Adult hood is now 15 You are kicked out of parents house when you reach 15. Everything for sale no matter what it is has gone up by 15% Summer break is now 2 months instead of 3 You have to pee/poop twice as much You have to brush your teeth 4 times a day and if you don't a tooth vanishes the next day. Constipation lasts 20% longer. You're PCs battery life is halved ( and your phone ) And charging takes 25% longer You can only use the internet for 6 hours a week. Your farts smell 10% worse All TV screens are 30% smaller. 15% higher chance of a meteor hitting the Earth or an earthquake. The sun is 3 times brighter. Acid rain is a 2% chance [u]everyday[/u] A random part of your body will start aching for no reason every hour. When you fall over the cut will hurt twice as much You must consume much more food and drink alot more as you can only last 24 hours without both. You must bump this comment when you read it or you will have a 96% chance of your genitials exploding. [spoiler]Well its not like they define your gender anyway...[/spoiler]