originally posted in:The New Dojo
Name: Velinnea Stoik
Aliases: Zarinnea, Ghost
Allies: The Galactic Republic (formerly), Domino Squadron(formerly)
Age: 24 (According to Earth years.)
Race/Sex: Female, Human
Homeworld: Mandalore
Appearance: Red stripes across the basic clone trooper (Armor.)
Around 6 ft, with red hair, along with a blue streak through the middle of her hair.
Weapons: A specialized weapon, known as the SZ-332 (basically, a clone trooper's sniper.)
A dagger. (Think Karambit knife.)
DZ-11 Blaster Pistol
Advantages: She's silent (duh...) and is one of Domino Squad's best gunslingers.
Disadvantages: She's horrible at close combat. The dagger is only used when, say an enemy is trying to strangle her or something.
Bio/Backstory: [spoiler]During the tail end of the Clone Wars, just before the Battle of Coruscant, Domino Squadron, along with with a few others, were sent to originally eliminate Sepratist leader Nute Gunray on the edge of the Outer Rim. However, their battleship, known as [i]Galactica[/i], got shot down. Unfortunately, most of Domino Squadron perished in the fight, with Velinnea last seeing her commander, named Ryker, pushing her into an ARC-170 (along with a BARC speeder attached to it) before the ship exploded. With it, the ARC only had enough power to jump a very long way from the Galaxy far, far away, as it started to fall from orbit, her speeder parachuting into the dojo, as her fighter crashed near Dojoville. She had become the sole survivor of Domino...[/spoiler]
Personality:[spoiler]Considering her busy duties leading whatever was left of the Republic across the vast landscapes of Tatakai, Velinnea is usually reserved, continuing to train herself with her knife, and would usually try to be alone. Maybe someone could help her break through that...[/spoiler]
Vehicles: Heavily damaged ARC-170- Considering its massive damage, it's probably not going anywhere anytime soon.
BARC Speeder- Despite having minimal damage, this BARC speeder is capable of traveling long distances pretty quick...
[spoiler]that right there is a perfect bio[/spoiler] [spoiler]Happy too see a Star Wars character that doesn't have the force![/spoiler]