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originally posted in:The New Dojo
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/25/2018 4:22:10 AM


[i] The Dojo. Located on the diverse planet of Tatakai, the Dojo consists of the largest gathering of fighters the universe has ever seen. Men and women from all different cultures, races and worlds come to train, compete and fight together. Many battles have been raged on its soil, but it remains standing. Here, one can write, fight and talk with other writers who seek to create stories with one another. All you have to do is start typing.[/i] [b][i]The New Dojo(JOIN HERE!)[/i][/b] [spoiler]Join our group! Free of charge! I swear! USE THIS LINK IF THAT OTHER ONE DOES NOT WORK. Once you pass your test and have joined the group sign here: NOTE: You do not have to be tested to join the dojo. Only to PvP. [/spoiler] [b][i]Who we are[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is an ENTRY LEVEL AND ONE OF THE ONLY PUBLIC RP THREADS. RP is A way of interactive creative writing. Where you can go on adventures, have fights and generally have fun. Think of dungeons and dragons, but its horribly imbalanced since there is not an experience system or dice. Its great! The Dojo loves different opinions, ideas and writing no matter if you are new to RP(roleplay) or extremely experienced. If you have an opinion to share about how to make the dojo better, contact one of the Sensei's that run the place (We would prefer this rather then excessive and unintelligent shit talking). Every work of writing is appreciated and accepted (shitposts…maybe not so much). [/spoiler] [b][i]How we work(list of Admins included)[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is run by a group of Sensei’s. These Sensei’s will make up most of the game changing decisions to benefit The Dojo. BUT Everyone's opinion matters a great deal. So the Sensei’s will make poll’s within the group for the members to vote and decide on big issues/ideas. Even then, the sensei’s will inform the group of changes and decisions made. The list of sensei’s are as follows: Inflatablepants/Pants(GONE ON HIATUS) The God-Eater/Cob Royalblade/Royal Fresh Cazberry/Vio nullCth/Cth And the leader of the dojo union: Tubbs [/spoiler] [b][i]OUR GOAL[/i][/b] [spoiler] At the dojo, we want to provide an amazing place for you to improve on your writing in a fun way. We love new faces, and will accept you as soon as you walk up to the door. We also love other RP threads that have really awesome stuff, and we want to invite them all here so we can have a hub world of sorts. Whether this is through an interdimensional portal, space ships or whatever. We want everyone we can to be a part of this and interact with everyone! This way, you can meet people you never would have met before. If you are a leader of an RP group and are interested in this, please contact me so we can discuss further! I like discussing stuff! [/spoiler] [b][i]RULES[/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i]How to PvP[/i][/b] [spoiler] Player VS Player Is what the dojo is known for. Basically, you can fight each others characters with your own, to see who’s the best or to simply make some kick ass action. Please follow all the rules while you fight, so you can make it as badass as possible. In order to PvP you must be tested by a sensei, or a designated tester of the dojo. You can find out who is a tester by seeing "How we Work." Also, When you fight another player make sure that you always react to their move. The best way to do this is like this. >Have a stanza dedicated to your reaction from you opponents last reply. >Have a stanza dedicated to your attack. If you completely block another opponents attack, its courteous to not attack them within the same reply. This way, you’ll never go wrong. [/spoiler] [b][I]World Creation(Getting started at the Dojo starts here)[/i][/b] [spoiler] This is the most important section for you RP experience. This is where you make your characters, their stories, where they could live. Also, this is where you can create a Faction to participate in the thread, as well as having access to writing for the group(The stories you write do not have to relate to the dojo at all) Bio's(RECCOMENDED) Backstory for Characters Property Creator Writers Hub Faction Creator [/spoiler] [b][i]The Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] Physical Appearance NOTE: The dojo only uses Mac Cannons for any kind of defense. If you are lookin to invade with your discount armies, you will be fighting the characters of the thread and possibly their factions. [/spoiler] [b][i]The World of Tatakai[/i][/b] [spoiler] Map of Tatakai: Landscapes of Tatakai Lore  (WORK IN PROGRESS) Landmarks of Tatakai Cities of Tatakai [/spoiler] [b][i]The Digital Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] The Digital dojo was what we had used before this new Dojo. Here is a link to the old thread, as well as the old group. Please read our past works! Digital Dojo Thread: Digital Dojo Group: [/spoiler] [b]The OP(Inflatablepants) is on hiatus. If you have any questions please refer to the following people:[/b] [spoiler]Cobalt Pheonix: CobaltPHNX Royal: JustAStranger Caz: PoisonousBerry Tubbs:Bler (Tubbs is not actually an admin, but he has been here long enough and is like an ever existing presence. Kinda weird.)[/spoiler]

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  • [b][u]OPEN FOR BUSINESS![/u][/b] [b][i]The entire north side of the A3 Courtyard was now divided into three different sides. Each with a a different colour of canvas above which hung from the shingles of the north hallway. Under each canvas, a different salesperson. Under the blue left canvas was Tina. Dozens of guns were laid out on each of the four tables she had. And she had seemed to add a massive safe to the left corner of her store. She had a workbench around the safe with a small black chair she could wheel around. On the other side she had her register desk. Under the centre red canvas, was Tyrese. The large dark skinned man was already hard at work on the workbench in the centre. Hammering some armour and plates together. On the back of his wall, different types of machinery stood for his crafting purposes. Funny enough though, he had no register. Possibly due to his lack of...talking. On the right side, a green canvas. It was rather quaint with many books lining the back. It was neatly organized with its two shelves containing merchandise in columns as a large safe was on the side to the right. Likely containing materials for its scientist, Tiekal. Facing out into the open was the register counter, and behind it a set of three monitors which the scientist sat at.[/i][/b] Tina: "Triple T's Fantastic emporium is open for business!!!" [spoiler]Tina: Gunsmith and gun sales. Tyrese: Modern armour smith and armour sales. Tiekal(Teek): PHD in anything with an electrical charge. Sells anything with one too. [/spoiler] [spoiler]These salespeople are for your use. PM me and we can make posts to get your char in shape.[/spoiler]

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    • Edited by Levning: 10/23/2016 9:46:26 PM
      [b]Kakusa Grove | Around midday[/b] The sun shined brightly through the canopy of trees, warming and brightening the entire forest up with a soft, golden light. A feminine figure dressed in a long, dark green cloak that ended around her ankles took a step into a small clearing in the woods, before pulling her dark green hood off, letting her pale blond hair fall around her shoulders. Her blue eyes darted around the woods, before her eyelids shut as she basked in the sunlight. Just then, a quiet rustling was heard from the bushes behind the young-looking female. Her eyes open as she quickly turned; either it was game, or it would try to eat her. Her arms instinctively go to her back, grabbing hold of a large, yew longbow while the other hand nocked an arrow. Another slight rustle in the bushes, and the girl caught a glimpse of an eye. She let the arrow loose, and it buried itself into the eye of whatever animal was there. She slowly walked up, parting the undergrowth, reaching towards the recently ended animal. It was a rabbit. A smile appeared on the woman's face as she grabbed it up, pulling the arrow from its eye and, with a quick wipe on the cloak, she returned the arrow to its quiver. Silently, the girl thanked Mother Nature for the food, before turning to head back towards the log cabin. Looking around, a sigh escaped her lips. Nineteen winters, and it was still the same thing again and again; hunting, eating, and sleeping.[spoiler]Open! Also, testing please![/spoiler]

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      • [i][u]Back in the Groove of Things[/u][/i] [i]After a long, unwarranted silence, Haknir, Shalidor, Osprey, Ricardo, HIUAA, and Sandello all sat around a table in courtyard A1, having some drinks and enjoying their day. Haknir was wearing his ice armor and he had his helmet and swords laying on the table. Shalidor wore his nice dress clothes, but had his robes and enchanted clothes tucked away in a nearby bag. Osprey wore his usual armor, but he had it loosened as he relaxed. Ricardo wore a nice button up shirt and his poncho was behind him, hanging on the chair, his guns were laying beside the table. HIUAA was being weird as expected, not doing much at all, and still armed to the teeth despite there being no threat. Sandello wore his nicest dress clothes and had his golden-engraved Thompson and revolver laying beside the table by Ricardo's guns. While they were talking, they began to get a bit quiet. They had shared their stories and had a good time, but they had gotten bored. [/i] "It's been a while since I've fought, gotta work on my attacks again soon," said Haknir as he leaned back. "Ha! You think you need a fight? It's been what seems like forever since my last fight!" Replied The Vaquero. [i]They then got on the topic of fights and got ready, seeing if anyone around wanted to fight.[/i] [spoiler]Open for canon or non canon fights. Just say who you want to fight and the difficulty. [/spoiler]

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        • ([i]Dojoville, 12:35 AM)[/i] Some sort of distortion was felt throughout the area, as a dimensional portal appeared. Whatever it was, it led to somewhere...and not to the Orokin. Instead, what came out of it was both weird and terrifying. Coming out of such portal was a 16 ft crab, literally wailing out something as some sort of beings with skin-tight black and white suits came out of the portal on top of the crab. They all started terrorizing the city, destroying buildings with the giant crab's pinchers. The skin-tight guys took out batons and other types of stuff and leapt from the top of the crab to the ground, as they started beating up the civilians to death... [spoiler]{•_ •} Open.[/spoiler]

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          96 Replies
          • Edited by JealousOrc: 10/21/2016 9:37:34 PM
            [b][i][u]Plenty Of Fish In The Sea[/u][/i][/b] [i]Location- Rebel Base[/i] Works- Royal, I'm assigning you to go find Sardina. She's in the Dekishi Ocean. Look for a golden woman or a giant seahorse. [i]Location- A beach by the Dekishi Ocean[/i] [b]a little girl runs around picking up seashells[/b] [spoiler]open to Royal[/spoiler]

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            • [b][i]Massacred (Olavkin, Kakusa Grove)[/i][/b] The corpses of bodies littered the fields of Kakusa Grove; signs that the Immortals were here were pretty self-explanatory. Hanging bodies dangling across alleyways, the burning of fire, and the burnt corpses of villagers. The sound of something robotic could be heard in a nearby building. [spoiler]Open to Royal.[/spoiler]

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              31 Replies
              • Edited by TwiggierTiger22: 10/20/2016 2:07:25 PM
                *I stagger through the Dojo, a bottle of [i]Orange Death[/i] in my right hand, while feeding myself a burger in the other.* "Stupid..<nom>.. F*hic*ing..<munch>.. Dip-s*hic*... <gulp>Portals... An*hic* their..<nom>. Stupid..<munch>.. La*hic*ings....." *Tripping over a raised nail of the hard-wood floors, I fall out into a courtyard in a heap* "Ah, <gulp>... F*hic*k you too*hic*...." [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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                • KNOW YOUR PLACE TRASH

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                  • [b][u]LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!![/u][/b] [b][i]A massive banner falls over the dojo gate saying "20k!!!!!"[/i] all water in the dojo somehow turns into clear white vodka as the floors light up in bright neon colours. Fireworks shoot off all across the village and explode into a variety of colours while Tesuto don's his might party hat.[/b]

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                    • Edited by Levning: 10/22/2016 3:14:54 AM
                      Whaaaaaaaaat is this? [b]Edit:[/b] I guess I'll join and find out for myself, lol

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                      • [b][i][u]Once An Alcoholic, Always An Alcoholic[/u][/i][/b] [b]JJ is in Dojoville, assigned the task of finding Boozer[/b] [b]he sees a poster on a building talking about a club for former alcoholics, they meet in a hour today(not real time)[/b] [spoiler]open to JJ[/spoiler]

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                        74 Replies
                        • [i]nano just sits by himself und the shade in the dojo he just looking off in distance staring at nothing in particular with his staff sitting next to him. After a while though he just goes back to reading his book that was just sitting in his lap what its about though is a mystery cause written in featherfolk which is hard to understand. But he stares at intently focused on it.[/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                        • This looks unusual

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                          • Edited by JealousOrc: 10/21/2016 9:17:28 PM
                            [b][i][u]A Peaceful Life[/u][/i][/b] [i]Location- Tubbs's Castle[/i] [b]Tubbs approaches the Deity[/b] Just the man I was looking for! I got a mission for ya. Go find a hunter and try not to die while doing it. He could possibly be in the Ollimand Mountains. Go recruit him. His name is "Huntrey". If you don't find him in a week just come back. This is all an estimate of where he is. [i]Location- Ollimand Mountains[/i] [b]Deity is at the bottom of one of the mountains and sees a blood trail leading up a path to the top of the mountain[/b] [spoiler]open to Pants[/spoiler]

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                            68 Replies
                            • Edited by JealousOrc: 10/21/2016 9:06:33 PM
                              [b][i][u]Death In The Family[/u][/i][/b] [i]Location- Nozama Rainforest[/i] [b]Endermaster approaches the edge of the rainforest and sees a man with with binoculars looking in it[/b] [b]he quickly turns and sees Endermaster[/b] "Hello friend! Would you like to help me look for the giant beast in this here rainforest? The people here named her Diamond! I was just about to go search for her!" [spoiler]open to Ooshmook[/spoiler]

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                              136 Replies
                              • [b]Everyone's favorite junkie was sitting, cross-legged in the middle of the courtyard A1! Except... Something was different about her. She had her usual outfit on, sleeveless white shirt, and black shorts. Her hair and eyes looked normal, both cherry-red as usual. It was her demeanor that had changed. Where she was once a hyped-up junkie that was super hyper and always talking or touching things that weren't there, she seemed... Mellow. Like something serious has happened to her. There was something a little unusual about her, though. She was holding what appeared to be a cigarette, but that couldn't be right. She doesn't smoke tobacco... I think I'll let you guys fill in the blank of what it is. She blew some smoke, and looked around for a familiar face, or any face. She was finally better, and wanted to talk.[/b]

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                                56 Replies
                                • [i](Devoskii, Republic Base, Byoki Desert))[/i] Velinnea, along with her right hand Sector and a few other clones were leaning by the giant hologram in the middle of the command center, simply looking at all the new dangers that had popped up since the whole Goliath thing, and of the whole Tenno situation, with the Immortals seemingly expanding across Tatakai. "Ma'am, should we send some bounties to the Dojo?" One of the clones asked. "And why exactly shouldn't we deal with it? We have enough troops to suffice." Velinnea replied, simply looking at the remaining 12,000 clones she had under her control. "Ma'am, the fighters are more skilled than us clones. Some of them are near gods, ma'am. Also, we don't want to risk anymore men than we already had lost, ma'am." Her right hand, Sector had replied. "Fine...send them." She replies, as the clones got to work sending them. Above the normal bounties that appeared, 4 new ones had appeared, the symbol of the 54i on them. [spoiler]1. Massacre Near unspecified village, Kakusa Grove [i]The Immortals have set up a small drone outpost in the area. The drones involved have massacred an entire village. Stop this.[/i] Reward: 200,000 credits 2. Nemesis Star Khalosh, Ollimand [i]The whole entire Tenno situation has forced the Immortals to mostly retreat all their forces out of the city. There are still a few heavily armed troops, though. They've taken refugees hostage in the Nemesis Star skyscraper in Khalosh. Free the hostages, and try not to get them killed.[/i] Reward: Possible Prime Weapon+ 500,000 credits 3. Convoy Shi Canyon [i]We have spotted Immortal VTOLs carting what's believed to be something of interest, period. We believe that they are prepping to leave the outpost to return home. Kill them, and find out what they're hiding.[/i] Reward: 2M credits, possible Prime weapon 4. Overwhelming (WARNING: High Threat) Near New Ilios, Ollimand. [i]A squad of clones who were sent deep within the southwestern Ollimand coast we had lost contact with. Reports say that there is a massive Immortal party that's responsible for this. We also may have word on a possible high leader of the Immortals: One Danny Li, a 54i Fixer. Kill him, and you will be greatly rewarded.[/i][/spoiler] [spoiler]Sorry if I Accidently copied anyone. (IDK) Open.[/spoiler]

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                                  8 Replies
                                  • Edited by Will: 10/21/2016 4:41:36 AM
                                    [b][i]Do you know what punishments I've endured for my crimes, my sins? I am proof of the absurdity of men's most treasured abstractions. A just universe wouldn't tolerate my existence.[/i][/b] [i] Desmond let out a puff of smoke, flicking the ashes off the end of the nearly dead cigarette. It was fairly cold this late, but the armor he wore, like always, kept him warm in the frigid air. Currently, he sat atop a crest of a large hill towards the forest, overlooking the Dojo complex. The place was complicated as hell and he hated it. Life back home was simple. A contact, a deader, a paycheck, done. Life was as easy as bathing in the blood of those he killed, and that's all he had to worry about. No commitments, responsibility, pretenses, nothing. he had Chloe to look out for. She was a sweet girl, but oblivious to the atrocities of the real world. He didn't even know why she'd actually saved, he did know. He just couldn't comprehend it. Where he came from, all that was wrought was death and destruction. There were no healers and heroes. Those were fairy tales. He swept his hair back in one hand, a strand snagging in the pitch black ring he wore on his left hand. A ring, the form the Ka'kari took when on him. That was yet another thing Chloe didn't know, the fact he was a Ka'karifer. Why would she? They were legends and myths, and non-existent in her world. [/i] [quote]Do you ever plan on telling her? She did save your life, you could bring her into the loop and not be an asshole.[/quote] "You sound like Durzo." [i] He replied to the smug, sentient being that was now a part of him, and had been for several years.[/i] [quote]I spend seven centuries, day and night with the guy, and he rubs off on me a little bit. You spent a decade and look at how alike you are.[/quote] [i] Desmond grimaced at the Ka'kari's words. He was right. He was just like Durzo. Durzo, who he'd been forced to kill. [/i] (Open.)

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                                    71 Replies
                                    • Edited by Cazberry Pie: 10/19/2016 3:25:33 AM
                                      [b]Au revoir! (^~^)/[/b] [b]Edit:[/b] K, seems like I need to make it a little more clear; I'm out. I'm done. Bye.

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                                      56 Replies
                                      • [spoiler]I contribute nothing to this thread.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Life is like a cabbage: Sometimes it is green and crunchy, sometimes dad stabs the cat with a knife because his foot ball team lose again Life is like a cabbage: sometimes it is green and round, and sometimes mom wish you were never born If you throw a cabbage in the air he will alway come right back down to you because he is lonely without you. If there is a fire in your house make sure you save all the cabbages before you even think about finding your children A cabbage does not wear a watch but he always have time for you Instead of drinking coffee in the morning try laying down with a cabbage on your stomach and you will be wide awake trust me If you push a cabbage under water he will alway float right back up to the top because he miss you so much A cabbage does not have ears but that does not mean that he is immune to your lies Some time you think about a cabbage and you get so excited that forget to go to sleep again for five days Sometimes you hate your life and dont want to be alive anymore but then you think about cabbage and know that everything will be ok You can paint a cabbage green but that is a waste of paint because he is already green you idiot If you run out of pillows maybe try using a cabbage You can tell a cabbage has gone bad if he is wearing a leather jacket if you are sad put a cabbage in your back pack and carry him every where so it feel like you have a friend that want to spend time with you A cabbage is so pretty but you are real ugly You can ask a cabbage for financial advice but he will not say any thing because he is a cabbage You can put a cabbage on the hood of your car. People will not under stand what you are doing but at least you are doing some thing If you put plastic eyeballs on a cabbage and take him to the movies it might feel like you have a friend I hate my life Dr. Suess did not ever make a poem about cababge And now he is dead A cabbage can not get pregnant believe me I tried You can put a cabbage in a baby carriage amd take him for a walk and people will say "who this" and you can say "he is my cabbaby" If you want to trick your parents put a cabbage on your pillow at night and they will think you are sleeping but you are actually crying[/spoiler]

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                                        • A black choker is a black belt in sucking dick

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                                        • Edited by Zebra: 10/21/2016 3:20:45 AM
                                          Lysan strolled down a narrow alley, its end feeding into the main streets of Dojoville. She instinctively brought up a hand to shield her eyes to the sudden influx of sunlight. She looked around, surveying the people and places with mild interest. Lysan had teleported at random and ended up here; who would've thought... She quietly pulled up her hood, somehow becoming less noticable, and blending in to the crowd made her way to a small tea shop, where she stood in line patiently. [spoiler]Abre.[/spoiler]

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                                          117 Replies

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                                            • War Dogs // NWH Gladius, above Tatakai // 10:00 PM // JT. The black walls were filled with silence in the large, open meeting room as the cowboy stepped in, and the metallic steel boots that had been coated in a brown colour slammed into the ground which forced the spurs to chime, and in turn alert the entirety of the room to his presence. Thankfully it was one man who planned the interaction out via phone call, but nonetheless his encrypted call was alarming for the cowboy considering the one calling him had to be open about a lot of non-work related outgoing calls. JT's brown duster was worn over the armour he wore which allowed him to stand at ten feet tall. The silence soon ended as the voice of a polish man spoke over the intercoms and the cowboy immediately froze up. He was told in the call to be in Meeting Room D-9, which was exactly where he remained to listen in. The words that followed after had, well, it more or less enraged the Techno-Cowboy further which seemed to be a nearly impossible feat to accomplish due to his calm and relaxed general nature, and in turn cause hell to be unleashed, all because of the deep voice that spoke over the P-A system onboard. But the words weren't spoken to him, not to his allies, but instead to the some ten thousand men that served onboard the Gladius. "D-9, he's in D-9, take him out boys!" That phrase... JT always suspected treachery would be the outcome of his military life, that was why he severed ties with the NWH for the most part. But the Marshal knew what would be considered sensitive information and so he needed to be taken out. Gas poured into the rooms via the water sprinklers overhead as deadly and poisonous cyanide gas crept all throughout the insides of the room but the mask kept the betrayed cowboy live, but it also gave him an idea. JT glared all around the room and spotted only three entrances, one in the north on a balcony, one in the east beyond the long table, and one in the west where he entered. And with that he powered down the mechanized rig and left it in low power mode, where the engine in the backpack stayed off and movements were up to muscle strength. All three exits burst open as a canister was tossed inside of each, before a flash of light exploded from the flashbangs and in turn nearly destroyed the Cowboy's hearing temporarily, but the sound muffling device inside the suit kept him able to hear. When each of the operators looked to the unmoving suit they found it safe to assume the cyanide had been effective, so all but one lowered their guns. The one who kept it up though, he knew it was suspicious as the suit would still be in high power mode logically, so he kept his LasCarbine at the ready and his slate grey NWH Combat Armour at the ready. Four soldiers had came in on either side, totaling to twelve tangos to take down. When the sleek, grey laser rifle was pressed against JT's chestpiece, he moved once more by swiping at it with the bottom of his right arm where a long bladed weapon lay along the three foot forearm, as the extendable blade popped and JT spun. He plunged it in the side of the figures head but positioned it at just the right spot so the blade would extend and strike the spot of the brain where the brain would clench the fingers and cause his arms to flail about, which it did flawlessly as eight men were taken by surprise and, in turn, were each met by a laser to the side of the head. All of the remaining three men sprang up into the air as they scrambled for cover, that being the wooden table nearby, but they were soon surprised further as the massive G11 Chainsaw on JT's back roared to life and ripped each man to shreds with its 50. Beowulf ammunition. When each man was dead, JT positioned the gun to sit as his left hip before grabbing the laser rifle of the dead man before him, before charging at the door and shoulder charging it open. When the massive steel doors burst open from their previously locked state post-entry, JT was faced with a hallway of soldiers stretching far as the eye can see from either side of the hallway, but the LMG at his hip allowed him to eliminate those behind him while he focused fire with the assault rifle, his ceramic plated armour dispersing most of the melting heat that came his way. The Bandit bolted down the hallways when seventy men lay dead in either pools of blood and intestines or by the organs that liquefied from the laser gun. A lone man in a mechanized warsuit that was roughly the same as JT started to charge and barrel down the hall, but as soon as he grabbed the two foot long bayonet knife to tackle JT, he extended a boot to kick the man in the face and allow the pure force and weight to cause immense blunt force trauma inside the skull, and even shatter the throat and neck bones of the would be assailant. It seemed that JT was not playing around any more, and instead of the bridge, JT made the logical but all too stupid choice of sprinting to the hangar. The doors that were hallways had led JT to the hangar, but it was filled with not only vessels of war but also by the infantry from before, with the occasional rocket unit and even a few men that manned 205mm cannon-cars. But JT had a way out, so he got on his knees and activated "Overdrive" mode for his armour, where the suit's massive V10 engine roared loudly as the wheels beneath the plates of his kneecaps popped out, and allowed him to start rolling around at two hundred and fifty miles per hour. The rockets and footmen all aimed and fired at JT as he rolled on past but nobody managed to hit him, as he literally jumped out of the airlock from orbit. JT knew where the ship was positioned over Tatakai, though he didn't know it would come to be of use until after the blatant betrayal of General Derek Kovich, so he allowed himself to free-fall from the two mile long ship as he straightened himself out, simply for the purposes of aerodynamics. A fleet of NWH Transport Ships flew beneath, each looking essentially like a UNSC Pelican, and he extended a fist before smashing it directly through the cockpit of one where the pure forces of impact completely eviscerated the pilot, sending chunks of blood and gore all throughout the relatively small ship as it lurched forwards and dashed towards the ground. JT activated the MagLocks in the bottom of his boots so he could look down while riding the ever spinning ship, as the oxygen supply in his suit was running low from the supplied air he brought along. It was a damn shame that space contained no oxygen, or else he would be using the armour's rebreather to filter out oxygen atoms from hydrogen to give a steady stream of the gas. He spotted a fleet of lone fighter jets on the horizon as they hurdled towards him, the purplish blue streaks left behind by the jets causing a brilliant colour residue mixture. He took a leap of faith and jumped off the crashing ship as they flew to him si that he was on the other side of the falling vessel, before latching onto the middle ship, stepping on the pilots head from the roof, pulling him out through the shards of glass, and deviating away as the rest of the unit thought he just fell and took that ship with him. Dojoville // 11:21 PM // JT. The green spacecraft soared through the skies as either of the ships wings were in a perfect state with almost all the rockets in their salvo, but the long glass roof looked completely wrecked and as if it was in a state of disrepair, even though it was supposed to be bulletproof. JT's ship was coming full speed for the Dojoville as it soared through the skies above before JT jumped out of the pilots seat, executing a backflip in the air and landing on his feet, in the centre of a large open plaza. The stone tiles cracked beneath his feet as a pulse of wind blasted in every direction, even sending large amounts of water out of the fountain that stood ten meters behind him. If that didn't attract attention then the spacecraft that crashed and burned just across town did. JT sat there, knelt before the ground as he kept his right hand on the ground with that knee, while the left was up and on the wheel of his left. And when he rose from the rubble all around, people wonderously marveled at the display of skill, either that or the variety of guns and swords on his person, all without knowing what just happened to him. "I'll make him pay... Koviiiiich!" The cowboy shouted into the sky, from the crater he sat in. ((Open. Just know that JT ain't fùcking around))

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                                              • Edited by SilverPulse620: 10/21/2016 2:02:20 AM
                                                [b][i][u]A test of endurance[/u][/i][/b] 1609 hours Inside the medical wing of Phoenix's ship, Silver sat on his medical bed, meditating and going over his last few fights. He sat there rather peacefully on his medical bed, paying little attention the world around him. As one of the medical droids came over to lower his intake of nanites, he heard a knock at the door. "Come in."-Silver(cautiously) [spoiler]Open, particularly to SpookyFurry. You are the one knocking. [/spoiler]

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                                                • [b][i]Pleased To Meet You[/i][/b] [i]The mercenary sat humming a tune outside on the restaurant patio. A plate sat before him, now devoid of food, and his feet were up on the table. Reclining in his seat, he looked out over the Dojo, watching the many goings-on of this foreign place. All of these people were quite interesting, as was the place itself. After a bit of walking around, he finally found a nice place to kick back and get some food. He'd ordered a burger, fries, and a beer, and finished it all quickly. With his mask off [spoiler]please refer to the image above[/spoiler], he sat smoking a cigar afterwards, playing with his knife and waiting for his check. Maybe he'd meet someone more interesting than that d*ckheaded kid or the poor guy who was completely freaked out.[/i] [spoiler]open to all[/spoiler]

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