[quote]it is reasonable to conclude that female exos were female humans, and male exos were male humans. Cayde was a human male before becoming an exo. So we are looking for human females, which narrows the list further. [/quote]
[i][u][b]DID YOU JUST ASSUME THEIR GENDERS!?!?![/b][/i][/u]
Muh pronouns!!!
Lol... If it were a serious outrage of "Assumed genders" all "he" would have to say is... No I didn't assume their genders... Their scientifically anatomically correct genders were female. You see during the golden age, sjw and feminazis' didn't exist.
My name is Jesse McCree, you really think I was serious about that?
No. I was going along with it.
Thankfully this is just an internet gag, if you were a real SJW/Feminist you would have mentioned white male cysgender scum...but then you'd just be assuming colour gender and orientation so, internet feminists are kinda worst XD. Thankfully this is just a joke....right? Right???
You really need to improve your skill to tell between satire and the truth. I was referencing the internet meme.
Because at the bottom I totally sounded sincere, right? Right??
I have come to the conclusion that it is I who cannot spot sarcasm or satires not you. Sorry for the bother.
That's fine, I understand how difficult sarcasm is to detect. Sometimes Aspergers is a pain. But then again, words on the internet don't portray the emotion that vocal tone does.
it's actually "cisgender"
I really don't care, it's not a real word XD.
oh shit you're right haha I can't believe I forgot that you're the authority on language! lmao how stupid of me
Why are we so intent on labeling people? People are people and we are all the same, using words like this basically allows us to segregate ourselves from each other. Sometimes labels are useful but too many just causes ructions in humanity. I really don't need more words to describe people in ways that don't actually mean much to me.
You're right. Labels can be harmful. I agree that everyone is a person and deserves equality. At the same time, ya gotta admit that at this moment not everyone is equal. There's still a lot of prejudice towards LGBT+ people. In a lot of places you can lose your job because you're a transgender person. And beyond that we still have social systems that favor straight white cisgender men. We've made a lot of progress to be sure! I'm not saying that racial and sexual prejudice are at the same levels they used to be, but it wouldn't be accurate to say that racism, sexism, and LGBT+ oppression is over. tl;dr labels are useful for defining and explaining the oppression that still exists today, in the hopes that we might end that oppression.
I live in the UK where it's completely illegal to fire or conversely not hire someone because they're not heterosexual or the gender they were born as, or on their colour or disability providing it doesn't affect their ability to do the job. So really I'm sitting here getting annoyed at America for clutching their Bible and asses too tight.
Yeah I can't speak on the state of equality in the UK, but here in the good ol' US of A we have a lot of work to do. :( makes me sad
Well, here in the UK it's very much equal opportunity. Unfortunately women still argue over equal outcome but that's just stupid, they have the opportunity to take it. Anyways, America is just the world's social experiment, you -blam!- up faster than everyone else so we watch, laugh at you, and learn.
my god, it is a game and a statement made from lore in said game. This isn't some attack against whatever political ideology you are currently enamored with. This is just a well-written post concerning a cryptic character in the game with ties to a large amount of lore. Relax.
It was a joke mate. Relax.
my mistake. Carry on, have a good day.
Cheers. You too mate.
if a man mansplains mansplaining, and there's nobody around to mansplain it to, will he still use a "triggered" meme anyway?