Harder to accomplish goals like get a job, earn money etc. If you commit a crime expect the military to be on you instead of police. Expect extreme competition in every activity you do wether it's a sport, playing a game or working. Critics will be everywhere, expect to be called worthless trash a lot. Your parents will either have abandon you, be druggies or possibly die while you're still young. Most communities, religiins, etc will become radical. Expect to offend lots of people just by breathing. Disease will be more common, cures will be more scarce or deadly. Most wild animals will be rabid or feral, don't go into the woods unless you're absolutely prepared to fight a pack of rabid bear wolves. No more bees, just wasps. Items will become more expensive, don't expect kids year olds to have an iPhone s7, to think that's more of a benefit out of anything. You have to get a 90+ average every year in school or you have to start all over. STDs and diseases like cancer will actually spread on forums and other websites. Hearing aids will also become an actuall Hearing Transmitted Disease, be careful who you speak to.