Shit like this just irritates the -blam!- out of me. Clearly this RNG does not like me.
Edit: I came up with the idea a while ago that Destiny has a pity loot system.
Pity Loot System (code name PLS)
Directs coveted loot items to players who were not top performers based upon an algorithm that decides two factors.
1. You won, you did great and thus your gear and equipment must be pretty good. You get a mote of light.
2. You got stomped at every turn and didn't do well at all, you deserve some quality loot to help you do better next time. Awards Gjallarhorn.
Edit: Fellow guardians! I must, apologize, it seems RNGesus has blessed me with a god rolled Eyasluna after a match with a .83 kd.
Equipped on my titan
Shit like this