originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Currently? Bit busy. Setting up a base for the Dight while we're staying here."
Bramd - old
Oh, yeah, that could be a problem. You're second in command? -
"Currently I am the interim general. As Royal is on gone. Once he returns, I return to second in command"
Bramd - old
That's cool. From what I can tell he's still in the Underworld. After I died... -
"Well at least we're getting stuff done." [b]He points towards a building that has a flag flapping in the wind http://pin.it/xtQPFj_ [/b]
Bramd - old
Nice flag. I'm sure Cyan would be doing the same right now -
"That's not a flag. It's our coat of arms. Our insignia." [b]He facepalms[/b] "But it is a flag, dammit Magrim."
Bramd - old
Eh, I just ignore mistakes like that. Nice insignia -
"Thank you."
Bramd - old
*Mortar nods* So I guess we'll see each other later? -
"Of course."
Bramd - old
Sweet. I'll be waiting for that fight. -
"As will I. For now I bid you farewell." [b]He turns, leaving you [/b]