originally posted in:The New Dojo
Lance- https://imgur.com/a/fZl5P
[i][b]Family isn't about the blood you share, it's about the people willing to bleed for you.[/b][/i]
Name: Lance May
Aliases: Ronin, The Triple Swordsman, The Demon
Gender: Male
Age: He looks to be in his mid-twenties.
Personality: Lance is a closed off individual, and basically you have to pry to get him to open up. He's also sarcastic and charming; along with an amazing poker face that allows no emotions to show.
Family: Brother to Lilah May, son to the late Chris May and Jennifer May, Father to Ashley and Jonathan May.
Backstory: [spoiler]
Only close friends know much of Lance's past. He isn't one to typically speak about himself or his past, and much rather prefers studying and observing others, instead of vice versa. [/spoiler]
Weapons: [spoiler]
[i][b]Savior[/b][/i]: A white and gold katana, where it's blade is able to project malleable waves of hardlight, used for throwing energy slashes to making light shields.
[i][b]The Demon's Heart:[/b][/i] An all black katana Lance acquired from when he killed his parent's murderer. The sword, when drawn, encases Lance in a black suit of armor of an unknown material. The armor heightens Lance's strength, speed, and senses. Although, this swords capabilities takes away Lance's normally calm fighting demeanor and brings out the more savage, and crazy side, also making him more reckless. The blade is also capable of healing others of wounds, but not Lance himself.
[b][i]The Dragon Blade:[/i][/b] A katana with a dragon head on the hilt; hence the name. The edge is capable of turning into plasma, making it able to cut most substances. The blade is also able to bend and change, a shape shifting metal; if you will.
Savior: http://m.imgur.com/Rw2UhHC
The Demon's Heart: https://imgur.com/a/YrqQo
The Dragon Blade: https://imgur.com/a/DxkK9
Gear: [spoiler]
[b][i]The Chaos Armor: [/i][/b]This is the armor that comes with the usage of The Demon's Heart. It is made out of an unknown material, and appears from thin air when TDH is drawn. It enhances Lance's speed, strength, and senses, but rids him of his calm demeanor and brings out the more ruthless and savage side he's capable of having.
[b][i]Venom Armor: [/i][/b]This armor is the armor given to Lance from Edward "Venom" Schrader when Lance became a part of Venom Inc. it is made totally; of a ceramic composite, a titanium alloy, and a carbon fiber mesh. The breastplate sports the insignia of Venom, a red cobra, along with Lance's personal insignia, a yin-yang symbol over crossed swords on the shoulder. Lance also pairs this armor with a ronin mask that is capable of altering his voice. Hence his callsign.
Chaos Armor: https://imgur.com/a/K3YRP
Venom Armor and Mask: https://imgur.com/a/T9yas
Mask- https://imgur.com/a/YyUfH
Abilities: [spoiler]
[b][i]Master Swordsman: [/i][/b]Complete mastery with most bladed weapons, especially swords.
[b][i]Ittoryu:[/i][/b] Mastery over using one sword.
[b][i]Nittoryu:[/i][/b] Mastery over using two swords.
[b][i]Santoryu: [/i][/b] Mastery over using three swords.
[b][i]Teleportation:[/i][/b] The ability to bend time and space to teleport from location to location.
[b][i]Traveler:[/i][/b] The ability to travel through dimensions and time and space itself.
[b][i]Exceptional Speed: [/i][/b]The ability to move extremely fast; a product of thousands of hours of speed training.
[b][i]Contingency: [/i][/b] The ability to have a back up plan, for your back up plan, for your back up plan. Lance is always prepared.
[b][i]Eye Of The Storm: [/i][/b]Lance's ability to be completely calm during battle.[/spoiler]
Alright. Either control Traveler super well and rarely use it. Or get rid of it. Kind of OP
That's just the excuse for having him in a bunch of different worlds. It has no combat use lol.
In that case Cool beans