What should my Pvp main be and list why
So I play Sunbreaker because it's fun but if you're looking to just be the best go with nightstalker. As a nightstalker you literally roam around slow snare kill and generally disable other players. Think about each of those abilities for a moment. To snare: basically no other subclass can do this. To Slow: again no other subclass can slow an opponent down. Titans can only blind opponents temporarily. To kill: literally any other class can do this but currently only 6 of the 9 subclAsses have roaming offensive supers. Three of which are hunter subclasses. To disable: other than nightstalkers only one other subclass had this capability. Defenders get a grenade that momentarily disrupts other players. Nightstalker is literally the best class if used properly. It does what all 9 other subclasses do and more.