crashing down upon the land of Tatakai as wild and as violent as ever.[/i] [i]The Gelidus had to be coming from the Gelidus Desert...[/i] [i]As more bright electricity flashed throughout the skies, Marcia suddenly stopped in place, her boots skidding across the muddy ground as she froze in place. Her blinded eyes widened with terror - as billions of visions suddenly spewed into her mind, visions of death, destruction...the assimilation of everything, the birth of the true ultimate being.[/i] [i]And that being...the one that Marcia saw tear through planets, incinerate galaxies, and annihilate the order of space, time and reality couldn't be. Marcia gasped, before a scream escaped her throat as her face turned a deathly pale, before the visions...that suddenly ceased. Leaving behind the strong magical anomaly, the raging storm above...and Marcia, who was left terrified of the future.[/i] ((Closed. Plot post will be up tomorrow.))

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