Seriously, what....?!
Since when have owls ever been a thing? Is this another expansion, or maybe relevant to a mission?
Maybe I'm just high off my rocker and expect some underlying meaning because of all the Sombra stuff that's going on with OW, but I don't recognize anything here besides the emblem of the Vanguard.
Fam? What's going on?
Is this what that glowing stuff I've seen on some Gaurdians at the tower was? I just assumed it was the new nightfall flames. Also, read some stuff over on the linked site. Something about Clovis Bray buildings.
Some fallen most be in the secret room people glitches into. They're bringing back the siva
So I'm on patrol on Mars. Usually you can go out to where the flayers spawn but it's been blocked off. There's two carts and canisters in the way
Detailed info here:
[Quote]And finally, we are aware of an unauthorized transmission of tech mites in the Crucible. Early reports indicate that this is resulting in increased XP gains, but we have yet to substantiate those claims.[/quote] From This Week at Bungie
I've had an idea. The Owl is the sacred Animal of Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom and War. This might seem irrelevant, but the fact that Bungie has used Ancient Greek mythological figures (Minotaurs, Hydras, Cyclopes) and even the weapon of Athena and Zeus, Aegis (VoG relic) lead me to believe that OWL is a threat assessment council / Early warning collective that functions as something in the middle between the convert reconnaissance of the Hidden and the overarching command of the Vanguard. Of course, there's no evidence, just speculation, but that's just my two cents on it.
Bum for later
Can we get this by going to hooters?
If u have a purple head message Souless_Minotaur
All you have to do is be by a person to get it just found it out while playing and getting my first group of it.
Another Owl Sector record is open. Give it a read. Sounds like this thing is a plague. Supposedly, there was a previous outbreak of these things called the Dawn Calamity. And there's a ton of references to Clovis Bray and the Dust Palace.
Apparently it's to help people rep up factions and groups quickly. I loss with no rep booster is 120 rep
Edited by Post Trombone: 9/15/2016 11:25:41 PMI don't know fam. Whatever's going on it's spreading on the map. Not to mention people have been reporting that some come from the Dust Palace aka Clovis Bray, who we think created SIVA.
Glory 2.1
alright I brought my tinfoil hat guys!!!
The websites been updated again.
It's something that some guardians are catching from the dust palace strike, in the crucible it also seems to spread.
Infection rate maybe
You can open owls records, click on red orb for a description on Brilliance!
Good vid on what is known so far
I got the Splendor 2.6 virus and I'm really confused by what's going on.
I'm guessing it is tracking the SIVA breakout. Signs are appearing. It will be updated more as we get closer to RoI. More arrow things will appear. Numbers probably mean how intense it is.
So I'm guessing these buffs people are talking about can be picked up by doing certain activities. The site has five buffs and the first mentions the dust palace. People have said that they have picked up the buff after doing the nightfall, which is the dust palace. I imagine the other 4 will become available over the next 4 days til ROI launches, although they are already implemented so people have been getting them without realising how. This is just my thoughts but seems pretty plausible.
Been updated. They are tracking infection from the dust palace
Do the 5 daily and weekly activities to get the viruses is my guess.
Is there another new threat that bungie has kept hidden? Think about it... the expansion right now isn't nearly as big as taken king. It has a lot, but maybe they knew people would be trying to figure out ROI and spoil everything a week or more before? Just a theory.