I'll start off by saying congrats. For once a new game that isn't an indie title has (so far) delivered. The story itself has a unique way of unraveling itself to the player and while it may come off as having a simple root, it leaves me craving more.
For performance I've never been one to always crave a constant 60 fps in a singleplayer game. When it comes to something that doesn't have a competitive multiplayer (Battlefield, Halo, Titanfall, etc) I'll take a solid 30 fps with beautiful scenery. However Recore apparently struggles to hit 30 fps at times on Xbox One and it's [i][u]not[/u][/i] the consoles fault. According to the devs the engine apparently doesn't want to work with the Xbone but no matter. If you have a PC good enough to run it and want the superior performance, I'd recommend that platform. Nevertheless, the $40 price tag doesn't signify a shit game
Lastly we have gameplay. You can definitely notice the Metroid Prime Influence within the game, as there is some backtracking and side questing that will be required to advance the story. The platforming however, is grade-A solid. It's a very old skool type of formula that you don't see too often in today's market and damn does it feel satisfying to 100% a time trial dungeon with meticulously precise jumps and boosts. The combat also stretches back in time, being part avoiding projectiles and enemies as well as color coding your combat style and timing your corebots supers.
Many reviewers are scoring this one pretty low, mostly due to the backtracking aspect, but I'll go for an 8/10. The game has so far lived up to my expectations bar some performance issues that stem from the developers fault.
Got any questions or comments? Feel free to ask below.
What's your take on Recore?
I've definitely encountered the frame rate drops and long loading screens. But it hasn't turned me off to it completely. I need to get further in the story to determine how vested I'll be in it.
Seems like a game I'll wait to pick up on sale or something
I've only played up to the Pylon 512 Should I drop all my cores into upgrading Mack or should I save for crafting higher level stuff?
She got a nice booty.
I wish I could get it, but I have a PS4 and don't have a gaming PC.
Boring terrain, lame enemies, only one weapon, not great combat Perfect controls, fun dungeon challenges, great platforming, well made map when it's not just sand
Edited by ZeroCool: 9/14/2016 11:35:44 PMGreat review. I find it interesting that people automatically equate a games success to its price tag. Many times in the market, it has been proven otherwise. My personal example would be Ark Survival Evovled. I payed 29.99 for it and I am STILL PLAYING IT, so 30 bucks for tons of hours. I will be definitely be picking this game up. [b]>Posted from a Note 7[/b]
Whats intereting about this game is that the people who made metroid prime 1,2,3, are the ones working on this game. I though they were dead after corruption
I'll probs buy it
Sounds fun. Might pick it up next paycheck.
I've mostly heard mediocre reviews at the very best. One major concern of mine is that one person on Gamespot said there's long loading screens in between changing locations. After Dead Rising and Dead Rising 2 on last gen, I never want to go through something like that on current gen. That and the mechanics seem pretty simplistic; go here, shoot that, repeat. So in the end I'm going to wait on it for the time being.
Sounds great. Should have my copy tomorrow.
Edited by DreadStorm95: 9/14/2016 5:10:26 PMAre there pretty interesting boss fights?
I plan on getting the game regardless but I'm curious to know... 1. Is it level based? 2. Can you completely deviated from story and focused on the side quests?
I'm still early into the game. I have yet to see the necessity of timing during combat; it still seems really simply to me because of the auto aim. But the platforming aspects remind me of old school games. And Mack is pretty cute. I have yet to see why the game is some bad reviews. The long load screens are a bit annoying, though.
I really want this game, but the reviews throw me off. I basically want to know how long it will last. I've heard the game becomes repetition combat for the most part. I want to know if it's worth buying basically.
From everything I've heard so far this game looks like it will be a lot of fun. It's got the old school platforming and game mechanics I miss from older generation systems. The performance issues on the Xbox sucks but it won't stop me from buying it eventually. Also something that could be fixed with a patch. Thanks for your review. Falls in line with what I expected from the game.
Great review and I agree completely. I am really loving the game! =)
I feel a lot of reviewers tried to rush through the campaign to get their reviews out which hindered the end result. As I'm playing and taking my time, exploring each sector for supply caches, prismatic orbs and dungeon entrances. I can say I'm really enjoying the game. Plus there's quick travel so backtracking isn't much of an issue. Sure, load times are a little rough but so far that's my only real complaint.
Backtracking is considered bad these days? Wow. I mean you don't see it too often in the way that Metroid had it where you had to go back to unlock new passages and such in order to progress the story; but I love going back to old areas in games with exploration. Part of it is the simple god-like feeling you get as you walk slowly toward an enemy as he tries frantically to do any sort of significant damage to you, while you patiently await the perfect stylistic moment to end his pathetic existence. The other part is a mix of enjoyment and resource exploration. By that, I mean that you are no longer worried about the enemies being very lethal, so you can both enjoy the scenery and environment more as you also search for more resources ,upgrades, etc.