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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/10/2016 8:36:15 PM
[b]Dojo Gates // 11:59 AM // JT & Natalie. [/b] [i] "It's just up ahead Nat, come on." The old cowboy grunted as he stepped up the stone path to the Dojo's gates. It was funny, normally his bones would be tired from walking at his age, although because of his legs being carbon fibre and steel he didn't have any troubles, aside from stepping lightly so the springs in his legs don't make him jump. Nonetheless though, he slowly pushed ahead to the top of the stairs, as the wind blew against him to push the lightly shaded brown duster back, which in turn sent specks of dust and dirt from his jacket and off into the air behind him. JT wasn't a lightly armoured and equipped figure, even though only one weapon from his usual loadout was visible on him. A single shotgun rests on his back, held in place by a strap reaching from behind the second trigger on his stockless shotgun to a small clip between the bottom of the second and third barrels. A rack of twelve gauge rounds rests on his torso, each encased in lead due to the radioactive and deadly uranium inside. His dark grey shells and black bandolier looked strange in comparison to his emerald green jumpsuit beneath the duster, which was accented with black around the collar and wrists, though the ankles were hidden by his brown boots that matched the hat he wore atop his head. JT's cyan blue eyes darted ahead as he scratched his white beard with his left hand, which was a skeletal prosthetic with the blue insignia of the Cobalt Phoenix resting on the forearm. The woman trailing behind him looked nothing like her well aged father, despite being his child. Natalie wasn't an astounding six-foot-three like her dad was, she wasn't a Cyborg that was half-machine, she was a normal human. Albeit with the gift of teleportation and levitation of objects, that is. Her raven black hair flowed beautifully along her back as the onyx shaded leather armour matched her hair almost flawlessly, and the hood and mask on her head remained off and on her back. The emerald green eyes of the female figure trailed the father as a smirk fell on her face, and merry thoughts of her in the far future came to her. She thought about training, and what her father would get her to know. Natalie's right hand rested on the hilt of her sword which remained in its carbon fibre sheath, and an array of throwing knives, a switchblade, a karambit knife, a neck knife, a switchblade, a shuriken and a key-shaped knife rested on her belt, the polished blue colour maintaining a gleam as the light from the sun hits it. "I'd ask how far it is, but..." Natalie trailed off as her eyes came upon the massive walls of the Dojo, alongside the gate that remained there. A smile came to both her face and JT's, though JT's smile was noticeably wider. He was a lieutenant at this place, where the Martyr Phoenix once trained, where Alexander Wilson fought many combatants, and where a library of knowledge remained in his room, in the most literal sense. He had been working on compiling all the available data on the place for months. "You like the place?" JT asked his daughter. "It's alright." Nat replied, as her eyes wandered along the cleaned walls. She thought it would be fun to climb it at nights and stare off into the surrounding areas. "Come on, you'll love it, there's even a Starbucks." JT informed off his daughter as he arrived at the gate, and placed his right hand on it. His flesh-coloured carbon fibre prosthetic pushed the door open as Courtyard B2 was revealed to the pair of them, and either one walked in. "Holy shit..." Natalie responded as her eyes opened widely upon spotting the interior of the massive location, and her mouth was left agape. JT's hands were on the hips of his hands in that moment as his gaze scanned the Dojo all around, and a smile rested on his face. "Welcome home." [/i] ((Open))

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  • *All of them stop in midair, half suddenly heading back towards JT, the other half heading towards Natalie.*

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  • [spoiler]You're godmodding rn, no way can you not take one bullet in a volley of 12. Warning. [/spoiler] [i]Some of the shots pierced Nat's forcefield that she put up, which in turn let one hit her. Two hit JT in the torso, but he just took the rounds as his nanite armour kicked in to stop a third. He reloaded his guns quickly and shot all twelve rounds at Vorim. [/i]

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  • Edited by Skatch142: 9/11/2016 3:33:43 PM
    [spoiler]He's psychic, you can shoot at him as much as you want, he'll keep stopping them. Especially considering how angry he is, he could stop a truck traveling that speed. Just try some other attacks, he's not good at hand-to-hand combat.[/spoiler] *All twelve of the bullets stop and once again, he sends six at Natalie and six at JT although a powerful blast of burning energy travels along with them.* [spoiler]Also, I hope we're all good now and that you understand why I was mad, but I'll warn you that Garry is still going to go apes#%& when he sees Kimi. I'll save that for after my plot though.[/spoiler]

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  • The shots directed to Natalie all puncture her forcefield and the burning wave knocked her out of the sky, where she lays in a weakened state. Upon seeing this, JT tanks four of the bullets to the chest but the shields of his suit negate all but one, and disperse the wave of energy on contact. He holsters his revolvers and sprints to Vorim. He just shot his daughter. And he would feel the wrath of JT at his angriest in a fistfight.

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  • *Vorim starts running straight towards JT, his aura glowing even lighter.* [spoiler]By the way, if Vorim isn't knocked unconscious by the end of this, Natalie may get to live forever, assuming no one kills her. I'm not just saying this because of the warnings, I was already going to do this if she got severely injured or killed.[/spoiler]

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  • With JT's fist as the ready he leaped towards Vorim with an extra boise of speed, his augmented spring-loaded kegs propelling him forwards as he smashes his steel and ceramic left fist into Vorim's throat. JT wasn't going to kill him, he was going to make him suffer for harming his kid.

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  • *He fires a blast of orange energy which passes harmlessly under JT. He stumbles back, gasping after JT punches him in the throat. He kicks JT in the stomach and throws a haymaker to his face, still gasping.*

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  • JT took the hit to the stomach which intensified the bleeding, bue he caught Vorim's arm by the wrist and yanked hard, to try and literally disarm.

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  • *Vorim releases a pained gurgle as a sickening pop can be heard. He punches JT in the neck with his other arm and then pushes him away by putting his hand on JT's face. JT can feel Vorim's claws digging into his face.*

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  • Vorim's claws tore away at the face JT possessed as the thick layer of synthetic skin was completely shredded and pulled off his face, with the beard coming too. JT looked Vorim in the eyes with the hatred of gods, the only way to describe the intensity. And So The Marshal held Vorim's dismembered arm as multiple NWH medics arrived on scene to aid Nat, and JT slowly walked to Vorim. "MY DAUGHTER! YOU SHOT MY -blam!-ING FAMILY, AND NOW YOU'LL PAY THE BLOOD PRICE!"

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  • [spoiler]Wait, did he actually rip Vorim's arm off???[/spoiler] [u][b]SHE STABBED SKETCH! HE'S DYING![/b][/u] *Suddenly Vorim's aura turns bright white, sending out an extremely out but harmless pulse of energy. His eyes turn white, light shining from them like spotlights. The air in the whole area seems to vibrate with power. Something strange happens though. He seems calm, all anger disappears from his face. He just silently stands there, the blinding light from his eyes focused on JT.*

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  • JT's eyes thinned immensely as the light from the blinding magic ahead was dimmed quickly, which was due to augmentations in the eyes. Still though, he couldn't see Vorim all too well, so he started swinging the dismembered arm at the source of light.

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  • *He steps back.* [u][b]That isn't necessary.[/b][/u]

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  • "Yes it is! You shot my -blam!-ing DAUGHTER!!!" JT shouted to Vorim as he progressively got closer and closer, his augmented arms and legs unable to grow tired. Even if JT were dead could fight it seemed. And damn would he fight until Vorim was a crippled, injured ball of fur and paw. ((There's no reasoning with JT lmao. Imagine if your daughter/son wad shot right in front of you, would you not try to kill the guy that may have killed the kid?))

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  • Edited by Skatch142: 9/12/2016 3:00:51 AM
    *He put his hand on JT's face and pushes him away.* [u][b]It is not.[/b][/u] *He points at Natalie, her whole body suddenly glows white and when the light fades she is completely unharmed.* [u][b]Sketch is not dead. She chose for the wound to not be fatal. I misunderstood. But if my brother is attacked like that again, or in the event that he is killed, I will not hesitate to kill back.[/b][/u] *He points to Natalie and then Sketch, causing them to both wake up. Suddenly, the white glow disappears and he turns back to normal. He suddenly shrieks an unearthly shriek as he grasps at his missing arm, and then falls to the ground unconscious, blood flowing out of where his arm used to be.* "Huh? Wha- NO!!!" *Sketch runs to Vorim, his eyes a mixture of purple and orange as he starts hyperventilating. He grabs his backpack and starts throwing things out of it.* "Where? Where? Where?! Where?!?! WHERE?!?!?!" *He runs back to Vorim, picking him up and then breaking into a mad run for the box, shrieking for Sapphire and [i]the helmet.[/i]* [spoiler]Vorim was just protecting Sketch. They both acted the way you'd expect. Also, it may not be of much use, but Natalie can't die of natural causes now. If you don't want that then just tell me.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]sitting on a low branch are two identical women both have long wavy black hair, cat ears , bright blue catlike eyes and a black fluffy tail both women are on the shorter side. The only difference between the two is the highlights in their hair cause one has silver and the other red. They whearing similar gothic styled clothing. But they both jump down when they see jt approach and walk over[/i] "Hi there im kimi and this is my twin keira "she says [i]the woman with the silver highlights just smiles[/i]

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  • [i] JT smiled to either woman and tipped his cowboy hat to them in a respectful fashion, all the while trying his damn hardest not to come off as a fedora wearing neckbeard despite looking like the cowboy version of one, with way more muscles replacing fat. Natalie on the other hand just stayed silent, gave a warm smile to the two of them, and tried not to look socially awkward, because she wasn't good with people when her father was here. "Well hello to both of you. I'm JT." The cowboy said. "Natalie." His daughter followed up. [/i]

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  • "Well its nice to meet you both"says kimi "A pleasure"says Keira

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  • [i]"Aye. So how long have you two been in the Dojo?"[/i]

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  • "Oh not that long only couple weeks really"says kimi

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  • [i]"Ah. And how do you like it here?"[/i]

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  • "It very different from where we come from"says kimi "It sure is"says keira

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  • [i]"Oh? What's it like?"[/i]

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  • "Very hot with lots of desert"says kimi

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  • [i]"Heh, reminds me of home..." JT said as he trailed off into his thoughts for the briefest of moments, and thoughts of Cylak came back to the Marshal. He remembered for only a brief moment before he returned to the state of mind he was previously at. "So, either of you two up to spar?"[/i]

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