Seriously, what....?!
Since when have owls ever been a thing? Is this another expansion, or maybe relevant to a mission?
Maybe I'm just high off my rocker and expect some underlying meaning because of all the Sombra stuff that's going on with OW, but I don't recognize anything here besides the emblem of the Vanguard.
Fam? What's going on?
Maybe Bungie are giving us a back story to SIVA. The more people that have been infected by a certain virus, the faster a back story will be given to us. It mentions Dust Palace and Clovis Bray because Clovis Bray was a research facility most likely on nano stuff (which is coincidentally when the SIVA and these 5 little infectious things are).
Error code owl [spoiler]is there even an error code owl?[/spoiler]
Maybe, the buff you have will give you a corresponding engram when ROI goes live
Lol are we trading these things now?
Need fortitude and magnificence on ps4
I am going to remain the only uninfected guardian
I don't know, but I like it.
The owls are not what they seem. ###
It's just another error code
I got mites with exotic particles. Used it with 3oC and was getting exotics after each major kill. I don't uderstand how they transfer but, i lost all my mites.
PS4 looking for Glory Fortitude And mag Anyone wanna help me out please?
Anyone want to share the love on PS4? Name same as above
All I got was "Whatever 2.9", "Mediocre 1.1" and "Foot fungus 4.6". Can't get the good ones.
Edited by RETH1NK: 9/16/2016 1:13:33 AMDid you guys even click on the red icon? BER: A few Guardians in the field report being swarmed by some kind of electronic mite. The first few after visiting the Dust Palace on Mars, but the rest from all over. SHU: How bad? BER: Fantastic, apparently. At least, that's what they're yelling over comms. Is happy shouting a medical issue? Do we take this to the Vanguard? QUI: Ikora first. The Hidden might know something. 1. Few gaurdians have been swarmed by these electronic mites (siva?) 2. Medical issue? (So guardians are being infected by the siva?) 3. The Hidden? (Who the hell are the hidden?)
I have brilliance and magnificence on xbone if you have any of the others message me and we can trade
Okay, so this is what I've got. Brilliance 3.2 Glory 2.1 Splendor 2.6 Magnificence 2.0 Fortitude 3.1 For Brilliance I got this.... [quote]Owl Sector Internal, OS-I6 1 [b]SHU[/b]: How long since we last convened? [b]QUI[/b]: I can still recall the Dawn Calamity, so not long enough. [b]BER[/b]: I've got consistent and strange reports coming in from across the system. [b]SHU[/b]: Try me. [b]BER[/b]: A few Guardians in the field report being swarmed by some kind of electronic mite. The first few after visiting the Dust Palace on Mars, but the rest from all over. [b]SHU[/b]: How bad? [b]BER[/b]: Fantastic, apparently. At least, that's what they're yelling over comms. Is happy shouting a medical issue? Do we take this to the Vanguard? [b]QUI[/b]: Ikora first. The Hidden might know something.[/quote] I got something for Magnificence as well, but I reached my character limit for posts. The rest of them were blank.
What does this mean
Anyone mind giving me some of hem? I only have brilliance 3.2
Edited by Terrell: 9/16/2016 12:30:14 AMIs there any specific way to get them? Killed a few people, but only have Splendor
Who has magnificent we have them all just need that one
Definitely the Dusk Palace is where I got the Brilliance 3.2 and Magnificent 2.0 buffs.
Uhh wat? Some people know stuff already, like "trading". Is there some other thread someone can link me to or explain here?
I have them but I have know idea what it is or how I got it
SPREAD SPLENDOR!We've almost got it decoded
How do we get these?
I have all but magnificence on ps4 add zephyranies